Yeah so it's a plane.
Keybinding is NON SPECIFIC! This will work for any region on any control config; just use fire and sharpaim for your weaponry, and U/D/L/R for movement and throttle. -now true for everything, mouse users can use the buy menu key
Don't crash into ground at low speeds. It's a bug I need to work on. - fixed
Don't get hit by high mass or high velocity ♥♥♥♥, it tends to throw off flying, which can be good for realism but bad for flying.
Yes, the offsets are bad. Try and find where they even are in the code, and if you succeed at that I'll let you try to fix them. Believe me, I've been at that for a while.
SFX isn't great, but it's decent. So sue me.
It's not quite impossible, but it is damn hard to auto scuttle. Just don't fly upside down for a really long time and you'll be just fine.
The plane is entirely capable of going through bunker bits if given adequate turning room (and sufficient pilot skill).
DO NOT DO NOT EXPECT THIS TO FUNCTION AS A CARGO CARRIER. It has no doors; you're just wasting your money. Unless you load it with bombs, in which case you'll end up with an even more satisfying kamikaze explosion.
It's really damn fun to play with, if I do say so myself.
GIFs in epic moments thread courtesy of p3lb0x.
ThunderToes for spriting gibs
The Mind for technically providing the .rte basis (not that I used any of his code)
TheLastBanana and Daman for some lua help
Mail2345 for various lua help, esp. ground crashing
edit: well specifically the gifs p3lb0x provided (as well as one of my own) (note: these are all outdated weapon effects, it looks much much better now)
http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/7869/bombingrun.gifhttp://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd64 ... inglul.gifhttp://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd64 ... /Plain.gifhttp://filesmelt.com/Imagehosting/pics/ ... 009e42.gif