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 Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09 

Which mod is best?
Poll ended at Tue Jun 02, 2009 1:18 am
Nuclear Pumped Laser 5%  5%  [ 3 ]
Bunker Blaster 2%  2%  [ 1 ]
Zero Point Well Gun 12%  12%  [ 7 ]
The Explosive Company 7%  7%  [ 4 ]
MineField Deployer 21%  21%  [ 12 ]
Plasmagun 5%  5%  [ 3 ]
Flak Cannon & Flak Spray Cannon 7%  7%  [ 4 ]
Instability Inc. 16%  16%  [ 9 ]
Armouries Extended 7%  7%  [ 4 ]
Banana 7%  7%  [ 4 ]
Crabomb 9%  9%  [ 5 ]
Heavy Incinerator 3%  3%  [ 2 ]
Total votes : 58

 Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09 
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happy carebear mom
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Post Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
Mod Contest 05/09 - 06/09

Well here we are, at the end of our little experiment. Many members of our modding community have stepped forth and done what they do best: make ♥♥♥♥ blow up. Now it's time for all of us to pick which mod blows ♥♥♥♥ up best, brightest, and loudest.

Voter guidelines are as follows.

This contest's theme was (from the contest topic): Explosive Weapons
Anything that goes boom eventually, such as rockets, bombs, grenade launchers, mines, or nukes. To narrow things down, your weapon must be either in the weapons tab or the bombs tab (shields if you want to make dual-wieldable weapons). You need only make one weapon, but you're free to make as many as you want, if you think people will like it.
Some Thematic Guidelines: Explosive weapons should have at least some delay between firing or launching and exploding, and, well, explode. Usually this happens with chemical explosion sounds, with lots of fire, smoke, and particles. There are other types of explosions, however, from other types of explosives. If your explosive explodes into fire, smoke and particles, you're set.

Voters should decide which mod is best upon the following criteria,
-Adherence to the theme
-Visual appeal
-Aural appeal
-Coding excellence
-Presentation (some modders left the presentation to me, more about that below)
-Integration of all appeals
And of course
-Just plain fun

The voter need only place their vote up above, but if you like, you are also encouraged to post constructive criticism to the makers of one mod or another. In this way we can ensure better, funner mods in the future, which is a win-win situation for both the modder and the community.

Please download all the mods if you can, to better decide your vote.

Modders: The identity of each mod's author is meant to be anonymous until voting is over, so please do not claim your mod until the end of the voting period.

Note: Some authors, due to time constraints or technical inability, have left me to do part or all of their presentation. Mods which I created a gif or picture for are indicated with a dash next to their name (-) and mods which I created the text blurb for are indicated with an asterisk (*). Mods I did both for have both, obviously.

Now, for the actual mods.

1. Nuclear Pumped Laser -*
A volatile experimental attempt at a man-portable nuclear pumped laser; the awe inspiring wattage is somewhat overshadowed by the propensity for the undersized lasing chamber to malfunction: killing the user (as well as projecting giant beams, which, if you're lucky, will hit opponents), and also the lack of sufficiently advanced miniaturised focusing mechanisms: making for often poor and unpredictable accuracy levels.
Nuclear Pumped Laser.rte.rar [10.01 KiB]
Downloaded 452 times

2. Bunker Blaster -
the bunker blaster: plant this charge in the heart of your enemys base and run like hell, in 15 seconds the base will be filled with an inferno, scorching all units, and blasting out all doors. the shockwave and firestorm will snake through your enemys base and out the doors. this is the ultumate man portable bunker buster.
BB.rte.rar [2.21 KiB]
Downloaded 509 times

3. Zero Point Well Gun
Seriously though, this gun works amazingly, it rips off dropship engines, and pulls off peoples heads. and blows up you can even shoot a black hole INTO a black hole to make it explode TWICE, and unlike regular black hole guns that seem shallow and superficial, MY black hole gun gives you exactly what you want when you want it without asking questions. wait, wat
ZPW Gun.rte.rar [326.02 KiB]
Downloaded 649 times

4. The Explosive Company -
The mod has a weapon and two bombs:
The weapon is called EX laser. Of course, one might ask: what is a laser doing in an explosive mod? The answer is that this is not one of those puny lasers you see around. Try shooting at a wall with it. Nothing happens. Shoot at one of your own actors. Nothing happens. Shoot at an enemy. The enemy blows up instantly! Included, are also the Atomic Mushroom, a tribute to Super Mario. And the Area Blast, that generates a series of explosions that go outwards, but don't release the fire button!
TEC.rte.rar [16.42 KiB]
Downloaded 504 times

5. MineField Deployer
MineField Deployer

Basically it fires many mines, which are weak alone but strong
together, at a rapid rate, and they stick to where ever they land.

The first shot of the weapon is an activator, while the rest are the bombs.
It isn't the last shot because you don't want to accidentally set off the bombs, do you?

Anyway, here's a .gif of it's basic functionality: (below)

You can probably be a lot more tactical in where you place your bombs.
(Ceilings, Walls, Floors, all three etc.)


ManyBom.rte.rar [6.05 KiB]
Downloaded 547 times

6. Plasmagun
This weapon fires unstable containers of glowy superheated plasma. The destruction caused by such projectiles is very unpredictable, as the plasmaballs may bounce right at the face of the user when it hits something. The containers grow hotter and hotter after they are fired and release a burst of energy every few seconds to avoid large-scale explosions. The sound caused by firing this device is also quite interesting because of the many safety measures used to make the gun not explode.
Plasmagun.rte.rar [208.17 KiB]
Downloaded 449 times

7. Flak Cannon & Flak Spray Cannon
A pair of high powered anti air Flak weapons, virtually useless against infantry, Extremely lethal against craft.

The Flak Cannon:
Shoots a spray of highly explosive shells that explode after a short random delay will fly through actors and craft and then randomly detonate in mid air.

The Flak Spread Cannon:
Shoots a shell that sprays shorter fused versions of The Flak Cannon's shots for a short while before exploding.
Flak.rte.rar [9.61 KiB]
Downloaded 386 times

8. Instability Inc. -*
Instability Inc.: Devoted to Destruction!
With such weapons as the Incendiary Mini-Rocket Launcher (IMRL) and Infusion AutoRifle (IAR), you can't go wrong. Point and shoot simplicity, great gobs of fire satisfaction!
Instability.rte.rar [245.01 KiB]
Downloaded 425 times

9. Armouries Extended
XM-112a Special Issue Anti-Materiel Sniper Rifle; "Overkill"

Coalition variant: "Anti-Materiel Sniper Rifle"
Standard Coalition Green colour scheme
Cost: 145oz (not including delivery)
Action: Silent Bolt Action
Round: 20x110mm HEIDS (High Explosive Incendiary delivered via fin stabilised Discarding Sabot)
Magazine: Three round capacity

The XM-112a shoots a round which detonates on contact with a target, sending a shaped charge-esque pattern of shrapnel forward. This feature makes it effective against moderately armoured and/or shielded enemies, as well as dropships and rockets.
Its lack of ammo, long cocking and reloading times in addition to the weight make it unwieldy in CQC.
AMR.rte.rar [267.53 KiB]
Downloaded 511 times

10. Banana
Here's my submission, something that harks back to my pre-CC obsession... the banana from Worms World Party. Quite some work to make it act just as expected when you throw one in Worms... just maybe less bouncy... but I ensure you that it's gonna rape terrain. HARD.
Splodeydope.rte.rar [6.92 KiB]
Downloaded 384 times

11. Crabomb -
The gas emitting crab bomb will release a robotic crab that will begin emit a thick, brown and highly flammable gas. After a few seconds the crab will explode, setting off the gas and causing huge damage to anything that hasn't gotten the hell out of the way!
Crabomb.rte.rar [25.56 KiB]
Downloaded 400 times

12. Heavy Incinerator -
Ever felt like annihilating an enemy from a distance, but with more fire than some impersonal rocket launcher? WELL NOW YOU CAN.
HI.rte.rar [4.36 KiB]
Downloaded 394 times

Once again, vote fairly and honestly, and may the best mod win.

Tue May 26, 2009 1:18 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
Yay! :grin:

So many things too play with, so little time. :grin:

first post!

are we modders who entered allowed to vote if its anothers submission?

Tue May 26, 2009 1:26 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
Everyone is allowed to vote, it'd be stupid otherwise.

You could, of course, vote for yourself, but that's hardly sportsmanlike.

Tue May 26, 2009 1:45 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
Flak.rte didn't work on an unedited b23 copy.

By the way everyone who made a new buy group for their entry just lost a point from me.
Still testing...

The nuke is impressively random...
BB doesn't look or sound too good, but I really like the clothesline effect on the lasting particles...
Zero G thing is pretty cool...
TEC looks awesome from the visible and buyable device warning things, and the laser is seemingly random, with a laser that shoots perfectly straight, so that's screwy. The bomb's warnings are kinda screwy. The shroom has a kinda cool explosion though...
The minefield layer thing is good, but pins itself in the air too much and has a disappointing lack of proximity self destruct.
I'm not done yet but I think the plasma ball thing is the best yet, very nice all around.
Flak is disqualified in my book because I can't be bothered to fix it, but anti air does sound good, so I might go back at the end and give it a chance.
Instability Inc is definitely a contender to the plasmagun, it's a bunch of fun, and has a good look to it.
Antimat rifle is a very good sniper, but has a disappointing lack of consistency in it's effects going through terrain.
Banana, clusters, double clusters, ehh.
Crab Bomb has a very nice looking crab, but the bomb looks crappy, the explosion is mediocre, and the gameplay element of the crab isn't significant, it more or less works out to be a timed grenade that flops around for a little while.
Heavy Incinerator, ehh, mediocre autocannon.

Last edited by Azukki on Tue May 26, 2009 3:54 am, edited 12 times in total.

Tue May 26, 2009 1:49 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
Grif wrote:
Everyone is allowed to vote, it'd be stupid otherwise.

You could, of course, vote for yourself, but that's hardly sportsmanlike.

Ive been sportsmenlike :grin:

Tue May 26, 2009 1:54 am
happy carebear mom
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
Azukki wrote:

In a way, I think the mod disqualified itself. In all reality, who will vote for a mod that doesn't work straight out of the box?
I don't think the mod directly breaks any rules, as the modder did not intend the user to modify their game folder, only accidentally.
This falls under Coding Excellence, or rather, lack of testing. I suppose this is somewhat my fault, as I did not specifically state that I would accept re-submissions to fix errors due to b23 coming out.
I'm on the fence as to whether I should fix it and re-release it or not, but I'm leaning toward not because voting has already started.

Tue May 26, 2009 2:11 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
This is a fairly long post because I talk about all of them.

I have not yet tested or compared them yet, other than what was given in the OP. I have not yet tested functionality of any but my own. I have voted because of the pure awesome of how one of them seems to work from its gif, although I have a feeling it used lua. I will be personally checking the ini's for refferences to any vanillia lua, namely the C4.

Based on what comes after this point you will see What I think of the mod, and what I would and would not have DLed outside of the contest. Anything that wouldn't have gotten a DL would therefor automatically lose.

At a glance the only mods that look like the full amount of effort and planning went into them are:
The mine field deployer, the new Flak Cannon(s), and the Anti-Material Rifle.

The Nuclear Pumped Laser: From the gif, the majority of the particles backfire. to get the most effective shot, you would have to aim so that the back of your head is pointed at your foe's feet. Also suiside weapons suck. The only thing in the gif that looks nice is the center of the explosion that has that nice hourglass effect.

Bunker Blaster: It practically won a mission in 1 shot. Overpowered. Uses a default glow that is unfortunately rather ugly when it's used that way.

Zero Point Gravity well gun: Shouldn't that have been called a black hole gun. when I hear zero-point-something-gun, I think of the gravity gun from HalfLife 2. They didn't even include a screencap, they just drew some ♥♥♥♥. Its funny as hell, and I love how it uses the Null pink in the background of the drawing of the gun. but From whats shown you only have the creators words that it even works. Normally I'd be afraid do townload something like that. but this is a contest and if I download 1 and test it, I might as well DL all of them... which means crap I'm gonna hve to download that freaking laser.

The Explosive Company: Nice gif, It is an honest to god attempt at making a semi-volumetric explosion. Explosives launching explosives launching explosives, up and out. If only they wheren't all TDE's that brief moment of displaying the instance names is ugly as hell. It looks overpowered, but at least its contained to a small-ish area for its damage. I might have DLed this one outside of the contest, if only to tweak it, balance it, and use the design to make a better one.

Mine Field Deployer: This one looks like it uses lua. it seems suspicious to me. Why? It has an activator round. If I didn't know any better the author just made the blue balls 'blue C4' and the deployer round sits there for a moment, and then uses the Blue C4 Detonaitor script. Sure it's not making new Lua, but it would still be using Lua in a non-lua competition. I strongly suggest that everyone reads all the code, or at least searches the files for refferences to anything in the color-coded C4 in the vanilla content. If it does use any lua, I think it should be disqualified. However, Despite possibly making use of lua, this looks like one of the best mods on this list. It looks to have FANTASTIC functionality, usefull as all hell, and damn well thought out.

Plasma Gun: You remember when in the other thread I said that We'd be able to recognise scertain individual's moding techniques and know who made what? Case in point. I'd place money on this being ****** -- Name not posted because if its announced who made what, it destroys the fact that this is anonymous and thus 'unbiased' but I could potentially be wrong anyway, it could be insane, overpowered, crazy-ivan, Blue Glow Rape that someone else made.

Flak Cannon & Flack Spray Cannon:

I think I just shat myself. Did I read that correctly? Flak that functions like actuall honest to god, realistic flak. you know, it fires a shot, that pops into a bunch of airborn pellets, that then after that explode AGAIN into billions of tiney pieces? you know, surround the dropships/planes in little explosive balls, and then fill them with shrapnell and smoke that blinds, blocks the air intake, and tears appart the wings/engines. Is this Honestly What this does?! Holy Living Fudge YES! as far as moding ablitly goes, this is semi-advanced. The fact that its realistic flak and therefor more usefull than the vanilla flak cannon, would have made this one of the best mods on this list, except that its sort of ugly and looks like 100% of the time was on code, and the sprite had no thought, reason, or method behind it. the only reason I rate the mine field deployer higher, is because It was so damn cool, and more flexible for its use. you can use it in a bunker, you don't want to be in a closed space for flak however, thats suicide, and on the list of stupid.

Instability Inc: Next to no description, the sprite doesn't look like anything special. I wouldn't download this, even if the author wanted me to beta-test it. this would need a way better sprite and to have at least a shot of it firing cropped in to make me consider DLing... But again its a contest. If I DL and test 1, I will need to DL them all.

Armouries Extended - Anti Material Rifle: Honest to god HEAP Rounds? In My CC?. A Sprite that matches vanilla content because it was either made by cut/paste/zombying vanilla content or was made by a content developer? Honestly this one has my DL anyway now that I think about it. I want an anti-material rifle, that is awesome. its so simple, its subtle, and it doesn't look like an attempt to cram a nuke into a bullet. this gun, Flak, and possibly the ZPGW (depending on how overpowered it is) look as if the most thought went into making a blananced, well rounded weapon. This one also makes me all kinds of happy.

Banana: Really? you actualyl went there? you've been talking about making worms weapons for a while, its cliche'd and over-done, played to death from worms, liero, and saturday morning cartoons. not to mention I think monty python had an exploding fruit skit, and a 'how to defend yourself against a man armed with only a banana'.
I don't care if it works EXACTLY Like the one in worms. Yes its a joke, its good for a laugh ONCE. This weapon is worth exactly ONE laugh, and it got that laugh in Worms World Party. It stopped being funny after the first time it exploded.

Crab Bomb : Considering its brown flabalbe gas are you sure it wasn't supposed to be crap-bomb? the gas looks sort of ugly like the MS Paint spraycan, and the explosion looks like you just coppied the pinable grenade. it might be amusing to some, it would probably be a riot in 3d, or in worms (wasn't there like a sunk or something that poisoned everyone? then exploded?). I'll give you points for origionality, and deffinately knowing how to make a strong blast, looks quite concussive actually. but I wouldn't DL it unless someone I know DLed and was impressed.

Heavy Incinerator: Do I even need to say anything? it shoots poorly planed explody death, its an instant kill (one ball killed that dummy out right)... Honestly this screams of the way a troll would think. part of me thinks that either this, or instability inc was grif, purely because they both have that feeling of "I don't like you. Die... ha ha, fragged" that trolls seem to take all the time, and grif just drips like... well I'd rather not say, but I'm fairly certain one of these 2 is grif. because I dont know which, saying his name won't mean jack.

So in short, the anti-material rifle, and flak are tied for first, and if it didn't use existing lua, the mine field deployer also gets that place in my mind. Followed by the plasma gun and exposive company followed in 2nd, the ZPWG might fall under that list as well depending on its quality.

3rd place I give to the bunker blaster. the only clear cut level of an attempt at looking nice.

honorable mention to bananas and crab-bomb for the apparent attempt at making us lol. also if the ZPWG isn't quite up to par it is also sort of honorable mention for trying to be unique, being the only thing that doesn't just explode, and not relying on a screencap for a visual. I actually lolled at it 3 times because of those damn comic panels.

Tue May 26, 2009 2:23 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
How in god's name can you think the mine field deployer used Lua? Do you not see it SHOOT BULLETS in the beginning of the GIF?

ITT pinned mosrs that gib are REVOLUTIONARY LUA

A++ miles

Heavy Incinerator: Do I even need to say anything? it shoots poorly planed explody death, its an instant kill (one ball killed that dummy out right)... Honestly this screams of the way a troll would think. part of me thinks that either this, or instability inc was grif, purely because they both have that feeling of "I don't like you. Die... ha ha, fragged" that trolls seem to take all the time, and grif just drips like... well I'd rather not say, but I'm fairly certain one of these 2 is grif. because I dont know which, saying his name won't mean jack.

I am laughing for days at this

Tue May 26, 2009 2:27 am
happy carebear mom
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
Miles_T3hR4t wrote:
long long post

No, no, feel free to conjecture, I'm having so much fun knowing who you're insulting and complimenting :D

Tue May 26, 2009 2:32 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
7. Flak Cannon & Flak Spray Cannon

zalo is a terrible mod made this

I just thought I'd let everyone know

Last edited by Daman on Wed May 27, 2009 5:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue May 26, 2009 2:34 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
I picked, Instability Inc, I love the Fire Burst.

Adherence: Great
Sight: Excellent
Hear: Great
Code: Excellent
Novelty: Great
Presentation: Poor
Appeals: Excellent

Fun: Addicted

Tue May 26, 2009 2:40 am
happy carebear mom
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
Foa wrote:
Presentation: Poor

Hear that modders? Don't rely on me for presentation. Apparently I suck at it.

Tue May 26, 2009 2:43 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
1. At least it's got a halfway decent if ♥♥♥♥ gargantuan sprite. Poor effects though.

2. I don't think I can say anything more about this than will be said in future discusion. Holy ♥♥♥♥ it's ugly though.

3. Looks pretty unoriginal and stagnant.

4. At the very least decently made, though unoriginal explosion effects.

5. Sup dude. Holy god it's got his name written all over it.


7. JPG compression a screenshot. I don't even need to say anything else.

8. Looks generic as hell.

9. Wow sure is modified base.rte sprites in here. Also looks pretty generic, and trying way too hard to be SUPERCOOL KNOWS ABOUT GUNS LOL

10. Ugh.

11. Looks like a decent idea executed decently.

12. Bad sprite in a bad package with bad effects.

Tue May 26, 2009 2:49 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
How in the world is that thing winning?
Plasmagun is the obvious choice, although the dual barrel single shot spin up incendiary blunderbuss is pretty cool too.

Then again I'm probably the only person that even DLed them all.

Last edited by Azukki on Tue May 26, 2009 4:01 am, edited 2 times in total.

Tue May 26, 2009 3:58 am

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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
I like Number 5 because you can build pretty castles out of bombs.

Tue May 26, 2009 4:00 am
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