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Post Overlord-Temple
After the Overlords leave their planet (Because they exhausted the ressources) other Faction began to mine there after Gold. Gold was the only Ressource the Overlords didn´t exhausted, because for them Gold was only twinkling dirt. The last big Gold Ressources are located behind a old Overlord-Temple. The Temple-Tarrain itself havn´t got any Gold. Now every Faction try to capture the Temple but it isn´t easy to hold the Temple. The enemys came from too different ways:
The first Troops must go above the field in the right of the temple. The other way is to fly to the Platform at the top of the Temple and atack it. (The AI make both)
The Temple have these rooms:
-Platform (at the top of the temple)
-Victim-Room (at the bottom with a hole)
-Lord-Room (in the middle with a window for sniper)
-Entrance-Hall (The first thing you enter when you came from the field)





Last edited by Teemperor on Mon Jan 05, 2009 9:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Jan 04, 2009 9:32 pm
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Post Re: Overlord-Temple
I give it a C.

Strikes for this map:
It is well put together and it looks pretty decent. The temple is well constructed and the fire-producing nodes are an interesting Mario-esque touch. I expected to see a rotating chain of fire sprites in there and it made me nostalgic.

It's simple. The objective is clear, your base is well demarcated, it works in this regard.

Strikes against:
Teemperor wrote:
Now every Faction try to capture the Temple but it isn´t easy to hold the Temple.

on the contrary, it is very very easy to hold the temple. The map isn't challenging. If you get inside the AI can hold it by itself if you put them in the right spots. The map is too small for the AI to deploy a whole lot of troops, so they are at half their normal strength and only coming at you from one direction. This killed the experience for me.

Ways in which to improve:

-it doesn't have to X-wrap, in fact i like maps that don't, but if the enemy can't come at your from both sides then the player really has nothing to worry about. You could mirror what you already have and it would be exponentially more challenging.

-Make the lead-up to the temple entrance much much longer, the field of play more interesting (for example, any sort of terrain at all, or possibly other small ruins)

-Give those that hold the temple some disadvantages. Have a few areas where the AI can get in through the top of it by landing on the roof, maybe a cave-in that's hard to keep people out of, maybe more deadly traps for defenders on the inside, i dunno. You can do so much more to make this difficult for the player.

In its current state this is basically an easier version of maginot with one added feature (fire spouts) and without any semblance of challenge or interesting Lua-work.

This map could easily be a really awesome mission, even the first in a series of really awesome missions. The principal is good, but the execution needs work. Being a day-dreamer i've thought of some ideas for missions in this same vein, but i'll only post them if anyone's interested.

Sun Jan 04, 2009 10:49 pm
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Post Re: Overlord-Temple
It's quite good-looking, but it needs more 'temple' stuff if you want it to have a good atmosphere. Like an altar or something. A statue of some unknown god. A few bookshelves of biblical scriptures. Rooms for the priests to sleep in. Golden ornaments, chandeliers, candles, etc.

The little fire-thingies are a nice touch, but the sprites don't look too good.

Overall, a really nice map that could use a bit of garnishing.

Sun Jan 04, 2009 11:43 pm
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Post Re: Overlord-Temple
allen wins at critique.
the sprites need to be more subtle. shading and texture are needed, the base sprites stand out like a sore thumb inside the temple. i have nothing else to say that allen hasnt, listen to him.

Sun Jan 04, 2009 11:59 pm
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Post Re: Overlord-Temple
You need to get an image hosting website that isn't covered in pop-ups and porn.

and your building sprites hurt my eyes, the texture is too light and the outlines too dark.

I'll DL and give it a go.

Mon Jan 05, 2009 2:00 am
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Post Re: Overlord-Temple
Exalion wrote:
You need to get an image hosting website that isn't covered in pop-ups and porn.

and your building sprites hurt my eyes, the texture is too light and the outlines too dark.

I'll DL and give it a go.

Yea, it hurt my eyes too. Make it darker. Also yea, needs to be more temple-like.

Mon Jan 05, 2009 6:49 am
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Post Re: Overlord-Temple
Hmmm ok i make more Stuff and the temple texture Darker. And change my img-hoster :D

Mon Jan 05, 2009 9:56 am
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Post Re: Overlord-Temple
Its cool needs darkening like everyone said and some moss on the walls wouldn't hurt. :)
Burning torches in the BG texture could be cool to. :)

Tue Jan 06, 2009 3:55 am
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Post Re: Overlord-Temple
Use Lua based AI guides.
As in instead of hopeing for the best, just have zones where the AI goes in, is given GOTO instructions see this and sent to locations on the way to the brain. Also use that to make them take strategic points, like sniper towers and the like.

Tue Jan 06, 2009 4:14 am
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Post Re: Overlord-Temple
it looks alright, might dl

Sat Jan 24, 2009 9:43 pm
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Post Re: Overlord-Temple
Teemperor wrote:
Hmmm ok i make more Stuff and the temple texture Darker. And change my img-hoster :D

For hosting images, use either photobucket if you want to track your images, or tinypic if you don't need to.

Fri Feb 06, 2009 2:48 am
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Post Re: Overlord-Temple
Sounds interesting. I love defence-type maps, so what the hell?
*clickys the download link*

Sat Feb 07, 2009 2:22 pm
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Post Re: Overlord-Temple
This is actually a pretty cool idea. I love the temple theme, but it can definitely be fine-tuned. I like Allen's idea to mirror the base and make it approachable from both sides. Just my opinion. Anyways I love the ingenuity though! Nice mod.

Mon Jul 06, 2009 5:51 am
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