Robots n' marines the mod that ran out of gas.
A mod i worked on for a few weeks with a friend, gave up, he got nothing done (well i think like one weapon)
This pack consists of:
MC (master chief)
Trade robot
Heavy Trade robot
Robot Assassin
Assault rifle
50 Cal rifle
Magnum Pistol
8 Gauge shotgun
Just a basic marine, cheap, similar to a light soldier
Like a marine, but a bit stronger and faster, his helmet covers more of his head so he does not get boomheadshotted
The one and only master chief, hes got an energy shield (well, kinda, just deal with it)
Hes fast and VERY well armored with a good amount of HP
Trade Robot:
Basic robot, gets owned offen, not much there, cheap
Heavy Trade Robot:
Some armor, fast fast fast, stronger than a regular one, expensive.
Robot Assassin:
UBER fast and expensive, slightly armored, lots of HP.
Assault rifle:
generally good weapon, fast rate of fire, accurate, large mag size, cheap.
Sniper rifle:
VERY powerful, 1 hit basically anywhere on a soldier, slow reload rate, slow rate of fire
Good at short range, terrain rape (not sure what happened)
WAY WAY WAY overpowered, cheap, accurate (don't blame me...)
Sorry that this is a slightly incomplete mod.
I hope you all enjoy my hard work, and please PLEASE don't bother me about the re-colors
I know what i did wrong...
File comment: v0.6 of robots n' marines
WIP.rte.zip [918.7 KiB]
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