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 Questions about the game 
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Joined: Sat Feb 01, 2014 8:08 am
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Post Questions about the game
Or more accurately, the newest update. But I must say I do very much enjoy the game (67 hours according to Steam and still going), it is a pretty nice game, but I do have some questions about it.

1. How do the randomized maps work? Is it a campaign thing or is it a scenario thingy? Like do the enemies always get a cool randomized base or something? I'm not really sure since it's description seemed pretty vague.

2. What does the difficulty slider do on the campaign? AI settings is pretty self explanatory (I would assume it makes them react faster and aim better), but what does the difficulty slider do?

3. What does the Scene Editor and Area Editor do? (Also the option for the Scene Editor is obscured a bit by the title screen, so it's a bit of an effort to actually click it)

Those are just a few questions I had about the game about things I don't really know much about despite the big amount of time I've sunk into the game. I hope I'm not being too annoying, just a bit curious.

Wed Sep 30, 2015 11:02 am
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Post Re: Questions about the game
Trynt wrote:
Or more accurately, the newest update. But I must say I do very much enjoy the game (67 hours according to Steam and still going), it is a pretty nice game, but I do have some questions about it.

1. How do the randomized maps work? Is it a campaign thing or is it a scenario thingy? Like do the enemies always get a cool randomized base or something? I'm not really sure since it's description seemed pretty vague.

1. I think it's limited to the stock campaign, but IIRC how it works is this; each region has a specific map that has one (or more) prebuilt bunker variants. In the metagame, as gold is distributed to a region, the bunker variant for that region is filled out with modules/etc. built in a specific order. The original layout is fairly simple, but is built over itself such that as the bunker is upgraded, the old design is replaced by the new parts.

3. The Scene editor is for placing objects on a completed terrain (BG+FG+etc.) that has been set up already, as I understand. Adding trees and bunker modules and so on. I think it can be used to expand the number of scenarios a scene can be used in; if not, the Area Editor, likewise, is used to define invisible areas (like hardcoded dropzones or trigger volumes) that are used by certain scenarios to define how events play out - e.g. alarms sounding and enemies spawning when an actor steps into a specific area.

Wed Sep 30, 2015 1:10 pm
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