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 Systemworks Technologies v1.6 
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Post Re: Systemworks Technologies
Nice! The decay crate will be handy as hell with them Ronins.

Mon Oct 21, 2013 6:49 am

Joined: Tue Oct 15, 2013 8:13 am
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Post Re: Systemworks Technologies
those emergency case you got there. its kinda sort of useful though

Mon Oct 21, 2013 12:09 pm
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Post Re: Systemworks Technologies
Good to see this is still floating around.

Been modding other games lately but I will come back to this one, eventually. :P

Tue Oct 22, 2013 12:38 am

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Post Re: Systemworks Technologies
Chiko wrote:
Good to see this is still floating around.

Been modding other games lately but I will come back to this one, eventually. :P

Add steel-plated series of firearms when you get back.

Tue Oct 22, 2013 7:23 am
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Post Re: Systemworks Technologies
Epicnator wrote:
Chiko wrote:
Good to see this is still floating around.

Been modding other games lately but I will come back to this one, eventually. :P

Add steel-plated series of firearms when you get back.

I'll think about it. I'm trying to avoid turning Systemworks Technologies into a faction and adding their own weapons is a really big step towards accidently turning it into a fully fledged faction. D:

Wed Oct 23, 2013 6:40 pm

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Post Re: Systemworks Technologies
Chiko wrote:
Epicnator wrote:
Chiko wrote:
Good to see this is still floating around.

Been modding other games lately but I will come back to this one, eventually. :P

Add steel-plated series of firearms when you get back.

I'll think about it. I'm trying to avoid turning Systemworks Technologies into a faction and adding their own weapons is a really big step towards accidently turning it into a fully fledged faction. D:

You could make them an international company.

Thu Oct 31, 2013 11:24 am
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Post Re: Systemworks Technologies
I'd like this to be in the steam workshop... but how the hell do I submit something there? D:

Sat Apr 19, 2014 4:53 pm

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Post Re: Systemworks Technologies
On the Cortex Command main menu;

Game Editors -> Steam Workshop

Sat Apr 19, 2014 8:05 pm
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 Re: Systemworks Technologies
It's been ages but I finally dragged myself to update this mod. The new changes are:

-Added a new material, Plasteel. It's stronger than Metal but weaker than Mega Metal.
-All drones and crates are now made of Plasteel.
-Added a new tool, Cleaner. It's used to clear rubble, corpses, scrap metal or similar waste from bases. It can harvest Gold and Plasteel for money.

Is there a way to make the not raise this tech's prices? For instance, the Soldier Drone goes from 125 to 500 but only in campaign mode. I'd like to prevent that somehow.

Sun Jan 01, 2017 12:59 am

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Post Re: Systemworks Technologies
Chiko wrote:
bananapuddin wrote:
The breach crate is way too breach-y. It punches through entire bunkers and I have no control over where to stop it. I think you should tone it down a little bit.

Hmm... I could also add the option to open the crate with a button. When the Crate opens it stops breaching so that might help a bit.

I tried like making it stop breaching once it reaches open space again but I couldn't managed to make that work.

this can be done by having a 3 stage system

stage 1: thing that drops out of sky, detects when its close to land and turns into stage 2:

stage 2: high sharpness, penetration, detects when its NOT close to land (when the floor below it disappears it means it ate up the roof and is now in the room) turns into stage 3, has timer to do whatever its supposed to do if it remains in stage 2 for too long (cant go thru land and fall out of map)

stage 3: waits a bit then does whatever its supposed to do

this can be seen on that one uhh, General-something (general systems?) mod, it has a bunker buster that works just like this

Fri Jan 13, 2017 11:24 am
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Post Re: Systemworks Technologies
Well, that could work but the open on command button kinda solves it in a different fashion.

Also, I found a couple of old mods I made but never uploaded. Blockworks and Earthworks.

Blockworks was new bunker modules like shooting posts, guard towers and pillboxes but reinforced with metal materials. It also included big modules; a fort and an outpost.

Earthworks was more like makeshift tunnels you could place anywhere, placeable dirt, rocks and sandbags. It was more like for terrain repair after lots of combat over the same battlefield.

Here's a pic with two of the modules.
They look practically the same as vanilla ones but are metal reinforced.

I will try to add useful modules like bottlenecks and stronger brain rooms. I will also try to make them a bit more unique looking so they are not just stronger vanilla modules.

Fri Jan 20, 2017 2:59 pm
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Post Re: Systemworks Technologies v1.5
Alright, kids. It's been a lil while since I last updated this mod. :3
So yeah, it's update tiem! Here's the changelog:

-Added a new weapon, SW-PL. It's a handgun that fires incendiary rounds that deal little damage on direct hits but will burn, even with each ricochet they do.
-Added a new weapon, SW-SMG. It also fires incendiary rounds but they are weaker. This gun can be devastating in closed places like bunkers.
-Added a new weapon, SW-SR. It's a sniper rifle that fire heavy enough rounds to flip or push actors back. The rounds are also incendiary.
-Added a new grenade, Whiteflare Grenade. Like the weapons, this grenade will release the new burning particles upon detonation.
-Added a new delivery method, Orbital Drop. It costs no money since it just sends the units on their own. Might cause damage or death on units.
-Edited the looks of both Breach Crates and Tractor Field Crates.
-Replaced the gold crates module with an actual interactable crate, which can be placed in build mode and activated to drop gold bars.
-All drones, including the bipedal ones, are generally more robust and are more resistant to both fall and weapon damage.
-Brain and Medic drones won't display the NO TURRET message over them anymore.
-Turret and Medic Drones armor shell is now a separated item and acts as an armor layer in a similar fashion to Dummy Dreadnought.
-Turret and Medic Drones now have internal hardware, which is really weak compared to their armor layer. The exposed vent areas in them work as weakspots.
-The machine gun in Turret Drones cannot be hit now so they will never lose their ability to attack. They also fire the newer, deadlier incendiary rounds.
-Edited the gibs in all units for better gibbing effects. There's also new gibs for some custom content.
-Made some misc small changes and removed some redundant pieces of code from the files.
-Fixed a number of bugs in some lua files that would cause console errors and lag but still work.

Small maintenance update for this mod with the latest fixes and misc edits. Here's the changelog:

-Getting hit in the head might knockback or flip bipedal drones, depending on the rounds hitting them.
-Edited the ammo.ini file so the rounds don't destroy terrain as easily and rebalanced most guns.
-Minor edits to most of the ini files and fixed some bugs found along the way.

Tue Jul 16, 2019 12:23 am

Joined: Tue Oct 30, 2012 12:31 pm
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Post Re: Systemworks Technologies v1.6
sick update, always loved your stuff

Mon Sep 16, 2019 1:49 pm
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