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Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2006 4:00 am
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Post Bugs.
1 and 2 can be used to speed up, and slow down the game respectively.

Tapping rocket thrusters buttons makes the ship move faster than holding it down.

Pausing the game with 2, and then tapping the S button quickly can send your ship crashing through many layers of ground, once you speed the game up with 1.

If you do this with D or A, you can put the ship in a crazy spin, and when it collides with the ground, it takes a lot of damage, and bounces back into the sky.

Because you get less money back if your ship is damaged when you return it, negative health takes money from you. So it is possible to get -222 gold, and lose the game because you can't buy anything else.

Sun Dec 17, 2006 4:57 am
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The wierdest thing happens to me when the enemy breaks a couple of the blocks created by the tower builder. The game starts to lag up, and everything starts weighing a ton.

Now, I don't know if that's a bug; but it's plenty f*cking annoying.

Sun Dec 17, 2006 6:45 am

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Apparently, this can also happen with screenshots, it PASUES the game for the time it takes, thust whatevers hitting whatever does it MANY MANY times.

Sun Dec 17, 2006 6:52 am
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But there is a difference; what you speak of is fun to mess with. My problem gets in the way of things and can be quite frustrating.

Sun Dec 17, 2006 6:55 am
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if you want to see a wierd bug
make a standart rocket (or use one in game) change mass to 1
ingame make time really slow by pressing 2
then rapidly click the right button 50 times untill the rocket spins like hell
and some moments after that it will show up like...(no screenies :( sorry)
well as i can explain it, the sprite will get deattached from the rocket
so the rocket moves but the sprite dosent
like if your rocket is upside down, the sprite will be in normal position but the legs and thrusters will be upside down, its really cool


also the game laggs like hell if you did below the lowest rock
something wierd happends but it lags
you can shoot there as much as you want but if a bodypart or a body falls in there the game lags so much that it gots 1-2 fps, that sucks


Sun Dec 17, 2006 8:24 am
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