Hello, it's been a while since I've made a mod, and I realise my older mods weren't exactly impressive and I consistently made crappy sprites. I'll admit most of the sprites in this mod are recolours and/or kitbashes of different vanilla sprites, but at least then they don't look like they came out of somebodys ...
With this mod, I aim to change that, to a certain extent. I'm not trying to reinvent the wheel here or come up with something completely original, it's just your everyday weapon pack. I will provide a description of each weapon in the pack. I may also update this pack on a regular basis depending on whether (sp?) I have any new/good ideas or not.

Dummy Auto Shotgun:
I created this weapon because I realised that dummies were lacking a weapon that fires several bullets. It fires bullets like the nailgun and the blaster.
M249: (Para squad automatic weapon (SAW))
Tired of the spinup time of the gatling guns? (Well you could use the YAK4700) I know I am! But with this gun you don't have to wait to kill your enemies. The reload time is long and it's pretty inaccurate though
"Cremator" Flamethrower:
Warning! Shoddy sprite editing ahead! I created a flamethrower with spread. Expect lag, and lots of it with prolonged use.
Explosive Skull Launcher:
Not much explaining to do here. It's intended to be an undead faction (Skellies and Zombies) weapon.
Coalition Laser Rifle:
Warning! Shoddy sprite editing ahead! Hopefully you'll agree it's the last one! This weapon is a coalition variant of the standard laser rifle. It slowly shoots very powerful laser charges that throw your actor back. Expect long reload times, and watch out for riot shields.
Banana Bomb:
Ever played Worms? If not, you should! It's like a cluster bomb, but it has more concentrated explosions similar to in Worms games.
Dragunov SVD Sniper Rifle:
A Long-range sniper rifle with an effective range of up to 1200 meters (in real life). Shoots somewhat rapidly and has a powerful scope.
Cluster Grenade Launcher:
Similar to the standard issue Coalition Grenade launcher, but it fires cluster grenades.
Dummy Shield:
Dummy version of the standard shield. More durable and expensive.
Non-spread Repeller:
Uber-epic rape repeller gun. Tears anything in its path apart in moments. has range much longer than the standard repeller but still very short range.
I hope you enjoy this weapon pack! C&C please!
Also, it would be greatly appreciated if someone could make some gifs for me.