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 \\\Lua Grenade Technologies///-Update 5/22/09 
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Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: \\\Lua Grenade Technologies///-Update 5/22/09
Lets see if you can make a Time Bomb.

When it explodes, it moderatley slows down time for 10 seconds, and the nearest five people glow white, and die ( no gibing ) .

Sat May 23, 2009 4:02 am
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Post Re: \\\Lua Grenade Technologies///-Update 5/22/09
Foa wrote:
Lets see if you can make a Time Bomb.

When it explodes, it moderatley slows down time for 10 seconds, and the nearest five people glow white, and die ( no gibing ) .

That sounds kinda pointless though... I might try it anyways :) But seriously, why would i bother including the nearest five people glow white and die? I can do that prolly, but there is absolutely no point. Its too specfic. :P

Idk, who knows, maybe i will put it in the next update.

Sat May 23, 2009 4:11 am
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Post Re: \\\Lua Grenade Technologies///-Update 5/22/09
You should make all the actors spawned by the bombs Buyable = 0, so they don't show up in the buy menu.

Sat May 23, 2009 4:22 am
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Post Re: \\\Lua Grenade Technologies///-Update 5/22/09
You know what, make a wing clipper, it disables the crafts ability to fly.

Boom > Craft fall out of the sky > They most likely Scuttle

Sat May 23, 2009 4:29 am
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Post Re: \\\Lua Grenade Technologies///-Update 5/22/09
whitty wrote:
You should make all the actors spawned by the bombs Buyable = 0, so they don't show up in the buy menu.

Wow, my bad. Will fix soon.

@Foa: okay, will try it.

Sat May 23, 2009 5:03 am
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Post Re: \\\Lua Grenade Technologies///-Update 5/22/09
Even though half of the weapons are super overpower, some of them are really useful.

Sat May 23, 2009 11:26 am

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Post Re: \\\Lua Grenade Technologies///-Update 5/22/09
EMP+Dummy Assault Mission.= R :D FLMAO!

Sat May 23, 2009 11:28 am

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Post Re: \\\Lua Grenade Technologies///-Update 5/22/09
MAke a grenade that, upon impact, makes a thin ring about 4 pixels wide and a diameter of just over the hight of a clone which deflects (Flip x and y of volocity) anything coming form outside it, if an enemy passes through the ring it hurts them a bit but when they are inside it does not affect them and you can shoot from inside to outside. Bonus points if the ring has a growing animation really fast from the grenade to its full size.

Sun May 24, 2009 5:54 pm
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Post Re: \\\Lua Grenade Technologies///-Update 5/22/09
I used your modified Lua script for making EMP Blaster (It's in Mod Making). Hope you don't mind.

Sun May 24, 2009 6:58 pm
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Post Re: \\\Lua Grenade Technologies///-Update 5/22/09
Noobos wrote:
I used your modified Lua script for making EMP Blaster (It's in Mod Making). Hope you don't mind.

Im sorry, its not okay. You really need to ask before you do stuff like that.

alfie275 wrote:
MAke a grenade that, upon impact, makes a thin ring about 4 pixels wide and a diameter of just over the hight of a clone which deflects (Flip x and y of volocity) anything coming form outside it, if an enemy passes through the ring it hurts them a bit but when they are inside it does not affect them and you can shoot from inside to outside. Bonus points if the ring has a growing animation really fast from the grenade to its full size.

Uhm....again. Its pointless. Its like saying "Make a rabid chicken that, after 2.0568 seconds, eats the legs off of every third enemy, then after 6.798 seconds, eats all red pixels on the screen, then jumps out of the computer screen and eats you. I mean, come on." Something practical would be nice :D

Wait. Now that i think of it, your idea is practical, but i dont have that much skill now. These are basic lua mods, and nothing complicated. Maybe i the future i can do something like like, but for right now, maybe something a little more simple?

Thanks guys for the support. I wont be able to update this for a little while, because i am on vacation kinda. (visiting my home state.)

Anways, i hope you guys can give me more ideas :) I hope to get better and better on my lua skills as time goes on

Sun May 24, 2009 9:16 pm
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Post Re: \\\Lua Grenade Technologies///-Update 5/22/09
I have a good and easy request; a grenade that renders anything uncontrollable (removes actor from team whatever) in a small radius, Simple enough.

Mon May 25, 2009 11:20 am
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Post Re: \\\Lua Grenade Technologies///-Update 5/22/09
The Pope Man wrote:
I have a good and easy request; a grenade that renders anything uncontrollable (removes actor from team whatever) in a small radius, Simple enough.

Hm. Ill definately try that. I also have another bomb coming soon, but i dont know how soon. Thanks! :)

Mon May 25, 2009 5:34 pm
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Post Re: \\\Lua Grenade Technologies///-Update 5/22/09
I would not suggest change teams to disable actors.

It would be a good idea just to disable the controller.

Mon May 25, 2009 5:51 pm
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Post Re: \\\Lua Grenade Technologies///-Update 5/22/09
So does anybody have any ideas then? I really do need ideas ;)

Tue May 26, 2009 11:11 pm
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Post Re: \\\Lua Grenade Technologies///-Update 5/22/09
Try a bomb that spawns the famous Monty Python 16 ton weight on top of every enemy actor, like the crab one, except the weight kills them, not the fancy coding.

Tue May 26, 2009 11:14 pm
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