The Imperatus "Expansion", if you could even call it that.
I just created a few weapons, edited some things, and un-rusted the robots.
New Weapons include:
- Anno P-31 Pistol: An extremely generic pistol.
- Cyclops SMG-09: A standard SMG.
And, the most grandiose of all:
- The Taipan EMG-00: A heavy experimental MG that fires five, that's right,
five bullets at the same time. Also, it may not look like standard Imperatus armaments, that's because it doesn't have any wear-n'-tear like the others (it is experimental after all).
Most vanilla Imperatus weapons also have smaller magazine sizes to closely match their hard-hitting, slow moving, style.
Also, for some weird reason, the heavy robot has a helmet. Apparently this has been in the game's code for quite some time but has remained inactive. Think of it as an odd bonus.
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Special thanks to dragonxp and clunatic for being super cool coding masters.