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 \\\Lua Grenade Technologies///-Update 5/22/09 
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Post \\\Lua Grenade Technologies///-Update 5/22/09
Lua Grenade Technologies

Okay, so this is a pack of simle lua greandes that are quite fun, and ive made them according to requests.


Numero Uno: Death Bomb ( i know bad name, give suggestions) Kills anyone on other team within a certain radius; radius is changeable here in there code:
if dist < 250 then

250 = 250 pixels. change that to whatever you feel fits. Also got rid of the trail, cuz it killed the actor sometimes.


Number Two: The Zombie Killer for suggestions (again, bad name) kills all zombies/skeletons on the field, but cannot harm anyone else at all. (unlees the gibs from the zombies crush you, which isnt likely.


Number Three: The EMP ( i think this name is ok.) Kills all robots ( including brain units, but not brains.) Cureently does not destroy dropships, but just say if you want it to. Kill robots, dreadnoughts, and dummies.

***EMP now disrupts all dropships and makes actors fall over instead of gibbing


Number Four: (For kallemort) The plague. Instantly kills all emeny units on the map without gibbing them. They just fall down and die. Thats it. :D


Bomb 5: The Equipper This is very useful, and id say very helpful. It equips all actors on your team with a mauler shotgun, but if you want a different weapon, or many weapons, change the code here:
actor:AddInventoryItem(CreateHDFirearm("Mauler Shotgun"))
At mauler shotgun, put your new weapon you want there, or add another if you want, but make sure it looks like this with quotes around each weapon.

actor:AddInventoryItem(CreateHDFirearm("Mauler Shotgun", "Bazooka"))

If you want grenades, replace HDFireArm with TDExplosive.


Grenade 6: The Crab Bomb(as suggested by others) This turns every single enemy into a crab :D
Another word of advice: If you want it to turn into another actor, change two variables:
local part = CreateACrab("Crab");
replace acrab with the class you want, and crab with the actor you want.


Bomb 7: The HP Bomb This bomb, as requested by numgun, restores all of the actors on your team to 100 hp. However, this does not take away their wounds.


Keep the suggestions coming :)

Edit: if you want no glow really bad, say so, and i can just upload a version 2 with no glow in it.

Edit2: : Made it, as requested by numgun, to kill actors within a radius.

Edit3: Update 3 new nades :)

Edit4: Update 3 more new nades

Edit5: Fix'd EMP to actually work.

Creds: azukki's for his templates, and all people who are contributing for ideas :) . Also, major creds to daman, cuz without him, i wouldnt have been able to code any of this. He taught me most all of what i know. Thanks daman! :)


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Last edited by Mind on Sat May 23, 2009 3:21 am, edited 12 times in total.

Thu May 21, 2009 1:06 am
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Post Re: ----Neat-o Bomb-----
Lemme get this straight, you mean say red teams actor dies and green picks up the grenade and uses it, only red will die ?_?

Thu May 21, 2009 1:13 am
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Post Re: ----Neat-o Bomb-----
Konn wrote:
Lemme get this straight, you mean say red teams actor dies and green picks up the grenade and uses it, only red will die ?_?

The team that uses the bomb will not be harmed. The whole team that is not on the user's team will gib instantly with no particle lag. :)

Thu May 21, 2009 1:14 am

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Post Re: ----Neat-o Bomb-----
Heh, pretty overkill I say.

Thu May 21, 2009 1:15 am
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Post Re: ----Neat-o Bomb-----
I would assume, guess the only way to know is to try it. I can see the bomb just affecting green no matter what though

Thu May 21, 2009 1:15 am
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Post Re: ----Neat-o Bomb-----
numgun wrote:
Heh, pretty overkill I say.

Well, i dont know. It was not a very painstaking mod. Took 1 hour total to make, and i decided some people might like it. Obviously you dont. That's okay, so this must not be for you :)

Thu May 21, 2009 1:16 am

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Post Re: ----Neat-o Bomb-----
It should use the same lua as a homing missile to identify who used it.

So if you threw it at point blank it might mess up.

Thu May 21, 2009 1:17 am
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Post Re: ----Neat-o Bomb-----
voran wrote:
I would assume, guess the only way to know is to try it. I can see the bomb just affecting green no matter what though

Oh....youre right. Oh well, this is my first lua mod, so something has to be wrong with it :)

Thu May 21, 2009 1:19 am
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Post Re: ----Neat-o Bomb-----
The Mind wrote:
voran wrote:
I would assume, guess the only way to know is to try it. I can see the bomb just affecting green no matter what though

Oh....youre right. Oh well, this is my first lua mod, so something has to be wrong with it :)

No problem though, I can't do any lua at all, and this is still pretty cool. I'd just keep one in a storage crate or something though, as a last resort. otherwise it would unbalance the game ha.

Thu May 21, 2009 1:24 am
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Post Re: ----Neat-o Bomb-----
voran wrote:
The Mind wrote:
voran wrote:
I would assume, guess the only way to know is to try it. I can see the bomb just affecting green no matter what though

Oh....youre right. Oh well, this is my first lua mod, so something has to be wrong with it :)

No problem though, I can't do any lua at all, and this is still pretty cool. I'd just keep one in a storage crate or something though, as a last resort. otherwise it would unbalance the game ha.

Yeah, im gonna try to make a smaller one that kills actors within a certain radius.

Thu May 21, 2009 1:25 am
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Post Re: ----Neat-o Bomb-----
Sounds like a bio-bomb, except for the not kill your team, and kill robots thing...

Thu May 21, 2009 1:31 am
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Post Re: ----Neat-o Bomb-----
nnninja wrote:
Sounds like a bio-bomb, except for the not kill your team, and kill robots thing...

I could make one that doesnt kill certain actors if you wanted :)

Thu May 21, 2009 1:32 am
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Post Re: ----Neat-o Bomb-----
The Mind wrote:
nnninja wrote:
Sounds like a bio-bomb, except for the not kill your team, and kill robots thing...

I could make one that doesnt kill certain actors if you wanted :)

If you did that, you should make it affect both teams. Such as a bomb that kills all organics on the map, or a giant emp bomb that disables all robots.

Thu May 21, 2009 1:34 am
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Post Re: ----Neat-o Bomb-----
Updated to change to so you can choose what radius you want it to affect, and removed glow trail, because it caused actor on dropships to die sometimes. Post any other requests you have.

Thu May 21, 2009 1:41 am
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Post Re: ----Neat-o Bomb-----
Sorry for the stupid Q (And yeah I know I should test it to find out but surprisingly for once im actually busy)

EDIT - BTW Yeah I do like the nade (Just for when being swarmed)

Thu May 21, 2009 1:55 am
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