Data Realms Fan Forums

My/Your Top List of Mods 2013!
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Author:  Izak12 [ Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:28 am ]
Post subject:  My/Your Top List of Mods 2013!

1. UniTec

Creator: Gotcha!


Updated 1.05: viewtopic.php?p=519863#p519863
Props to weegee for the update!!

Description: What more could you want? Mechs? Ninja? More guns? Cool stuff? ALIYUNS?? It's got it all!

2. Brutalized Base Factions

Creator: Vrinrock

Links: viewtopic.php?f=61&t=45070

Description: Now, there a tons of a mod out there probably more pertinent to this one in terms of what they offer and units, maps, etc. But I found this one really really helped the base game feel better. If you want combat thats like - you know - fatalistic. Like how reality is. Then this is something that tries to do just that for the most part. At least, you'll notice it in a BIG way. No kidding. Even with supermen mods. Good thing is the OP is letting people redo his work and release it even without crediting him, so maybe you can perfect teh formula of perfect lethal weapon combos!

3. Train Chase

Creator: weegee

Links: viewtopic.php?f=24&t=30934

1.05 Deployer Link(full mod): viewtopic.php?p=517104#p517104

Description: Mod is amazing, end of story. It's got a TRAIN!!!!! :O

4. Map Pack 3

Creator: Gotcha!

Links: viewtopic.php?f=24&t=12224

Description: A must have module parts/map pack, just check it oooouuuut!

5. Mehman's Experimental Weaponry

Creator: Mehman

Links: viewtopic.php?f=61&t=25172

Description: And they said it wasn't possible... but then Mehman was born.... and it came.

6. MaximDude Corp.

Creator: MaximDude

Links: viewtopic.php?f=61&t=17243

Description: Okay, this mod, is epic, for maaany reasons. Especially for the arsenal it adds which in combination with Mehman's mod makes for some epic battols!

Author:  Foa [ Mon Feb 11, 2013 3:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My/Your Top List of Mods 2013!

They said it wasn't possible with TLB, capnbubs, zalo, cavecricket and so on. [geti, Darlos9D.. weegee, abdul, numgun]

Author:  Miggles [ Thu Feb 14, 2013 1:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My/Your Top List of Mods 2013!

spoilers it was possible

Author:  halo117 [ Sun May 26, 2013 1:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My/Your Top List of Mods 2013!

maker: Uberhen
Link: viewtopic.php?f=24&t=37713
Description: My first ever mod (technically it's a scene) for Cortex Command, I was able to play it after 13-14 tries. Now to the reason, it has something that interests me, but i don't know what....
maker: Insano-man
Link: viewtopic.php?f=61&t=44593
Description: The best mod in my opinion, It adds only two actors and not a lot of guns. Their weapons and actors are cool and balanced, and they even look cool too! like spec ops or something...
3.Map Pack 3
maker: Gotcha!
link: viewtopic.php?f=24&t=12224
Description: It adds a bit of flavor to cortex command and makes maps look more epic. Nuff' said.

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