Data Realms Fan Forums

Automatic Login doesn't work, and another problem with WinXP
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Author:  Yukio [ Sat Nov 12, 2005 7:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Automatic Login doesn't work, and another problem with WinXP

I have checked the Automatic Login-option, but it never works. What to do?

By the way, I recently got this broblem with my WinXP, that it keeps minimizing all the fullscreen games I play. Like it would open another window behind them. (Jumps to desktop and keeps the games running.)

It does this thing also when in internet, (and programs running in a window) but it doesn't close the browser/window, only makes me have to click the browser/window with mouse to "activate" it again. Have anybody else encountered this kind of thing?

It's making me crazy.. Do you know any good sites that could help me?

EDIT: Problem solved! I just got a nasty trojan.

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