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Won't start
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Author:  monkey_man_5 [ Thu Dec 14, 2006 3:51 am ]
Post subject:  Won't start

The game stops loading at actors.ini at line 1700

The line is "Count = 1".

What am I doing wrong here?

Note: I have lots of mods, but they never messed the game up before.

Author:  Alenth Eneil [ Thu Dec 14, 2006 4:08 am ]
Post subject: 

Sometimes, the game decides there's something wrong with a file, I can never seem to fix it, my base map no longer works, and neither does my copy of the swiss mod, the game gets to a line and freezes. I think making a copy of the file and getting rid of the original might work.

Author:  Fearful_Ferret [ Thu Dec 14, 2006 4:57 am ]
Post subject: 

It's almost always one variable. That's why you test often and don't change tons of variables at once, because when the game freezes, it's impossible to tell exactly which line it froze on, because that particular display goes in increments of 10. Look around the "Count = 1" line for a variable that you changed and change it back. This error has happened many times, and you just have to memorize every variable you changed around that point since you last tried to run the program.

Author:  monkey_man_5 [ Thu Dec 14, 2006 5:33 am ]
Post subject: 

Fearful_Ferret wrote:
It's almost always one variable. That's why you test often and don't change tons of variables at once, because when the game freezes, it's impossible to tell exactly which line it froze on, because that particular display goes in increments of 10. Look around the "Count = 1" line for a variable that you changed and change it back. This error has happened many times, and you just have to memorize every variable you changed around that point since you last tried to run the program.

Fixed it, thanks for the help.

Stupid woundlimit won't let me set it to 99999999999999999999999999...

Author:  Juggz [ Fri Dec 15, 2006 11:02 am ]
Post subject: 


Mines at 100,000

Author:  Fearful_Ferret [ Fri Dec 15, 2006 3:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Try -1. Most big numbers can be averted by putting the coding equivalent of infinity.

I had the exact same woundLimit problem with my Swiss sniper rifle...

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