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 DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/11/09 
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 11/22/08
i bet darlos' outfitting code becomes the basis of many many mods aswell. i sure know i'll be stealing bits of it.

Mon Feb 02, 2009 11:41 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 11/22/08
The Decaying Soldat wrote:
You mean by lua scripting, you can assign new keys to do new functions, like firing an underlung shotgun from a standard rifle with r button or something?

Uhm... thats what I'm hoping. We'll see.

Geti wrote:
i bet darlos' outfitting code becomes the basis of many many mods aswell. i sure know i'll be stealing bits of it.

I hope for this myself. I really do want to make something that could be more widely useful to everybody. Now that you guys have me thinking about it, I think I'll talk a little about how I might set this system up.

Let's use the regular Tengu as an example. When I make this system, all you'll see in buy menus is "D22 Tengu," with no reference to armor. When you select it, rather than it simply being placed as an order, or selected for placement during build mode, you'll end up with a new small menu that pops up from it. In it, you'll have two choices: Armor and Accessories. Choosing armor lets you choose the shinobi armor, the shogun armor, or no armor. Choosing accessories lets you add a defense field, cloaking field, or whatever else I come up with later. Every time you add or change something, the final price for it all is adjusted accordingly. Finally, you select some "done" option which then orders the customized unit. Also, I'm considering having a "Devices" field as well, allowing you to bypass CC's normal equipping system and add weapons to the unit yourself. Of course, if you picked shogun armor, you'd have your choice of the heavy weapons. In the case of a shinobi, you could just add regular weapons. This could be handy in build mode, so you don't have to drop weapons near units and manually pick them up after starting the game.

Beyond the tengus, there'd be more customization. For instance, the Shishi turret would go through a similar process: you select the turret, and then select what weapons you want on it. You'll be able to mix and match whatever two weapons you like. The Akateko turret might have some different options for its weapon or device, and the same would go for the Yosei flying scout drone thing whenever I make it. When I make the Kitsune four-legged electronic warfare android, you'll be able to select a variety of devices and systems to add onto it, including a chaff sprayer, and actual gun of some sort, a decoy projector, a chaff sprayer, and also field generators like what the tengu can have.

And don't forget weapons. Not only will some weapons have the option of attaching accessories (on marksman weapons, a scope will be optional, among other things) and sub-weapons like a grenade launcher or shotgun, but several weapons will actually have different ammo types you can buy and switch between once the unit is on the field. Handguns and rifles will both have armor-piercing or incendiary rounds, the shotgun will have everything from slugs to small grenades, and the grenade and rocket launchers will have several types of explosives and other launchable devices to fire. Even the "shock mortar" may turn into nothing more than a launcher, with the actual shock pod being one type of ammo it can use.

Comprehensive, but complicated, right? Well, thats where one last feature comes in: you'll be able to save your setups. The system will, when you tell it to save a setup in a drop-down menu, will write it out to a parsable text file, which will be written in an easily read manner and will be easily edited even outside of the game proper. So when you make a specifically customized actor equipped with specifically customized weapons, you can save all that in one go. Then next time you pick that actor to buy it, one of the drop-down options will be to load up a saved setup, which would bring you to yet another drop-down menu with previous saved setups.

All of this I will happily hammer out, once full Lua scripting arrives. Isn't nice to have CSC majors around?

Mon Feb 02, 2009 11:41 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 11/22/08
very good 8) :twisted: :cchappy: :shock:

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Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:12 am
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 11/22/08
don't click on the last smile.

Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:37 am
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 11/22/08
NeoSeeker wrote:
don't click on the last smile.

Good, that dope is to put it in his sig, like me >.>

By the way, I should thank everyone who has helped hatch/is hatching my dragons/eggs.

On-Topic: Is Darlos working on an upgrade soon?

Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:39 am
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 11/22/08
Sigh. The conversation in my thread is as disappointing as usual.

No, I'm not planning on a new release until further builds. Until then, I'm doing other things. And before you ask me what, I don't want to talk about them in this thread.

Tue Feb 03, 2009 7:07 am
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 11/22/08
Your system sounds great Darlos, but even with saving I fear it might be a little complex.
My thoughts is maybe you make this system, but instead, you make it so that when you buy an actor, you get the choice between a few presets. you choose one, and it goes into the current order menu. Then you hit done etc.

But you just make it easy to make your own presets. So there's less 'DAMNIT TOO MANY MENUS NEED SOLDIER NOW' and more 'hmm, which set up do I need right now?'

It'd be exactly the same as your current idea but simpler to code, less flexible but easier and faster to use in game, and rely more on your saved txt document system.

Just a suggestion!

Tue Feb 03, 2009 8:09 am
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 11/22/08
Exalion wrote:
Your system sounds great Darlos, but even with saving I fear it might be a little complex.
My thoughts is maybe you make this system, but instead, you make it so that when you buy an actor, you get the choice between a few presets. you choose one, and it goes into the current order menu. Then you hit done etc.

But you just make it easy to make your own presets. So there's less 'DAMNIT TOO MANY MENUS NEED SOLDIER NOW' and more 'hmm, which set up do I need right now?'

It'd be exactly the same as your current idea but simpler to code, less flexible but easier and faster to use in game, and rely more on your saved txt document system.

Just a suggestion!

Well, if you were just going to get a tengu with a gun or two, it wouldn't be much more of a hassle than the normal system. It'd actually be more convenient in build mode, since you have all the time in the world, and you could spawn units equipped with weapons, instead of having to drop them at their feet.

But really, I'll just do what I plan on doing, and if it turns out to not be great, I'll change things. Its how I've run my mod so far, and so far its been successful.

Tue Feb 03, 2009 5:05 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 11/22/08
Yeah, it'll be good: no more 'ah crap my sole guard just BROKE HIS GUN!'

Wed Feb 04, 2009 5:47 am
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 11/22/08
for the record data is planning on making placed weapons become equipped in the build screen, but that sounds both comprehensive and awesome. i'd likely do a few edits for myself, but still, brilliant.
also, directed at noone in general, you're all morons for just dropping back into the same "upgrayd me pl0x i be board" drivel. upgrades come when they want to, until then you discuss the frivolities of CC and the mod the thread is titled after. not as a rule or anything, but it just seems to be how its done.
also, darlos, new thread for discussing whatever you're working on?

Wed Feb 04, 2009 9:25 am
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 11/22/08
It'd have to go in general discussion, since it isn't even really CC related. Heck, a lot of it isn't even modding. I've been just playing games and looking for jobs, mostly. Personal stuff, really.

Wed Feb 04, 2009 4:02 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 11/22/08
fair enough. i've applied for 10 jobs in the past 2 weeks with no success. >< off to the supermarket i guess, i need some money.
on the topic of this mod, i'd love it if with lua came some awesome close-combat for these ninjas.. armbreak! stabstabstab! neckbreak!

Thu Feb 05, 2009 2:02 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 11/22/08
Yeah, a weapon that, when facing opposite a generic clone, fires invisi-particles at the spots most clones have hands and feet. Just needs lots of play-testing is all. Though you probably could do it alot easier with Lua.

Thu Feb 05, 2009 2:31 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 11/22/08
411570N3 wrote:
Yeah, a weapon that, when facing opposite a generic clone, fires invisi-particles at the spots most clones have hands and feet. Just needs lots of play-testing is all. Though you probably could do it alot easier with Lua.

Yeah, I'm sure with Lua I won't have to go jury-rigging things in order to get weird effects. I'm pretty sure I can do something more straightforward along the lines of "break the arm of the guy in front of this actor."

Thu Feb 05, 2009 4:23 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 11/22/08
that and "play a sprite animation that looks like throwing, bounce this guy away from me into stuff", etc etc.
be nice if you could take away use of the arm without making it gib..

Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:06 pm
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