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 Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09 

Which mod is best?
Poll ended at Tue Jun 02, 2009 1:18 am
Nuclear Pumped Laser 5%  5%  [ 3 ]
Bunker Blaster 2%  2%  [ 1 ]
Zero Point Well Gun 12%  12%  [ 7 ]
The Explosive Company 7%  7%  [ 4 ]
MineField Deployer 21%  21%  [ 12 ]
Plasmagun 5%  5%  [ 3 ]
Flak Cannon & Flak Spray Cannon 7%  7%  [ 4 ]
Instability Inc. 16%  16%  [ 9 ]
Armouries Extended 7%  7%  [ 4 ]
Banana 7%  7%  [ 4 ]
Crabomb 9%  9%  [ 5 ]
Heavy Incinerator 3%  3%  [ 2 ]
Total votes : 58

 Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09 
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
You do realize that flak is just explosive cannon rounds that explode at a generic altitude range, right?

AKA a single roughly 2x grenade size explosion with some puffs of black smoke and sharpnel all over the place. No ♥♥♥♥ cluster bombs; it's not a firework.

Wed May 27, 2009 5:52 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
Grif wrote:
You do realize that flak is just explosive cannon rounds that explode at a generic altitude range, right?

AKA a single roughly 2x grenade size explosion with some puffs of black smoke and sharpnel all over the place. No ♥♥♥♥ cluster bombs; it's not a firework.

Okay. I've done a bit more research, and I was wrong. Old flak is in fact just an explosion. years ago people got the idea to make flak as multi-stage (IE the way I described) and it was tested, it worked, but it was not cost effective and therefor isn't used. For some reason it stuck in my head because it actually works. its just damn expensive. but that doesn't make a damn bit of difference, I'm still going to make that freaking mod.

Also most flak cannons are just big auto-cannons. and CC's auto cannon does suck against infantry, and work damn well on dropships.

Wed May 27, 2009 10:14 am
Profile YIM WWW
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
Yes see the problem with flak is we invented these things called missiles that go several times the speed of sound, adjust in flight and work a hell of a lot better on target going upwards of 2000 miles per hour.

Wed May 27, 2009 3:09 pm
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
Grif wrote:
Yes see the problem with flak is we invented these things called missiles that go several times the speed of sound, adjust in flight and work a hell of a lot better on target going upwards of 2000 miles per hour.

we're also developing these things called Rail Guns. We actually do have them, there huge, but they can fire a 7 pound slug at 11,500 feet per second, thats past mach 7. that suggests we could go in reverse and return to flak.

Wed May 27, 2009 10:46 pm
Profile YIM WWW

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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
No, that suggests we need to make guns that shoot bullets so fast,
and gets so hot, that it produces a self sustaining combustion of the atmosphere itself.

Also, Rail guns shoot stuff to the moon, or into orbit. Not at things.
(Unless you wanted to completely obliterate a tank from the other side of the world).

That'd be a cool mod.

Also, I'm surprised at how few people are voting, considering how many people visit DRL.

Wed May 27, 2009 11:11 pm
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09

Railgun in testing, for reference for that coming mod from Zalo.


I voted for the minelayer thing, it looked quite awesome and was a nice use of Lua.

Last edited by HappyBirthday on Thu May 28, 2009 12:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed May 27, 2009 11:25 pm
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
You best be trollin', son.

Alright fine so here we go let's go over this real slow like.

1: Lua was not allowed.
2: Zalo would not break rules.
3: It's rather obviously a detonation system based on BULLETS, especially seeing as how you can SEE SHOTS COME OUT OF THE GUN in the gif.

Thu May 28, 2009 12:01 am

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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
Grif wrote:
You best be trollin', son.

Alright fine so here we go let's go over this real slow like.

1: Lua was not allowed.
2: Zalo would not break rules.
3: It's rather obviously a detonation system based on BULLETS, especially seeing as how you can SEE SHOTS COME OUT OF THE GUN in the gif.


Thanks for pointing that out, now I feel like more of a retard than I already do.

Thu May 28, 2009 12:21 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
I think the obvious two contesters are the crab bomb and instability inc. However the laser array shotgun made me chose the crab bomb :P

Heh! well I am surprised at the poll results...

Thu May 28, 2009 12:27 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
zalo wrote:
(Unless you wanted to completely obliterate a tank from the other side of the world).

I think they go too fast to actually do much collateral damage. It ends up being like shooting a needle through a piece of paper. You get a nice, clean hole straight through, but unless you hit something vital dead on it won't do a whole lot of damage.

robolee wrote:
Heh! well I am surprised at the poll results...

I was somewhat too. I think everybody voted for the minelayer before actually trying it out. While not pretty, there are some decently fun mods in the mix there. I was torn between the plasmagun (for the bouncing plasma bits) and the crab bomb (it's a walking bomb, what's not to like?!). The crab bomb won out though, I just found it a little more enjoyable to throw out and watch.

Thu May 28, 2009 12:59 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
zalo wrote:
No, that suggests we need to make guns that shoot bullets so fast,
and gets so hot, that it produces a self sustaining combustion of the atmosphere itself.

Also, Rail guns shoot stuff to the moon, or into orbit. Not at things.
(Unless you wanted to completely obliterate a tank from the other side of the world).

Um... no... Nothing can cause a self sustained burning atmosphere. we've had things hotter than the surface of the sun. O3 AKA Ozone, burns at a lower temperature than its ignition temperature. it can't happen.

Secondly that railgun that fires at mach 7... no, 440 nautical miles, thats far from obliterating a tank from around the world. maybe across the state of ohio, and you have to think, moving targets. do some research on railguns before you say it can't be done, or that you'll ignite the atmosphere. they had that same fear with developing the atom bomb, which generates WAY more energy.

On topic, How did a gun that hasn't even got a new sprite win?! it's not even good!

Thu May 28, 2009 3:00 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
Miles_T3hR4t wrote:
On topic, How did a gun that hasn't even got a new sprite win?! it's not even good!

It's all about catering to your user and presentation. That's how B.Mays makes his money, selling you products you didn't even know you had a need for.

Thu May 28, 2009 3:03 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
Duh102 wrote:
Miles_T3hR4t wrote:
On topic, How did a gun that hasn't even got a new sprite win?! it's not even good!

It's all about catering to your user and presentation. That's how B.Mays makes his money, selling you products you didn't even know you had a need for.

billy mays can eat a ♥♥♥♥.

Thu May 28, 2009 3:04 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
Miles_T3hR4t wrote:
we're also developing these things called Rail Guns. We actually do have them, there huge, but they can fire a 7 pound slug at 11,500 feet per second, thats past mach 7. that suggests we could go in reverse and return to flak.

Man you know what else we STILL have?


It's a hell of a lot easier to aim a missile than a railgun. How would you put something the size of a semi truck on, say, a turret, and then expect it to move fast enough to take out a decent number of targets?

See, it'd actually have to be significantly better than missiles to work, and since missiles get you roughly 2 shots to 1 kill or so, that means you're going to have to be firing a hell of a lot faster than any current or near future railgun, with pinpoint precision and a whole SHITTON of energy.

Thu May 28, 2009 3:41 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
Please shut the ♥♥♥♥ up about missiles vs. rail guns. This is the mod contest thread not the Grif vs. Miles thread.

Thu May 28, 2009 4:16 am
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