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Custom windowed resolution?
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Author:  Icehamma [ Sat Nov 01, 2014 1:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Custom windowed resolution?

Is it possible to force CC to run on custom resolution when on windowed mode?
I like to run CC at 854x480 pixels (FWVGA) cuz I want to browse and play CC at the same time. 640x480 VGA is too small and 800x600 SVGA seems to big to do this kind of multitasking...
BTW my screen res is 1366x768, but I don't like playing on big screen cuz it lags a lot.

Author:  Keralastic [ Sat Nov 01, 2014 1:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Custom windowed resolution?

You can set up a custom resolution by editing the "Settings.ini" file located in the Base.rte folder. The variables you have to modify are right at the top, so you should see them right away.

There's also a variable a little further down called "NxWindowed", this scales the window by whatever number you put in. So make sure the width and height of the window won't exceed the size of your desktop resolution if multiplied. (EG, you won't be able to scale the window by 2 if the doubled height would exceed 768.)

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