Data Realms Fan Forums

3D Models based on the concept arts or smth
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Author:  CatInSpacePants [ Sat Aug 19, 2017 12:03 pm ]
Post subject:  3D Models based on the concept arts or smth


Recently I've decided to try my luck with 3D artwork and as I learn I decided to make my first 3D model be from Cortex Command, a game I remember playing with my best buddy, on split screen often back in the day! :D

So without further ado, here's few renders from my work so far:

All Purpose Robot (pardon the quality of this image, it's linked from the facebook page, plus it had a lower resolution to begin with)

Renders below (I decided to give him a red tint here and there for some reason :???: ):

Low Poly - finished:

Gallery LP:

High poly - WIP:

Gallery HP: ... 1d5WTNwTFk

Hope you'll like it! :)

PS: Also, I know there's been a topic abut 3D models somewhere there. If a moderator wishes to move my post there, I won't be mad I guess. But if it can ne it's own then I'd be happy :)

Author:  CaveCricket48 [ Wed Aug 23, 2017 3:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 3D Models - All Purpose Robot

Looks pretty neat so far.

Might be worth it to try to base models off of vanilla sprites and try to replicate the placement of details with simple blocky textures in the future, like ejection ports on guns and things like that. CC has a very textured but pixely feel.

Author:  CatInSpacePants [ Wed May 02, 2018 11:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 3D Models - All Purpose Robot

Hey, I'm glad you like it :)

This is just my first serious 3D model, which I am using to learn stuff on.

Yeah it's possible, and leaves much space for the 3d artist to "imagine" how would the model look like. Yup I have to say that I like putting some effort into making thus this model has around 100 elements. Thus it was very time consuming, but it feels worth it. :D

Btw, I have just finished converting it into high poly, so it looks a bit better :) Still no textures though :P

HD of this pic can be seen here:

Author:  CatInSpacePants [ Wed May 02, 2018 11:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 3D Models based on the concept arts or smth

Heeeey CC fans!

I might have been silent for a long time - but I was doing.. sum stuff - anyway here I am again, and with something fancy!

No peeking! Ofc I'm kidding, peek all you want <wink> <wink>

Preview photo here (attaching the image randomly, somewhere)

Sketchfab model can be found here:

Hope you like what you see, coz it's not even done yet :) [crying internally]

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Author:  CatInSpacePants [ Fri May 04, 2018 1:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 3D Models based on the concept arts or smth

So I'm guessing these two renders look kind of nice:

1. ... sp=sharing

2. ... sp=sharing

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