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 Cortex Command - with dual monitors? 
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Post Re: Cortex Command - with dual monitors?
Yes. Yes it would, actually.

Rewiring the entire way Allegro does displays for a tiny percentage of the people who use the game, and even then they'd only use it in one specific instance. THIS IS LOGICAL.

Tue Apr 07, 2009 4:23 am
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Post Re: Cortex Command - with dual monitors?
Grif wrote:
Yes. Yes it would, actually.

Rewiring the entire way Allegro does displays for a tiny percentage of the people who use the game, and even then they'd only use it in one specific instance. THIS IS LOGICAL.

Wait, but just explain to me why it can't just be made so that this is easier to do:
Mars wrote:
i posted a thread about this... Search doesn't work i swear.
I've been messing with it. it shuts down if you set the resolution to anything other than what's a preset. i've moved the monitor orientation around a number of times. it won't leave your main monitor no matter what. i'll keep trying. tell you if i get anywhere.

By the way...

settings are not in the game. go to your programs files>data Realms> cortex command

you'll find a number of settings you can change... been trying to add the depth the gold and rocks go down into the earth there. not working...

EDIT: in there, there is a settings file. in it it says

   HSplitScreen = 1
   VSplitScreen = 0

Set screen resolutions to how you like the game viewed. and the game resolution (files>data Realms> cortex command>base> settings) to about twice tall.

i do these;

2 player
left monitor (above main monitor needed)

Right monitor


4 player
game res: 770x1100


Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:46 pm
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Post Re: Cortex Command - with dual monitors?
Monkey ontop the left monitor ftw.
Very interesting, this could be helpful in many ways.
Do you know in Two players how the player who is aiming using the mouse gets canceled out when the keyboard player presses a key to move around and such?

Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:55 pm
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Post Re: Cortex Command - with dual monitors?
Probably would lag up a whole lot. Unless you have like the best computer on the market.

Fri Apr 17, 2009 7:32 pm
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Post Re: Cortex Command - with dual monitors?
Ok. Sorry for necroposting. But how things are going with dual monitors support in 2015 ? Or some ways how i can split game-window on two monitors?

(Sorry for my bad english)

Sat Aug 08, 2015 12:02 pm

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Post Re: Cortex Command - with dual monitors?
_Duke wrote:
Ok. Sorry for necroposting. But how things are going with dual monitors support in 2015 ? Or some ways how i can split game-window on two monitors?

(Sorry for my bad english)

I have a dual monitor setup working flawlessly with cortex command. I posted about it somewhere but I can't find that post.
Anyway, you need to run the game in borderless-windowed mode. For this, make sure your settings.ini is set to fullscreen = 0. If your monitors are different sizes, your resolution in settings.ini should be twice the smallest x-resolution by the smallest y-resolution. If this crashes, you'll probably have to shrink at least the y-resolution a little bit. The next release should have better borderless-fullscreen support. Use this program to force CC into fullscreen-windowed: . Use it to set cortex command to a custom window position. The origin should be at 0,0 (or shifted down by the difference in vertical-resolution of your monitors) and the other corner at your resolution defined in settings.ini.
I have a global script that forces either horizontal or vertical splitscreen since CC seems to choose the wrong one and since the settings for it are broken. I'll upload it tomorrow when I'm back at my pc.
Hopefully all that makes sense. Let me know if any part of it needs clarifying.

I don't appreciate the negative attitudes displayed by certain members here. It doesn't lend to constructive discussion. The only issue I've ever had with this setup is that you get ghost images where the background images are too small. To fix that just extend the canvas of these backgrounds.

EDIT: script attached
AddGlobalScript = GlobalScript
   PresetName = Split Screen Mode
   Description = Changes splitscreen mode
   ScriptPath = Base.rte/Scripts/SplitScreens.lua
   LuaClassName = SplitScreens

SplitScreens.lua [473 Bytes]
Downloaded 552 times
Tue Dec 22, 2015 4:53 am
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