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"Covert Assault" v1.4 Final - Assasination Mission
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Author:  kiberkiller [ Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:23 pm ]
Post subject:  "Covert Assault" v1.4 Final - Assasination Mission

- Commander! We have bad news and good news for you.
- Bad news is that the teleporter you used has malfunctioned and you're now stranded on a long forgotten outpost.
- Good news is that our fellow Coalition has set up an intelligence and logistics center here.
- Your orders is to eliminate Coalition commander. This will allow us to take control of this base.
- HQ out!

-- Installation --
This mission requires resources from Gotcha!'s Map Pack 3.

If you already have it installed just download the .rte archive and place it inside your Cortex Command folder as usual.
Covert Assault 1.4 [29.65 KiB]
Downloaded 1031 times

If you don't have it installed then you can download this attachment and extract it inside your Cortex Command folder.
Covert Assault Complete 1.4 [1.69 MiB]
Downloaded 1352 times

After that open /Cortex Command/Base.rte/Scenes.ini with any text editor and add
IncludeFile = Maps - Objects/Index.ini

on the last line.

ItsMozy wrote:
This mod WORKS in B26 but not in it's current state. You have to go to scenes/convert assault.ini and at line 2617 you have to change grenade launcher into Remote-GL

1.4 - Final version. Removed most flavor items, cleaned up the map, fixed everything.
1.1 - Removed lots of junk that was causing slowdowns, added difficulty levels.
1.0 - Initial release.

-- Credits --
Gotcha! for amazing Map Pack and resources. I hope you don't mind me using it.
Voracious32 for making awesome "Astro" mission that inspired this one. I also used .lua from it.

Author:  Kallemort [ Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Covert Assault" - assasination style mission

It appears I'm unable to pick up the digger at the start.

EDIT: Guessing it's because it's too close to the map edge.

EDITEDIT: Got the shovel and got shot a couple times, but that's fine. The grapple seems to have the same problem as the digger. Also unable to destroy the vent covers or doors with any other means than flailing against them until they dislodge and turn into Junk.

Author:  kiberkiller [ Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Covert Assault" - assasination style mission

It's my first mod but unless I've done something wrong you should have 1000c at the start of the mission that you can order new actors and weapons with.

Thought it is supposed to be possible to complete the mission without ordering anything (I'll add difficulty levels later and Nuts! difficulty level won't give you any cash at all.)

I'll see what I can do about grappler and digger.

Author:  Kallemort [ Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Covert Assault" - assasination style mission

Oh, I didn't even notice the money as I just assumed you're not supposed to order anything. I guess it just turned a hell of a lot easier.

Author:  kiberkiller [ Tue Aug 16, 2011 4:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Covert Assault" - assasination style mission

I uploaded a new version.
Removed a lot of unnecessary stuff that was slowing the map down.
Added difficulty levels, now you get different amount of cash depending on difficulty.
Nuts! gives you 100c allowing you to order A body.

The only problem I've got is that you can't pick up the Digger that you need to be able to complete the map on max difficulty and I can't figure out why or how to fix it.

Author:  The_Dark_Killer [ Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Covert Assault" - assasination style mission

Can't you move the digger?

Author:  Harzipan [ Wed Aug 17, 2011 3:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Covert Assault" - assasination style mission

For me, you were only able to pick up the digger after about five minutes into the game. It also happens that five minutes in, all of the destructible objects are able to be shot. Not sure why.

In other news.. Fun map, Nicely designed buildings, and multiple-ish routes to go.

Edit: After replaying the map, I noticed that it says "Victoly" at the end. I found it amusing.

Author:  Gotcha! [ Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Covert Assault" - assasination style mission

Mind? On the contrary. I wish more people would use it. :)

Hope you'll make more!

Author:  kiberkiller [ Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Covert Assault" - assasination style mission

Gotcha! wrote:
Mind? On the contrary. I wish more people would use it. :)

Hope you'll make more!

I made sure to credit everyone including you, if you're not cool with me using your pack just let me know.

I definitely intend to make more, can I use UniTec Actors/Weapons too?

I found out what was the problem with the digger.
I used A LOT of pretty destructible vanity items in the map and apparently CC can't handle that without turning interactive items to background.
No idea why but it seems to be that way.

I removed all those carefully placed beer bottles and ventilation doors and that did the trick, the map is fully functional and is working as intended.

I plan to make a mini-campaign of small maps now, that way I can keep them as detailed as I want without any bugs.

Author:  Gotcha! [ Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Covert Assault" v1.4 Final - Assasination Mission

Sure, feel free. :) If you like you can use the original MP3 maps to make your missions as well. Go nuts!

Author:  Asklar [ Thu Aug 18, 2011 5:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Covert Assault" v1.4 Final - Assasination Mission

Very good map, very good one.

Something I'd like to point out; considering the small amount of cash that I begin with, I try to make my soldiers last, so I jetpacked over the base and completed the mission, without much ease anyway.

The point is that the base is completely avoidable, and that kinda sucks. You should make something to make the base more involved, like setting a fake brain in there, or make it teleport, or reach some point of the base for X reason and then head for the brain.

Just a suggestion, but still, great mission, I enjoyed it a lot. I loved how you used the MP3 bits in this, they fitted really well.

Author:  eddevilish [ Thu Aug 18, 2011 8:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Covert Assault" v1.4 Final - Assasination Mission

Sorry if I'm being absolutely stupid, but where on earth is your mission? I can't find it in Scenario Battles anywhere, and I noticed the activity file had "InCampaign = 1". Does that mean I have to find the mission in a campaign game or something?

Author:  kiberkiller [ Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Covert Assault" v1.4 Final - Assasination Mission

eddevilish wrote:
Sorry if I'm being absolutely stupid, but where on earth is your mission? I can't find it in Scenario Battles anywhere, and I noticed the activity file had "InCampaign = 1". Does that mean I have to find the mission in a campaign game or something?

It should be in Scenario Battles, where you pick your gamemode, scroll down until you find "Covert Assault".

Author:  kiberkiller [ Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Covert Assault" v1.4 Final - Assasination Mission

Gotcha! wrote:
Sure, feel free. :) If you like you can use the original MP3 maps to make your missions as well. Go nuts!

Thank you. Right now I'm trying to figure out the best way to let a Scene Editor use UniTec stuff, especially actors. Since you have a pretty funky set-up with presets and such and they might differ from user to user.

I also have some enormous troubles getting activity for my new scene to work.
AddActivity = GAScripted
   PresetName = Wicked Skies
   Description = Wicked Skies Campaign
   SceneName = Wicked Skies
   ScriptFile = Wicked Skies.rte/Activities/Wicked Skies.lua
   InCampaignStage = 1
   LuaClassName = Assassination
   CPUTeam = 1
   TeamCount = 1
   MinTeamsRequired = 1

This is the code for the activity that is supposed to start my new scene but it wants to start Covert Assault scene instead of the intended scene.
I have absolutely no idea about how I should fix it.

Author:  ItsMozy [ Sun Sep 18, 2011 6:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Covert Assault" v1.4 Final - Assasination Mission

This mod WORKS in B26 but not in it's current state. You have to go to scenes/convert assault.ini and at line 2617 you have to change grenade launcher into Remote-GL

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