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 Minor Mod Dump 
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Post Re: Minor Mod Dump
UltraLight Laser Sights!


Simple and relatively easy to attach and customize laser sights for your weapons - relatively easy to merge into existing mods, no need to merge existing scripts! Just look at the example SMGs and included text file.

File comment: Updated version! [6.59 KiB]
Downloaded 1176 times

Edit: Updated with some tweaks/refinements from Bad Boy!

Credit to Darlos9D for the original scripts from DarkStorm that I then refined with the assistance of lovely forum people.

Old versions;

Last edited by Arcalane on Thu Jul 05, 2012 12:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Jun 22, 2012 8:26 am
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Post Re: Minor Mod Dump
Time for another unpolished, unbalanced proof of concept!

Average human actors swinging around cannons as easily as you flicking your wrist to move the mouse an inch felt a bit silly, so I cobbled together a script that makes aim lag behind, dependent on weapon mass.
The demo model also has a pie menu option which randomizes the weapon's mass, so you can see what varying levels of maneuverability on a weapon are like.
Sweeper V1.1.rte.rar [1.21 KiB]
Downloaded 1082 times

I think it's suitable for weapons that you really want to make feel cumbersome, and for weapons with extreme rates of fire, to smoothen out your aim, so anything muzzle swept by it while it's firing catches a few bullets.

If you copy this script directly into you own mod without significant changes, credits would be appreciated.
Any comments/suggestions/questions/concerns/blah blah can be directed to my PM inbox.

Wed Jul 04, 2012 8:44 am

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Post Re: Minor Mod Dump
(Double Post Deleted)

Last edited by Corpsey on Fri Jul 27, 2012 8:58 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Jul 22, 2012 4:31 pm

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Post Re: Minor Mod Dump
Natural Selection 1 Marines


They are full retextures of coalition light soldiers. They still gib as coalition.

I used some code and jetpack sprites from the UniTec mod for the jetpack.. (recoloured)

For some reason the tracers were doing immense damage, so I scrapped them for the time being.

If you like the sprites, contact me and maybe I can make some more objects. I would love to get the NS1 sentry turrets into the game, as well as the other weapons, structures & units (pistol, shotgun, grenade launcher, mines, grenade, infantry portals, siege turrets, heavy armor).

Mod contains:
Frontiersmen Jetpacker Light Infantry
Frontiersmen LMG
Frontiersmen HMG

File comment: The Mod [86.29 KiB]
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Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:43 pm
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Post Re: Minor Mod Dump
Okay, it's just my first "mod". Nothing special.

Short decription:
AXON inc. is kind of interested in this wars for the planet and sent a pack of old cyborgs to the TradeStar Midas.
This is old and rusty guys with heavy armor(tougher than every vanilla soldier, can withstand INSANE amounts of punishment - maybe even a rocket in the face), but slow and without jetpacks.


Maybe I will enhance that idea further.

File comment: Teh file
AXON.rte.rar [59.08 KiB]
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Tue Aug 14, 2012 12:11 pm
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Post Re: Minor Mod Dump
The High Energy Pulse Projector


High Energy Pulse Projector, fires a stream of energy pulses that are damaging at close range. It bridges the gap between a digger and a light sidearm.

It features a regenerating ammo system and sports the nice halo effect around the muzzle. Otherwise nothing too special.

As with most mods I post in here, this one is hardly polished. It is basically my first attempt at a lua centric mod based on my own code. I also got a chance to flex my feeble mathematical muscles a bit while doing the ellipsis effect.

Feel free the PM me with critique or compliments. Also feel free to use any code, sprites or sound in this as long as I get a small mention. Thanks!

Xenolith link

Updated to have expanding ellipse.

CaveCricket48 - Lua help
Adriaan224 - General feedback

HEPP.rte.rar [30.65 KiB]
Downloaded 1306 times
Tue Aug 14, 2012 11:30 pm

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Post Re: Minor Mod Dump
The Engine Gun, requested by glata10

It fires a dropship engine, sprite is that of the Coa Auto Cannon.
EngineGun.rte.rar [3.47 KiB]
Downloaded 1143 times

Tue Aug 21, 2012 5:13 pm
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Post Re: Minor Mod Dump
These are only couple of guns, nothing too special, but nice. Over time, this might get some upgrades.

Feel free to edit them, just keep me in credits.

File comment: Backhand guns : these are regular one-handed guns, just held in the back hand. Helps a lot if FG arm breaks off.
BackhandGuns.rar [4.49 KiB]
Downloaded 1020 times
File comment: Just some guns based on TradeStar shotgun.
ShotMod.rar [7.27 KiB]
Downloaded 1016 times
File comment: Two guns for Ronin. More will come.
SawnoffMod.rar [7 KiB]
Downloaded 1011 times
Mon Aug 27, 2012 9:06 pm
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Post Re: Minor Mod Dump


Figured i might as well make this public. Go left and right with your usual keys to CRUSH KILL DESTROY things with your everlasting happiness, and hold fire for a (simulated) second to despawn the happy destroyer of worlds. Note that it lags while rolling over terrain. Find it either in Actors or HAPPYDAY while bunkering.

HAPPYDAY.rar [2.55 KiB]
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Wed Sep 05, 2012 2:55 pm
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Post Re: Minor Mod Dump - Rail Rifle R2
A quick, dirty, and quite overpowered kinetic-only railgun. Made for giggles, mostly. So I can finally claim I made an ubergun for myself... and because I wanted to experiment with a weapon that worked this way/had the ellipse effect from the HEPP. It turned out to be quite satisfactory, so I thought I'd share it.

ATech Rail Rifle (R3)


Putting high-density solid-metal slugs down range at 250px/s from a 3-round magazine, the ATech Rail Rifle punches through structures and rips apart enemies.
Features adjustable scope and barrel-aligned purple laser-dot sight for aim assistance when making long-range shots.
Get yours today for a very reasonable 250oz!

The ATRR-R2 is now available! This model features adjusted ballistic performance and a shorter-range scope with superior rail cooling and lighter magazines.
That means more shots in less time, and faster reloads!

The ATRR-R3 is now available! This is a purely cosmetic upgrade designed to enhance the appearance of the trail when the weapon is fired, and maximize consistency.

Visual effects loosely inspired by Gauss Rifles from Mechwarrior 4/Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries.
Firepower is vaguely balanced by its slow reload and low rate of fire.

p3lb0x - HEPP Ellipse VFX coding and scripting
Coops - Weapon sprite, adjusting scope script
Zombie Studios - Firing and Reloading SFX
4zk/Shook - Particle advice

File comment: Thoom! [312.18 KiB]
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File comment: Now with some tweaks! [310.84 KiB]
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Last edited by Arcalane on Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Wed Sep 05, 2012 5:16 pm
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Post Re: Minor Mod Dump
Invincbrain, for when you just wanna mess around.
Invincbrain_rte.rar [521 Bytes]
Downloaded 1225 times

Just an invisible brain.

Sat Sep 29, 2012 2:06 pm
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Post Re: Minor Mod Dump
Combination template.
Buy both, with A after B in the buy menu list, and fire A to lose B and get C.
To get the inventory order right in the field, drop A, equip B, pick up A. You could also modify the script to check both ways, or the whole inventory, but it'd be more complicated.
swap "PREV" and "NEXT" if you want it to work with reversed inventory order, wherever you see this in the scripts.

If you change the items to TDExplosives or HeldDevices, instead of HDFirearms, be sure to change the "CreateHDFirearm" functions accordingly.
byyourpowerscombined.rte.rar [1.72 KiB]
Downloaded 995 times

pm me with questions etc
If you use this for a mod you'll release without modifying the scripts for yourself much, I'd appreciate credits.

Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:14 am
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Post Re: Minor Mod Dump
My first mod, really liking the game so far.

Pocket Brain: why would you nail it to something if you can carry it with you? Watch out though, it's fragile.

Basically, it's an invisible brain actor that spawns a TDExplosive and follows it or an actor that's holding it. For some reason AI doesn't want to target it and you can't shoot it on the ground if it was thrown, only if it was dropped. I used Ronin Stone .ini for reference of a TDExplosive that doesn't blow up.


PocketBrain.rte.rar [1.51 KiB]
Downloaded 1132 times
Tue Oct 02, 2012 9:53 pm
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Post Re: Minor Mod Dump

A small mod that I made ages ago and rediscovered when I remembered that it had AEmitter rounds that I could steal.
A couple of guns and an actor, nuthin' special.

Attachment: [473.83 KiB]
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Tue Oct 23, 2012 7:09 am

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Post Re: Minor Mod Dump
Old transformers updated to 1.0


Double tap down to transform.

Based off old Dummy Behemoth mod.

TFCC.jpg [ 174.31 KiB | Viewed 53887 times ]
Fri Nov 09, 2012 9:50 pm
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