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 DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/11/09 
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 5/31/09
Darlos9D wrote:
old dropship. I still want to re-design it though. I could do better.

Gah, I'm having the same thing with my own dropship. I want to redesign it but I just cant get to seem any good ideas for the shape/design.
On top of that its supposed to have numerous systems like a turret, doors, thrusters, craft bumper 2x. I want to have them all, but designing how'd I fit them together and still make the craft look good is giving me a headache. : (

Btw the new wormhole dropship is really cool. Japanese flying saucers. :D

Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:04 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 5/31/09
Hm. Mediafire declares it to be removed.

EDIT: Working again. Must've been something on their end.

Last edited by Duh102 on Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:12 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 5/31/09
Flammablezombie wrote:
Cool. Even better, make it like a biological reengineering that makes them grow enamel-strength claws (strongest type of bone, takes a diamond to cut it)
The two strongest bones in the body are femur and skull. I think you meant hardest not strongest and while dental enamel is the hardest type of bone in the human body, diamond is not necessary to cut dental enamel as evident by dental drills being used in pre-historic times to successfully drill teeth.
Flammablezombie wrote:
and make them pop it out and automatically attack with ninja speed. It would need to be white and look slightly imperfect since it's organic. Also, you might wanna put 2 doors side by side on the Raiju for efficiency.

You mean like wolverine's claws after the adimantium was removed?
That sounds really lame actually.

The wrist blade, or maybe stiletto or spur, seems a much better idea to me.

Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:13 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 5/31/09
Asatruer wrote:
Flammablezombie wrote:
and make them pop it out and automatically attack with ninja speed. It would need to be white and look slightly imperfect since it's organic. Also, you might wanna put 2 doors side by side on the Raiju for efficiency.

You mean like wolverine's claws after the adimantium was removed?
That sounds really lame actually.

The wrist blade, or maybe stiletto or spur, seems a much better idea to me.

I have to agree, a blade that's part of the suit would not only look better, but perform better against something that would giggle like a schoolgirl against an enamel blade. Such as an MPAM. Or just about anything from DSTech. :P

Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:51 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 5/31/09
Enamel is still harder than anything humans can mass produce as of present day.

Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:37 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 5/31/09
How about... diamond? Those drills don't coat themselves you know.
Btw, harder != stronger. They're two different properties. Some sort of carbide steel-aluminum alloy would be great for DarkStorm, if indeed coated in diamond to keep their edge.

Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:44 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 5/31/09
Diamond is tough, yes, but don't you think there'd be something better to use? For example, make a material called mineral #235-25B, and make it really tough. Tougher than diamond, and anything else, but not very abundant, and as such only used for the edges of combat knives in an attempt to make melee safer for the clones. Recycling used clones saves money, you know. That was just a random name though, you can call it anything you want. With concrete and metal as reference points though, what are the variable stats of diamond?

Mon Jun 01, 2009 10:03 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 5/31/09
Flammablezombie wrote:
Diamond is tough, yes

No, Diamond is hard and brittle but not strong nor tough. Its hardness allows it to scratch all natural materials, and due to its lack of toughness and that it is brittle it is fractured and shattered fairly easily. Striking a diamond with a hammer is enough to shatter it. Diamond would not be a good material for bunker construction, but does make a fabulous addition to blades and drills to help them cut things.

Mon Jun 01, 2009 10:43 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 5/31/09
I love the new suits for cryo and pyro shoguns, and I also love the new deployment systems for the turrets. I like this a lot, the way the turret just automatically pins itself into the ground and "builds" itself. I also like the new yatagarasu and yosei, although the yatagarasu sorta looked better before. Oh well.

The main issue I have with this is the pyro shogun. He is too damn weak against his own fire. He should be fire-proof. The fire effect is very well done, though.

I noticed one more little thing. When you "kill" a point defense system with fire, the point defence system doesn't gib and just stays there (but you can't see its health anymore).

Mon Jun 01, 2009 10:45 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 5/31/09
Asatruer wrote:
Flammablezombie wrote:
Diamond is tough, yes

No, Diamond is hard and brittle but not strong nor tough. Its hardness allows it to scratch all natural materials, and due to its lack of toughness and that it is brittle it is fractured and shattered fairly easily. Striking a diamond with a hammer is enough to shatter it. Diamond would not be a good material for bunker construction, but does make a fabulous addition to blades and drills to help them cut things.

'Kay, I was wrong, but don't post to simply correct people. It'll earn you a bad rep. A bit like mine.
ONTOPIC: The fire is an issue, yes. Lua fireproofing anyone?

Mon Jun 01, 2009 10:46 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 5/31/09
Flammablezombie wrote:
'Kay, I was wrong, but don't post to simply correct people.

I had intended to ask if there was an up-to-date activities, but got distracted and lost my train of through... so lets try that again.

Does anyone have an activities for this version?

Mon Jun 01, 2009 11:03 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 5/31/09
Indeed. I think I'll make one when I get a chance.

Mon Jun 01, 2009 11:08 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 5/31/09
Speaking of activities and dropships, I had an idea for something that would have to be lua scripted if it is even possible. First a couple of Raiju drop pods deliver a couple Shogun to the field to stand guard while a Higo lands to deploy a Point Defense Shishi. Once the PD Shishi is on-line Yatagarasu drop ships start showing up and home in on the PD Shishi as a safe delivery spot for infantry.

Mon Jun 01, 2009 11:53 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 5/31/09

Tue Jun 02, 2009 1:26 am
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 5/31/09
Hi all, haven't been posting for a while.

Darklos, FREAKIN EPIC WIN! The art direction and the function of this mod is killer man! Of all the awesomeness present i have only one complaint. Does it really have to be a ''flying saucer''? I agree with the old sprite being a little off, but at the same time, the concept was good. Eagerly awaiting next update :grin:

Tue Jun 02, 2009 1:34 am
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