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 A funny case of bad luck while playing CC? 
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Post A funny case of bad luck while playing CC?
The beautiful thing about CC is the physics, allowing for anything to basically fly off and sever your troops. I started this topic so you can post funny things that have happened to you while playing, here is mine:

I was playing skirmish defense, and my base, well armed with machine guns, was firing at an enemy dropship, since it was on the left side, firin at the left engine or rocket thingy, I decided to attack the right, so I fire at the right with my weapon (I cannot exactly remember what) but I destroyed it, and the craft flew wildly to the left, towards my base due to more power thrust on that side, right into my base, it crashed into the door of the base, which was open, since a troop was exiting, and the engine rips off, and lands with the rocket burning that troop to a crisp. I had a major facepalm, now knowing the true meaning of bad luck! :-o

What's your story?

Wed Nov 27, 2013 6:52 am

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Post Re: A funny case of bad luck while playing CC?
Oh you know.

A dropship engine crushing my brain.

-cough cough-

Wed Nov 27, 2013 11:53 am

Joined: Thu Nov 28, 2013 2:01 am
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Post Re: A funny case of bad luck while playing CC?
Smashed my brain into a wall after killing all the enemies...

Sat Nov 30, 2013 8:06 am
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Post Re: A funny case of bad luck while playing CC?
There are many ways to get screwed by the game.

Lucky shots, random shots which invariably mutilate or kill your units.
Falling ships, yours or enemies', especially their gib death cloud.
There are also things like legless, ever-flying, meteoric actors that appear out of no where, and absolutely annihilate you with their bodies.

Sun Dec 01, 2013 6:25 am

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Post Re: A funny case of bad luck while playing CC?
Just accidently deployed an mouth-eater storm inside my base.

Damn you cursor.

Fri Dec 06, 2013 8:44 am
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Post Re: A funny case of bad luck while playing CC?
Here is a good one for you,
1)buy 3 or more grapple guns on one actor.
2)Fire them all in random directions, perferably in an enclosed area.
3)Retract them as far as you can with the crouch+up key combinations.
4)now one of two things will happen
4a. your character will select the last gun you fired to fallow, if this is the case fire another gun and proceed to 4b.
4b. SPaCe KraKeN AtTacK,
5) you can either observe you space kracken with another actor, or enjoy a rainbow gib shower when you attempt to rescue the actor that has been krakened.

Sat Dec 07, 2013 4:06 am

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Post Re: A funny case of bad luck while playing CC?
The scale ratio of CC objects and maps and the fact that it's 2D works together nicely to make hilarious accidents fairly common. My favourite one was when my limping yellow robot walked away from a decent firefight only to be properly cartoon-style crushed flat by a falling dropship door.

Mon Dec 09, 2013 1:48 pm
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Post Re: A funny case of bad luck while playing CC?
Megalodon said boom too early and my brain got killed...
They hunger is fun mod to play. I built 2 bases, another one has the brain and another one is floating.
My another base got overrun so i tried to get to my escape craft (It happens to be megalodon helicopter). I just hopped in and got away, but then something exploded and stuff flied at the helicopter. It just broke, pilot died and my brain got badly damaged, after that... umm... They hungers? got my brain and, you know, brain died.

Game over

Sun Jul 27, 2014 4:57 pm
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