Lua Guns - last update: 31.08.09
Multi-Purpose Drone: A tiny, useful drone that can do all the boring and tedious chores you can imagine. Ordered via the buy menu, it comes with whatever is loaded in it's inventory. It has a few tools in the Tools section of the buy menu.

Big credits to Roon3 and Kyred for the grapple gun I used to make the transport hook for this, and The Decaying Soldat for the idea for the drone. Credits to Stophe for a little code edit for the grapple gun which I used too.
Vortex Gun: Creates a temporary strong gravity field that sucks in enemy actors and particles. Leaves player actors unharmed. This can get pretty laggy if a lot of enemies get sucked into it.
LRM-Launcher: Shoots a homing missile with a camera and a remote control module, allowing it to be manually steered in the air. Controls: Up adds speed, Down reduces speed, Left turns left, Right turns right, if mousecontrolling, pie menu toggles autopilot, if on keyboard, sharpaim toggles autopilot.
Swarmer: Launches a large number of homing minimissiles
Vortex Missile: Vortex generator mounted in a homing missile. Causes anything close by implode when the missile goes off.
Gun Drones: These drones are little drop ships fitted with a small turret underneath them. The combat variant has a revolver cannon, a chaingun and a missile launcher. The support drone has a digger, a healer device and a sniper rifle.
Teleport nade launcher: Fires a teleportation grenade which teleports the user to it's location. Activates when the second shot is fired.
Instagib Pistol: Shoots homing bullets that completely and utterly destroy anything they hit.
Force Pistol: A modification of the instagib pistol, this shoots bullets that push anything they hit with extra force.
Force shield deployer: A single-use device which creates a regenerating, protective force field around the user.
Reflector shield deployer: Creates a force field which reflects any bullets back at the people who shot them.
Quantum shield deployer: A force field, which randomly teleports any actors and bullets moving towards the shooter, is generated around the user.
Stinger cannon: Shoots small, sticky explosive devices that blow up 5 seconds after attaching.
Harpoon gun with physics: A harpoon gun that shoots big, sharp harpoons that stick to people and drain their hp. Originally made by numgun, I just added physics to the .lua.
Miner: This handy little device deploys invisible mines that jump in the air and detonate whenever someone comes close. Ignores friendlies.