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 Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09 

Which mod is best?
Poll ended at Tue Jun 02, 2009 1:18 am
Nuclear Pumped Laser 5%  5%  [ 3 ]
Bunker Blaster 2%  2%  [ 1 ]
Zero Point Well Gun 12%  12%  [ 7 ]
The Explosive Company 7%  7%  [ 4 ]
MineField Deployer 21%  21%  [ 12 ]
Plasmagun 5%  5%  [ 3 ]
Flak Cannon & Flak Spray Cannon 7%  7%  [ 4 ]
Instability Inc. 16%  16%  [ 9 ]
Armouries Extended 7%  7%  [ 4 ]
Banana 7%  7%  [ 4 ]
Crabomb 9%  9%  [ 5 ]
Heavy Incinerator 3%  3%  [ 2 ]
Total votes : 58

 Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09 
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
Grif wrote:
How in god's name can you think the mine field deployer used Lua? Do you not see it SHOOT BULLETS in the beginning of the GIF?

ITT pinned mosrs that gib are REVOLUTIONARY LUA

A++ miles

Actually, Pinned MOSRs that gib, because of an ACTIVATOR. The 'activator round' never hits them, and never explode into anything that hits them, yet it is still an 'activator'. Why? I'm gonna read the code right now and post it.--- Okay, I was wrong, this does not refer to any base.rte lua, at which point, WHY THE HELL DOES IT USE A SHOTGUN SHELL FOR THE FIRST SHOT?!?!?!?

Thats what confused me.

Daman wrote:
7. Flak Cannon & Flak Spray Cannon

miles made this

I just thought I'd let everyone know

No. No I did not. I do on the other hand think I know who did. *someone* PMed me about how to make a TDE explode into more delayed, timed explosives. This has to have been that, because the rest appear to be impact based.

although the one I made admittedly is not doing well.

Tue May 26, 2009 4:01 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
The first shot is a shotgun shell called an activator because you shoot the bombs and it activates them.
hurr durr

Anyways I think it's being voted for as a joke and hopefully participants will run out and other decent entries can rise above it.

Last edited by Azukki on Tue May 26, 2009 4:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue May 26, 2009 4:03 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
Azukki wrote:
The first shot is a shotgun shell called an activator because you shoot the bombs and it activates them.
hurr durr

Ohhhhhh... so its just laziness. got it... It would have made more sense if they had null emitters that make it gib after a fixed amount of time, say 5 seconds... they'd still set eachother off the same way. or is this just so you can flood a base with them...

I'd like to change my vote to the anti-material rifle or the flack now. can someone remove my vote from this and let me vote for a different one? mods? someone? can that be done?

Tue May 26, 2009 4:06 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
I'm sad, I'm the only one who voted for the gaseous crab bomb :-(
I thought it was clever. The crab runs after you, killing everything it ran past in the process.

Miles_T3hR4t wrote:
I'd like to change my vote to the anti-material rifle or the flack now. can someone remove my vote from this and let me vote for a different one? mods? someone? can that be done?

And why would you be changing your vote?

EDIT: Oh, and next contest, I'm doing away with conjecturing. I'm seeing this turn ugly because of modder's reps.

Last edited by Duh102 on Tue May 26, 2009 4:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue May 26, 2009 4:10 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
Instability Inc. has the most staying power, though the Anti-Mat rifle fills its own niche.

Everything else doesn't feel useful enough to keep. Though if the Crabbomb could run around a bit longer before exploding..

Miles_T3hR4t wrote:
Azukki wrote:
The first shot is a shotgun shell called an activator because you shoot the bombs and it activates them.
hurr durr

Ohhhhhh... so its just laziness. got it... It would have made more sense if they had null emitters that make it gib after a fixed amount of time, say 5 seconds... they'd still set eachother off the same way. or is this just so you can flood a base with them...

Laziness? Quit being dumb, they're mines. Mines aren't supposed to go off until they're set off.

Tue May 26, 2009 4:10 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
That shaped-charge rifle is pretty baller.

Tue May 26, 2009 4:16 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
Yeah, some moderation would be nice. The mods' anonymity has basically shattered.
Can poll threads be locked but open for voting?
Well, it's fixed for now, so whatever, but further discussion will probably eventually get back to who made what.

Last edited by Azukki on Tue May 26, 2009 4:35 am, edited 2 times in total.

Tue May 26, 2009 4:24 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
I was going to vote for none of them but that was not an option so I just voted for one of the ones with no votes

Tue May 26, 2009 4:33 am

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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
Sorry for the short lock, but we were testing if you could vote in a locked topic.

You can't.

We tried it because we wanted to get rid of this stupidity.
Since we can't, you guys will just have to cooperate.

Tue May 26, 2009 4:54 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
The Laser thing just dribbles out random glow particles...
EDIT: Now it cut my legs off.
EDIT 2: Now it blasted most of the map away in one lagtastic blast, without cutting my legs off...
EDIT 3: Cut my legs off a few times again before doing a normalish blast (that didn't harm my Actor), then exploding violently... so this is what it means by volatile...
EDIT 4: I just tried to fire the second round when the first round didn't destroy the chamber thing, not a good idea...

Tue May 26, 2009 8:29 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
Mods that caught my attention:

- mine field deployer: failed to get my vote, as the detonator was just crude, and the mines were just pinned TDExplosives. I was expecting the detonator to detonate all mines on the scene, but it's just a gun.

- ZPW: excellent effects, played ok, although a little too much damage and not enough sucking, and a bit overpowered. and the sprite is way too big and not shaded. excellent mod though.

- Banana: got my vote: simple, but plays really well. SO BOUNCY! How did you do that? Straight out of worms.

Tue May 26, 2009 9:02 am

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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
Wow, this stuff looks impressive.
I'll get to try it after a couple hours and I'll put my vote in.

At first glance I really cant say what is the best, I clearly see effort put into these entries and they are all worth a thorough test. :)

Tue May 26, 2009 9:07 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
My vote goes to Instablities Inc.

Tue May 26, 2009 9:15 am
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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
I'd like to thank the moderating staff, they've been really cool about helping me get things done for the contest. At the beginning I bounced my plan off of them to get suggestions, they modified polls just for the contest, and now they're preventing this topic from descending into bickering.
Thanks guys.

Tue May 26, 2009 12:08 pm

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Post Re: Mod Contest Voter Poll 05/09 - 06/09
Ok so I started testing the mods and I'll be writing comments on each one how to improve them:

After that I will draw my conclusion and vote the one that I find the best.

But first of all. I want to thank Miles for some really good laughs: :D


Starting from the first one to the last one in the order of the OP.



I just lost all the ratings I typed for the mods and now its all gone.
I will say which ones are the best of the pack however:

1st Instability <-VOTED, gj Geti!
2nd AMR
3rd Crabomb

EDIT2: Kinda funny, while testing the mods I recognized almost every entry the mods were made by. The style of the modder really shows off.

Tue May 26, 2009 12:16 pm
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