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 Mr 47's IN-Depth manual 
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Post Mr 47's IN-Depth manual
Welcome to Damn Insurgent Robot random name for DIRT, since DIRTmaster says he doesnt know what the acronym stands for :P
Since the current Readme is sort of...short. I felt it would be a good idea to make a sort of FAQ on the forum.


Top Player:
Arrow Keys: Move
Keypad 1: Fire
Keypad 2: Aim/Zoom
Keypad 3: Change/pickup/drop weapon
Keypad Enter: Jump/jets

Bottom Player:
W: Aim up
S: Aim down
A: Move left
D: Move right
H: Fire
J: Aim/Zoom
K: Switch/pickup/drop weapon
L: Jump/Jets

Other Keys:
1: Speed time
2: Slow time
R: Reset game
Prnt Scrn: Screenshot (IN TestDumpXXX.bmp)

In the present version of DIRT two sides battle it out between their two bunkers. The goal, naturally, is to win.
There are two ways to do this:
a. Kill the other guy until they have no gold left
b. Destroy their brain-in-a-jar at the back of their bunker.

Both of these methods are generaly accomplished by shooting something, though you CAN crash the rocket into stuff as well.

Important Items;
Guns: Pick these up and shoot things with them. IN-Dept explanation beyond.
Soldiers/The Robot: You, who does the shooting.
Brains: The little brains-inna-jar in the back of the bases, destroy the other sides you and win.
Rockets: Transport gold/guys, fun to fly :)

Flying: to fly take any blaster out, aim down, and fire, while firing jump once to get into the air and fly about the game at high speeds.
Different blasters have different effects on flying.
*Use the blasters only for vertical rise, while doing so jump to go horizontal(it gets faster the more you do it.

Light Blaster just generally decends after initial jump, to get around this jump as well as shoot in order to get going.
Medium Blaster: Tends to send you up higher than heavy and keeps you up there. (Suggest short bursts of bullets to keep you up at one level)
Heavy blaster: easiest to start great for quick manouvers around your opponent.

The various terrains you will encounter
Sand: The light coloured stuff, you tend to fall through it.
Dirt: The games namesake, you see alot of it. It only takes a light-blaster to get through easily though.
Packed Dirt: The dark-colour dirt. Can be dug with a light blaster, but a medium makes it faster.
Rock: The grey stuff, requires a medium or heavy blaster.
Concrete: The light-grey stuff, bunkers are made of this. Needs a heavy/medium, though technically possible with a light, youll use all your ammo making a small hole.
Heavy Concrete: The stuff lining the 'brain room', alot tougher than standard stuff. I generaly have to shoot it with the SMG a few times to make a hole the blasters can get through. (Not sure about this, it might just be me.)

Grenade launcher

-If your the bottom player get your shotgun out and fire as quickly as possible, you will most likely kill your opponent before he can do anything or wound him in which you now run for your life.
-If your the top player run off the side of the building, then kil top player

Survival Tips:

#1. When buried under dirt/cement wiggle back, and fourth. this will allow you to slowly dig out.(depending on whether or not you are in a small pile, or under ground you may have to dig a tunnel with a blaster. if no blaster is available start digging twards nearest point in the air. if you have to go up boost then wiggle when your stuck,repeat.

#2.If your opponent is in range for either your shotgun or cannon don't charge in with a blaster.

#3.Never attack a ship with a blaster.(unless you want to die)

#4.When shooting a ship nevr let it dig into the ground. (it will eventually make it to the bottom and screw up the game.

Mr 47
linongion (HInts/tips, Special)

Ill see if I can get some better data on how guns work, ranges and power and so forth.

Last edited by Mr 47 on Thu Sep 29, 2005 7:16 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Wed Jan 12, 2005 3:21 am
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Concrete sprayer is better on thick concrete.

Sweep it through where you want to tunnel then follow it up with a heavy or medium.

Wed Jan 12, 2005 5:41 pm
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Damn Insurgent Terrorist Robots is "DITR" not "DIRT".

Sat Jan 15, 2005 10:13 am

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Bah, fixed :P
Continueing studies into weapons. Anybody else is free to post their findings...

Sat Jan 15, 2005 4:05 pm
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Thanks for posting the ingame keys. I could never figure those out.....

Mon Jan 17, 2005 7:59 pm
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Anonymous wrote:
Damn Insurgent Terrorist Robots is "DITR" not "DIRT".

Damn Insurgent Robot Terrorists then. Party pooper.

Thu Jan 27, 2005 7:51 pm
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I really should have been working on this, but schoolwork caught up with me. ASAP, I shall start again.

I also found out that it is occasionaly possible to shoot grenades in mid-air. MAybe if we get online multiplayer we could have grenade shooting competitions :P

Fri Feb 04, 2005 9:48 pm
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It shouldn't be.

By default the grenades don't take hits from mos.

However they might themselves hit other projectiles.

Sat Feb 05, 2005 7:46 am
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Mr 47 I have some stuff to add to your manual:

Flying: to fly take any blaster out, aim down, and fire, while firing jump once to get into the air and fly about the game at high speeds.
Different blasters have different effects on flying.
*Use the blasters only for vertical rise, while doing so jump to go horizontal(it gets faster the more you do it.

Light Blaster just generally decends after initial jump, to get around this jump as well as shoot in order to get going.
Medium Blaster: Tends to send you up higher than heavy and keeps you up there. (Suggest short bursts of bullets to keep you up at one level)
Heavy blaster: easiest to start great for quick manouvers around your opponent.

Start of game tips.
-If your the bottom player get your shotgun out and fire as quickly as possible, you will most likely kill your opponent before he can do anything or wound him in which you now run for your life.
-If your the top player run off the side of the building, then kil top player.
Easy eh?

Tue Feb 15, 2005 6:22 pm

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Added, thanks :)

Wed Feb 16, 2005 12:55 am
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Got some survival tips.(goes under special)

Survival Tips:

#1. When buried under dirt/cement wiggle back, and fourth. this will allow you to slowly dig out.(depending on whether or not you are in a small pile, or under ground you may have to dig a tunnel with a blaster. if no blaster is available start digging twards nearest point in the air. if you have to go up boost then wiggle when your stuck,repeat.

#2.If your opponent is in range for either your shotgun or cannon don't charge in with a blaster.

#3.Never attack a ship with a blaster.(unless you want to die)

#4.When shooting a ship nevr let it dig into the ground. (it will eventually make it to the bottom and screw up the game.

Thu Feb 17, 2005 7:28 am

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Sat May 13, 2006 7:01 pm
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Awesome guide. Props to Lin and Mr.47!

Sun May 14, 2006 12:53 am
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Sun May 14, 2006 6:40 am
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