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 Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09 

Which mod is best?
Poll ended at Tue Jun 02, 2009 1:18 am
Nuclear Pumped Laser 5%  5%  [ 3 ]
Bunker Blaster 2%  2%  [ 1 ]
Zero Point Well Gun 12%  12%  [ 7 ]
The Explosive Company 7%  7%  [ 4 ]
MineField Deployer 21%  21%  [ 12 ]
Plasmagun 5%  5%  [ 3 ]
Flak Cannon & Flak Spray Cannon 7%  7%  [ 4 ]
Instability Inc. 16%  16%  [ 9 ]
Armouries Extended 7%  7%  [ 4 ]
Banana 7%  7%  [ 4 ]
Crabomb 9%  9%  [ 5 ]
Heavy Incinerator 3%  3%  [ 2 ]
Total votes : 58

 Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09 
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
Tested 'em all, here goes the review:

1- Fun to use, but too overpowered for my liking.

2- I buy this bomb, I place it, and then OHMYGODSOMUCHGLOW!!!!
Doesn't seem to have had much effort put into it.

3- Very cool, methinks. The effect could have a better colour, though.

4- Neat. The EX laser is a nice weapon, and I LOL'ed at the burned mario. The area blast causes some very heavy lag, though. ( By the way, was I the only one to notice that this mod has other items besides the nuke shroom? )

5- Pretty cool, but the detonation round could use some extra work.

6- Cool, but common. Almost yells the name of its creator.

7- Made CC crash while loading, and I wasn't in the mood to try finding a solution. Always check the release version, modders!

8- Now that's a good amount of awesomeness. CC really needs a fair amount of heavy weapons.

9- Just a sniper with a big sprite and a fancy explosion. Not really original, too slow and less damaging that one would expect. Nearly no tactical use.

10- Made me lol. Comic weapons are always welcome, and the explosion effect was good.

11- Neat, but I think I've already seen flammable gases in one other mod...

12- Good, but lacks real inovations, and has no sound at all. Could be better.

And that's it.
So far, the contest is looking good, but trying to find out who made each mod seems more interesting to me than the final result. :P

Tue May 26, 2009 9:59 pm
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
Daman wrote:
7. Flak Cannon & Flak Spray Cannon Miles made this

I just thought I'd let everyone know

Whatever mod censored that is a ♥♥♥♥ idiot. I didn't make the flak cannon. I made the Gravity well gun. DL It, Open it, Open codex.ini, and read the instance names. first of all, music for instance names (Push push lady lightning, KMFDM, etc) and one of the objects is actually named (Miles_T3hR4t) I did that so that if for some reason Duh decided to be a ♥♥♥♥ and release all the mods under his own name, I could prove I made it because he'd be to lazy to read and change non conflicting instance names.

You've probably already voted, so you knowing that I made it changes nothing. as far as I'm concerned I already lost to some ♥♥♥♥ mod that is made almost entirely of CopyOf's and doesn't even get its own sprite, purely because of the novelty of it. I also used pink (255,0,255) for the glow to see if you could use null to make things transparent. I know that exactly 255,0,255 works, but if its even one off it doesn't. so I changed the center pixel a bit and left it pink.

Wed May 27, 2009 12:40 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
Miles_T3hR4t wrote:
Whatever mod censored that is a ♥♥♥♥ idiot. I didn't make the flak cannon. I made the Gravity well gun. DL It, Open it, Open codex.ini, and read the instance names. first of all, music for instance names (Push push lady lightning, KMFDM, etc) and one of the objects is actually named (Miles_T3hR4t) I did that so that if for some reason Duh decided to be a ♥♥♥♥ and release all the mods under his own name, I could prove I made it because he'd be to lazy to read and change non conflicting instance names.

you give your mod entirely too much credit, and that's entirely hilarious to be honest

Wed May 27, 2009 1:04 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
I suppose I should be insulted that I wasn't to be trusted with the mods I solicited for a contest.

Wed May 27, 2009 1:08 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
Duh102 wrote:
I suppose I should be insulted that I wasn't to be trusted with the mods I solicited for a contest.

I trusted you :???:

Wed May 27, 2009 1:28 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
Duh102 wrote:
I suppose I should be insulted that I wasn't to be trusted with the mods I solicited for a contest.

Actually, I trust noone.

Also that quote probably needs censored, not my name but actually read it. and regardless of if I win, my point is still made. the people everyone goes "OMG YOUR AWESOME" will probably have lost this contest because there content isn't as good. it proves that even lazy un-sprited mods can be awesome. it proves that glow isn't everything. and it proves that replayability and enjoyability are the most important factors to a mod.

unless someone imitated the way whitty and grif mod, those two seem to have already lost just as bad as I have, which again proves my point. Name recognition plays a huge part in weather a mod succeeds. I lost the contest, but I won the point.

Wed May 27, 2009 2:30 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
unless someone imitated the way whitty and grif mod, those two seem to have already lost just as bad as I have, which again proves my point. Name recognition plays a huge part in weather a mod succeeds. I lost the contest, but I won the point.

Did you just compare me to whitty?


Also what? My mods are hardly well received compared to, oh, say, Darlos or numgun or bubs. Even newbie mods get more posts than mine.

By the way exactly which mod is mine again?

Oh and whether.

Wed May 27, 2009 2:32 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
Miles_T3hR4t wrote:
the people everyone goes "OMG YOUR AWESOME" will probably have lost this contest because there content isn't as good.

People tend to like them because they make reasonably good mods which are visually and aurally pleasing, and sell them well. People who fail at either part, or both (in varying degrees), end up as the middle and bottom tier, such as I.

EDIT: This contest isn't about being the best modder, it's about getting people to do small but fun mods again (and not based on some military force theme). The type people are always getting nostalgic about.

Wed May 27, 2009 2:39 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
Adherence to the theme
Visual appeal
Aural appeal
Coding excellence
Integration of all appeals

Nuclear Pumped Laser
Looks alright. Effects are decent but not overwhelmingly fun or interesting. Works like it's supposed to.

Bunker Blaster
Works well, I like the lack of terrain rape. Single glows escaping from the inside look really weird though; too much glow/lag overall.

Zero Point Well Gun
Works well. Occasionally will fail to explode, and strength leaves a little to be desired (i.e. doesn't work that well against dreadnoughts unless you fire it directly at their feet.) Effects look quite nice, spriting is okay too.

The Explosive Company
Laser is unreliable and doesn't look like a laser. Doesn't do enough damage as advertised for my taste. Also I expected it to work only when it hit an enemy directly, but it also seems to explode when I fire around the enemy. A little weird. Shroom is a fairly creative tribute. Nice, if not anything special. Area blast results in burning-in of reticle, which is not cool. Kinda slow and weak result, too. Pretty creative though.

MineField Deployer
Fun, but not enough instant gratification. Personal taste though. Crude method of detonation leaves me wanting better. Shame about unoriginal sprites or sounds, I would have liked something a little bit more unique. Not bad though. The terrain rape and really really really long particle lifetimes are eh. Fun though.

Glowy and pretty fun. Works as advertised and looks real nice at that. Glow is well-used and the transition from blue to orange is very pretty. Nice. Added suicide is fun.

Flak Cannon & Flak Spray Cannon
Nice and fairly fun, but the short fuse and the radiating-in-all-directions thing is a little weird. Also the emitter staying pinned and producing the field of explosive goodness is a little weird for a flak cannon. Again, the short fuse for the spray cannon is also meh.

Instability Inc.
Pretty damn fun. Spriting is real nice and stays well within CC, even if they are partly resprites. Weapons are creative, and since there are multiple weapons it's kinda hard to talk about the entire mod in detail. Explosive automatic is fun, but not anything new. CQC incendiary shotgun is pretty fun and relatively unique. Spin-up and spin-down were a nice touch. Nice job on the shield & retracting on the needle bomb, but I think it needs an up in power. Laser array weapon/bomb was all good fun. Something along the lines of rotating laser thingies has been done before, I think. Rocket launcher is eh nothing special. Got my vote for solid modding.

Armouries Extended
Decent. Stays within CC style. Nothing real special, though, just a more powerful sniper. Has the problem with rebounding on actors sometimes, especially doors.

Fun, but all in all pretty much just bombs.

Good idea, bad execution. The crab never walks very far and it's basically just a timed grenade. Spriting is pretty good. Maybe if you could control the crab and when it detonates...

Heavy Incinerator
Eh. Unoriginal autocannon. Hate the 'neat' trails and unoriginal effects. Nothing special and not even particularly fun to use.

Wed May 27, 2009 3:26 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
Miles_T3hR4t wrote:
Actually, I trust noone.

nobody wants to steal your terrible ♥♥♥♥ mods

get the ♥♥♥♥ over yourself

Wed May 27, 2009 3:48 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
Subiw wrote:
Adherence to the theme
Visual appeal
Aural appeal
Coding excellence
Integration of all appeals

Zero Point Well Gun
Works well. Occasionally will fail to explode, and strength leaves a little to be desired (i.e. doesn't work that well against dreadnoughts unless you fire it directly at their feet.) Effects look quite nice, spriting is okay too.

Because Its already out that I made this one, I may as well say why it is the way it is. If I made the particles heavy enough to pick up a dreadnought, the area it affects would shred zombies. It's not supposed to be so strong people get spaghetti'd right away, thats overpowered. If I decreased the weight and increased the velocity, the area of affect was HUGE, and I'd have to increase the number of particles to decrease the size of the gaps, at which point it lagged. if I also decreased the lifetime, then the explosion wouldn't be as nice.

right now its trying to balance between picking up people, and not shredding them, at the cost of not working well on 2 or 3 units. For dreadnoughts aim directly at the top orange part, and the shot will pass through sort of and get stuck inside, keep doing that and the black holes will trigger eachother inside of it, which will implode the dreadnought. This also works on ALL dropships. I have no idea why the rounds occasionally pass through actors but it works to your advantage. its actually why I gave it such a fast rate of fire. you can empty a clip into a dropship and cause total devistation... I'm talking engines looping the map 60 times. if you use it just right it becomes WAY overpowered, but if you yous it the way it like you'd expect to, it is suddenly to weak. Without using lua its near impossible to get a black hole that will affect everything correctly, without tearing some actors apart... before I released it, it actually would destroy some guns rather than sucking them up, and it would unhinge doors. zombies and crabs turned into bloody dust....

And I do admit, my mod is not nearly as good as some of the other mods in this thread. although a lot of the stuff in this thread is total crap. spamming suicide lasers, no new sprites... what the hell.

Wed May 27, 2009 4:19 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
Miles_T3hR4t wrote:
spamming suicide lasers, no new sprites... what the hell.

Differing levels of modding competency + procrastination = what you see

Wed May 27, 2009 4:27 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
For the record, I did not make #6.

I voted for it, however. But I wish I had voted for 5.

Wed May 27, 2009 4:47 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
numgun wrote:
EDIT2: Kinda funny, while testing the mods I recognized almost every entry the mods were made by. The style of the modder really shows off.

same, i still cant pick a few of them though.
a few that i like:
AMR was cool, nice little smokey effects, well balanced damage and reload and whatnot, pretty decent overall.
Crabomb was cool, but could have been executed better. the poor little thing didnt tend to move around too much.. the smoke could have also been done with AEmitters rather than MOSRs, to save on MOIDS. looking at the code, i'm an asshat <_<
Areku wrote:
So far, the contest is looking good, but trying to find out who made each mod seems more interesting to me than the final result. :P
for me, its more like half the fun, but i agree.

Last edited by Geti on Wed May 27, 2009 7:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed May 27, 2009 5:27 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
after playesting most of these I just have to say that the Flak and anti material rifle are not what I expected.

First of all the flak explosions can damage actors, collisions with terrain detonate the flak, but they don't collide with actors. not only that but it does not do at all what I expected. Because of this I will probably make my own flak that works the way flak should (single shot bursts into smaller explosives that then after a short delay explode themeselves).

The anti-material rifle is nice but it has a problem. If you reload, and try to shoot, you can't for a long time. so if you fire once, wait until you can fire again, and instead reload, once it finishes reloading, you have to wait for the weapon cooldown. this weapon doesn't always work, i've had it only do 16 damage or less on headshots against dummies. the time between firing is insane, it isn't balanced. what should have happened is 2 or 3 rounds on the same RoF as the heavy sniper, because thats a decent bolt-action rifle speed. and then just make the reload time longer. then again my game was running about 20% slower because now I have steam running in the background all the freaking time... but even if it was 20% faster, it would still be to slow for my tastes.

Its still very nice, especially since the RoF and problems with the ammo not always working 100% are the only flaws I can find, your doing damn good.

That and in the flak the refferences to files that changed paths. the items aren't even gone, there just at a different location.

This has inspired me to make something else.

Wed May 27, 2009 5:45 am
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