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 Looking for Harder Faction to fight in Campaign 
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Post Re: Looking for Harder Faction to fight in Campaign
Zalo's mod does away with any pixel destruction, gibbing, etc. Killing is essentially actor deletion because even gibs are too random to track easily. So sure, you could do that, he proved it, and if it was done engine-side it'd probably work fairly well.
But to have multiplayer with the full set of physics, though probably doable, would likely require a lot of bandwith and be laggier than cc is now.

As for the more recent one, yeah, that's essentially video streaming and input reading. That's clearly doable, but I don't know how well it'll ever run.

Sun May 25, 2014 6:13 pm
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Post Re: Looking for Harder Faction to fight in Campaign
clunatic wrote:
dragonxp wrote:
Unit tracking isn't the difficult thing to track. It's the terrain and physics. Zalo already implemented a proof of concept mod where only the players were kept track of.

This is a common missperception. You don't have to track the physics to implement online multiplayer. The randomness of CC's physics is NOT that big a problem as some people make it out to be. Also, Zalo's proof of concept mod that you mention is old. He has since already shown that true online play is possible: In fact Data himself has said it's possible (post seems to have been removed?), just very complicated and time consuming.

Perhaps not. Since a brief read looks like it was a stream from a server it's a little different then how other multiplayer games work. Essentially it's running a normal split screen game but streaming the video and audio to the clients and receiving the input from the clients. Perhaps if CC were to work on such a system then it would still need some changes (read: in game interfacing aka fullscreen for all clients) to run in a satisfactory matter. What Zalo's proof of concept mod did was prove that it would be possible to implement basic death match parameters into CC and keep track of the actors to allow for several clients (read 4) to play and further clients to spectate. Essentially the link you gave is like playing on a remote desktop. You can play games with zero network properties using systems such as the one shown here.

Sun May 25, 2014 6:59 pm
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Post Re: Looking for Harder Faction to fight in Campaign
Neither of those two examples are what could and should be done.

You shouldn't be tracking much of anything other than user input across the wire. OpenRA's netcode demonstrates a possible solution very well even if it doesn't work 100%. All we'd need is access to CC's RNG to implement this, so the random seed is shared across all clients.

Mon May 26, 2014 10:17 pm
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Post Re: Looking for Harder Faction to fight in Campaign
We could solve all the multiplayer game problems with some Cortex Command themed picture wars.

Tue May 27, 2014 3:22 am
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Post Re: Looking for Harder Faction to fight in Campaign
Asklar wrote:
We could solve all the multiplayer game problems with some Cortex Command themed picture wars.


A act from Data which involved a complete rewrite of the engine to correct flaws and add stuff that people have been requesting for years.. which would probably take sometime.

Tue May 27, 2014 3:34 am
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Post Re: Looking for Harder Faction to fight in Campaign
I think my sarcasm was better. To be honest, I'm still not sure if you meant that as a sarcasm or not.

Tue May 27, 2014 3:54 am
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Post Re: Looking for Harder Faction to fight in Campaign
Asklar wrote:
I think my sarcasm was better. To be honest, I'm still not sure if you meant that as a sarcasm or not.

i'm sure it was both.

Tue May 27, 2014 4:12 am
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Post Re: Looking for Harder Faction to fight in Campaign
Well, at some point flaws become limitations; the sort of things that are pretty much irrevocable, and require overhauls, rewrites, refactoring, or what have you... At that point you may as well make a new game, which in and of itself has flaws, and limitations, too.

(Crush2D tries to add multiplayer, and sane mo-mo physics, but removes retro-pixel terrain destruction, because everything is now a 2d object, static or otherwise. Also, multiplayer isn't guaranteed, but it is possible, instead of impossible.)

At best, you have a point and an opinion, but everything has come and gone without your input, so your formulations, and expectations are needless and worthless. Cortex Command is as solid as it's ever going to be, and the only things that are going to change are the steam integration, some other hooks (like draw functions), and the soft coded content (ai, scripts, generally anything you can do yourself).

Tue May 27, 2014 5:20 am
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Post Re: Looking for Harder Faction to fight in Campaign
You may as well just hold out for Planetoid Pioneers.

Also, this:
Foa wrote:
At best, you have a point and an opinion, but everything has come and gone without your input, so your formulations, and expectations are needless and worthless. Cortex Command is as solid as it's ever going to be, and the only things that are going to change are the steam integration, some other hooks (like draw functions), and the soft coded content (ai, scripts, generally anything you can do yourself).

Tue May 27, 2014 5:45 am
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Post Re: Looking for Harder Faction to fight in Campaign
might come off as a huge ♥♥♥♥ but does anyone expect planetoid pioneers to be as fun as CC

I like blowing up clones with machine guns I don't care about driving cars or whatever

Tue May 27, 2014 10:29 am
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Post Re: Looking for Harder Faction to fight in Campaign
Teleo wrote:
might come off as a huge ♥♥♥♥ but does anyone expect planetoid pioneers to be as fun as CC

I like blowing up clones with machine guns I don't care about driving cars or whatever

i wouldn't mind being able to do all of that and everything in Cortex Command, Maybe its just best to wait for Cortex Command 2 if that ever happens..


if any of you remember a mode in UT2003 that remove all weapons and made it singleshot kill maybe that will help? think anyone could do a mod that makes all weapons or actually damage instant death?

i'm sure it could be something to do with high gravity world? or a single region prone to this effect, its that or make a AI replacement.

Tue May 27, 2014 10:32 am
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Post Re: Looking for Harder Faction to fight in Campaign
Sims_Doc wrote:
if any of you remember a mode in UT2003 that remove all weapons and made it singleshot kill maybe that will help? think anyone could do a mod that makes all weapons or actually damage instant death?

i'm sure it could be something to do with high gravity world? or a single region prone to this effect, its that or make a AI replacement.

Instant death isn't hard. From custom wounds, simply having a script that globally kills anything with a wound, or having a gun that shoots bullets that detect the nearest actor, and sets health to zero.

High gravity? That can be done with a lua script, or by editing a scene.ini option.

A single region prone to this? I think you can do this by designating a zone and attaching a script to it in the activities.lua for the scene. Otherwise, a bunker module that spawns with an AEmitter with a lua script tied to it.

AI replacement? It's all lua.

Teleo wrote:
might come off as a huge ♥♥♥♥ but does anyone expect planetoid pioneers to be as fun as CC

I like blowing up clones with machine guns I don't care about driving cars or whatever

Good, because of the robot system for actors/entities/MO's in Crush2d allows you to have more variety in your actors.
You want something with turrets? No problem; want three-legged striders? No problem; want four-winged VTOL Jets that have cargo bays, and you can ride on top of them? No problem; want to have a simple humanoid with dangly bits because they have an Anti-Gravity Pack? No Problem; want a theo jansen walking machine, that's more or less a walking wall? No problem.

As far as the actor goes, you more or less have the power to futz with materials or body parts, and screw with how joints move... but not necessarily the restriction of motion (i.e., you can't bend your knee that far). The rest is thrown into lua scripting, but for the most part, you can throw a script from one robot to another, and you only really have to weigh numbers, and rename some of the joints, or something.
(Another thing you can do is customize the "death conditions", so you can have that "reactor core" that kills you or "hydraulic piston" that makes you limp... but be wary of the scripting you need to put into the latter item)

Tue May 27, 2014 5:35 pm
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Post Re: Looking for Harder Faction to fight in Campaign
Gentlemen, i have found a hard faction. ... =264502589

Thu May 29, 2014 11:56 am
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Post Re: Looking for Harder Faction to fight in Campaign
anyway, I've been playing excursively against the gears of war faction with dummys and they are starting to become fairly easy now to clear.. so any harder factions that haven't been mention that might be worth looking into?

Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:16 am
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Post Re: Looking for Harder Faction to fight in Campaign
Have you tried Mario Brothers

Tue Jun 03, 2014 4:17 pm
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