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 DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/11/09 
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 11/16/08 (again)
I love this mod, it is without a doubt a "must have" mod for CC. However, I feel that balancing heavy weapons by forcing players to use them with your specific actor is a detriment to your mod. I have a vast liking for the Crobots, and before your electro-laser rifle became restricted to that one actor it was one of my favorite sniper weapons to use with my favorite Crobot actors.

I can understand now that the weapon has a huge area of effect and what seems like a faster reload time. It is nearly instant death for anything in its area.

At least, make it heavy and make the "danger zone" around a shot much smaller. If you balance it so that the only way to kill multiple targets is to hit something above them for the widening cone effect... Then it will function more like a very slow sniper rifle that only becomes extremely dangerous when it strikes a high ceiling or an object in the air above a group of enemies. As it is currently, it just annihilates everything around point of impact, even if you just shoot the ground.

If I recall correctly, this is more how it functioned before... although now, it definitely feels more like electricity. The new effect on it is awesome, but the old functionality (plus freedom of use!) was better in terms of balance and game play.

Of course, nothing but respect for your modding skills. Just trying to offer constructive feedback. It is, after all, your mod.

Wed Nov 19, 2008 1:03 am
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 11/16/08 (again)
This mod is great!!!

I have been using them since they were DarKlone's, but haven't posted, mainly because of laziness.

I love all the weapons, and am very glad to see the Lucky Seven revamped for battle.

Only complaint, and I am getting REALLY picky here, is that it is difficult to destroy dropship engines with the rocket launcher. The explosion seems to bounce off. Other than that, I have little/no complaints.that I can think of, anyway.

As for a request, maybe a more accurate carbine rifle?

EDIT: Oops! forgot to add that I am very happy to see the Shogun with a jetpack!

Last edited by Raintail99 on Wed Nov 19, 2008 1:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Nov 19, 2008 1:12 am
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 11/16/08 (again)
I think the carbine's supposed to be that way, and I personally like it that way, too. If you want more accuracy you've got the SAW.

Wed Nov 19, 2008 1:17 am
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 11/16/08 (again)
Subiw wrote:
I think the carbine's supposed to be that way, and I personally like it that way, too. If you want more accuracy you've got the SAW.

AND more bullets!

And guys, I'm really REALLY not going to separate the heavy weapons from the Shoguns. Its just the way I want it. I'm sorry, but I didn't make this mod with other mods in mind. I don't really care whats in Crobotech, or AAL, or DSTech. My business is entirely between my mod and the base CC stuff, and the balancing thereof. Trying to take all mods into consideration is just downright impossible unless some standards are set.

I want to keep the heavy weapons the way they are, not downgrade them in order to make them freely available. A minigun with 300 rounds is restricted in its availability for a reason. Due to its capacity, it far outweighs the vanilla gatling guns. At the same time, a shogun can fly rather decently, considering the heavy loads it gets. Normally, a vanilla actor holding one of the heavier basic weapons can't fly at all. You're really getting an advantage when it come to using the shogun, but at the price of more gold. And I want to keep it that way.

Also, I want to reflect a certain degree of realism. This again would call for a downgrade of the weapons, if I made them freely available. Where would a regular actor put a huge pack of bullets, or a huge recharging energy supply? These heavy weapons require resources in order to operate that, themselves, are heavy and cumbersome. It would take somebody wearing something like the Shogun armor to lug that around. Sure, Crobos could probably do it to. But again, I'm not concerned with other mods. Only my own, and vanilla content.

So that, as they say, is that. I'm gonna go mod now.

Wed Nov 19, 2008 2:18 am
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 11/16/08 (again)
Of course, I can always set buyable to 1 in the .ini files once I've downloaded it. That removes the problem completely.

Wed Nov 19, 2008 2:21 am
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 11/16/08 (again)
Lambda wrote:
Of course, I can always set buyable to 1 in the .ini files once I've downloaded it. That removes the problem completely.

Indeed. And throwing off the balance is entirely your prerogative. Just don't ask me to do it.

Wed Nov 19, 2008 2:22 am
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 11/16/08 (again)
Did you read my suggestion on the last page about the cleaner ship?

Wed Nov 19, 2008 2:25 am

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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 11/16/08 (again)
@ Lambda:

I was unaware that it was this easy. That changes things.

@ Darlos:

Perhaps a compromise is possible. Could it be conceivable for you to create secondary weaker versions of the heavy weapons that could be wielded by anyone? This would allow people to use your awesome creative weapon types with other actors, but would make it far more advantageous/cost effective to purchase them along with the specialized actor. A "light" minigun versus a "heavy" minigun, etc. Of course this is unnecessary considering the .ini thing and you've already said you don't want these heavy weapons being carried by anything but the Shogun. SO I'll just drop it now.

Although I still would like to see a lighter and more general-purpose version of the electro rifle. It's just such an awesome idea for a weapon in every way.

Happy modding.

Wed Nov 19, 2008 2:41 am
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 11/16/08 (again)
CandleJack wrote:
Did you read my suggestion on the last page about the cleaner ship?

Yes candlejack. I read ALL of your suggestions. And I ignore most of them.

Really, most of your "suggestions" are just random brain droppings that usually have nothing to do with the direction or theme of this mod. I remember way back when you suggested I make a flaming battle axe, for example. A cleaner ship is also something I'm not really concerned with, nor is it something that would match the theme of this mod.

So far the only good suggestion you've had is the defensive countermeasures actor, which I'm still pondering seriously. Other than that, I've thrown out most of your suggestions as, quite frankly, dumb. Do you do this in other threads, or just in mine? Seriously, if you want to see these random things as mods so badly, learn to make them yourself. I'm not your code monkey, and neither is anyone else on these forums. If I haven't jumped to create your every idea in the past, then its a good bet I'll never do it in the future. So, just do yourself a favor and either get some better judgment as to what kind of ideas would and wouldn't match this mod or, barring that, just stop making these juvenile suggestions altogether. It's really getting on my nerves.

Edit: okay, in order to find the 'flaming axe' post of yours, I actually stumbled across your earlier comments. Okay, so you weren't always THAT bad, and you had some decent ideas now and again, many of which I forgot. Plus a lot of the time you just provide feedback or answer other peoples questions. But sometimes you do have some pretty outlandish suggestions. So please, just use some more common sense before you shoot me an idea, okay? And like I said, if you really want to see some of these things, don't rely on us modders to do it all for you. Try some modding yourself. It's fun.

Edit again: Upon further reflection, the thing you do that really bugs me is ask me "hey, did you read my previous post?" YES OF COURSE I DID. Don't do that anymore.

Wed Nov 19, 2008 3:25 am
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 11/16/08 (again)
Darlos9D wrote:
Try some modding yourself. It's fun.

exactly. this is why i get annoyed at requests asking for something to be done that takes very little effort. tbh id rather the requester did it themselves, then released it, or didnt if it were crappy.

i do love that electrolazer. a grenade with a lasting effect similar to this (which i imagine would freak the ♥♥♥♥ out of the AI) with the zap arcing everywhere would be brilliant fun.

Darlos9D wrote:
So that, as they say, is that. I'm gonna go mod now.

Darlos9D wrote:
I think I'm going on hiatus.

CC is our crack, methinks.

Wed Nov 19, 2008 4:50 am
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 11/16/08 (again)
I dont get it whats the new update do again, i get lost after a few sentinces.
Short atention span

Wed Nov 19, 2008 4:51 am
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 11/16/08 (again)
Geti wrote:
Darlos9D wrote:
So that, as they say, is that. I'm gonna go mod now.

Darlos9D wrote:
I think I'm going on hiatus.

CC is our crack, methinks.

Well, I'm not working on the drop ship or the artillery, thats for sure. I'm just tweaking some existing things. I finally worked out a D7 firing sound that I like (you might have noticed it kept changing the times I released it). I was also experimenting with grenades earlier to give a proper report in the General forums as to why they're effed up. Next I think I'll toss some emitters into the flamethrower, so it can actually damage things both in and around the fire, as you might expect it to. I'll also make the Cryo Gun beam thinner... and maybe add some mist effects to it. I'll probably re-release again after that, then go enjoy my Thanksgiving break.

Wed Nov 19, 2008 7:15 am
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 11/16/08 (again)
thank god for mist :D
i meant it as a joke, but good to know you will be taking a break. bloody hell you work too hard.

Wed Nov 19, 2008 9:22 am
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 11/16/08 (again)
I've loved this mod since the very first set. Will we ever see some of our older friends make a comeback like the deployable laser turret, the hand grenades, the sheild, and that chunky hover tank turret?

Wed Nov 19, 2008 10:03 am
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 11/16/08 (again)
Hopefully this won't take a turn into CandleJack idea territory, but, have you given thought to a few specialized grenades that correspond to the actor using them?

What I had in mind was, and it's cheesy, that the pyro shogun has a thermite grenade, the cryo has a...well, cryo grenade, the grenade shogun has a small cluster grenade of sorts, and the minigun has...probably a nail grenade. Can't think of anything special for that last one, really.

Wed Nov 19, 2008 2:38 pm
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