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 Proving Grounds + Notice 
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Post Proving Grounds + Notice
I Didn't want to release this yet, but I have no choice. (more on that later)

This is proving grounds.
This .rte uses a Custom Activites file, so open base.rte\Index.ini and comment out activites.ini or else this will not work properly.

the base map, is simply that, prove how good you are, with limited funds. there is no gold on the map, you get what you start with.

KOTH(A) King of the hill, includes a pre-fab base, as well as some other stuffs
KOTH(B) , a different pre-fab base
KOTH(C), the same pre-fab base as KOTH(B), but with some minor changes, and disasters happening right off the bat.

KOTHR(A) the same pre-fab bunker as in (A) but, it is instead held by the AI, with an AI brain, you have next to nothing to start with, and they STILL attack you. (King of the hill, Reversed)

KOTHR(B) Obvious


TF_Alpha_Delta: Testing Facility alpha-delta, A map, with a strong wall at the top so AI doesn't spawn, this map is designed to test mods. This one is for testing guns (pistol, SMG, Shotguns, NOT FLACK) and diggers. As well as arial collisions for dropships and rockets.

For guns, there are 4 firing bays, with various blocks of material, for use as 'ballistics gel' there are a few already there, but you can replace them with different materials, their bunker modules, I included more of those as well, however, due to how hurried I am to release, some are un-finished, I am sorry, just copy each bunker module, and change the file-paths and make a few new .bmps for the material layer.

for diggers, you can use the same area.

for dropships and rockets, the above-ground portion of the map, is a large open area, and on top of the hill, there is a concrete wall (again, can be replaced with anything) that you can fly over, or crash with, to test gib impulse/Structural integrety, for your drop - whatevers. (For example, gibs on concrete, at X speed, but NOT if an actor at the same speed hits it. skeletons are bone, so make a pillar of bone, and crash at the speed the skeleton would hit, about 10-15 pixels into a block of the material = about 1 actor i think, this is an estimation, i don't know how to be exact)

Testing facility beta theta : For testing heavy weapons, bombs, and actors.

For heavy weapons, like before, there are firing ranges, however they are larger.
This map is for testing cannons, Flack, lazers, and uber-weapons (things that will always win against default AI)

for Bombs, on top of the hill there is an enclosed space with a hole, with actors in different positions, behind different cover, with a platform to drop explosives on. you can drop the explosive, and see what types of actors will die, or live, and what cover can save someone.

For actors and dreadnoughts, there are 2 small obstacle courses.

A course simmilar to the one in the tutorial mission,

and a course specific for Dreadnoughts, consisting of different sized and shaped blocks, to test if they can scale it, and the final, difficult to do test, "can your dreadnought go up a ladder"

the default dreadnought oddly enough CAN scale a ladder... Sometimes...

Testing facility Omega: this one is corny.

Its the same as TF BT, but, the wall that blocks AI is gone, so you have this testing facility map, with AI trying to kill you. its a bit odd, I did THIS just to be funny.

Other than the maps, this mod includes
Bunker modules
Blocks of water, oil, bone, flesh, xenocronium, concrete, and i think something else. i forgot. They are all free, there made for testing, they don't look good for building bases, their not supposed to.

The sentinal beam that I made in B14 i think it was. Its the same weapon, and its used by the AI in my custom activities.

Custom activities

The uses heavy soldiers, robots, dummies, AND DREADNOUGHTS

the AI uses ROCKETS to drop some people off

they use Shotguns, flack cannons, and my sentinal beam.

They all have HEAVY diggers now, instead of medium,

WARNING! the custom activities only work properly on EASY due to the spawn-rates, otherwise, the ships crash into eachother, and kamikazi all over the place


And now the NOTE-

I didn't want to release this for a while because I have work left to do, but i've been lazy and pre-ocupied with spending time with mah signifigant other, However, now I am forced to. Why?

How can I be forced to upload?

yesterday my computer was fine.
when I woke up
20% of my C Drive was a bad sector
now 35% of it is.
I can not recover it, My harddrive is failing. After a year of using 2 GB of Virtual memory (I assume), my harddrive is dieing, If I do not upload it TODAY, in the next HOUR or so, It will be lost forever. I also have 5 GB of files to copy to disks, and I DONT HAVE my portable hard-drive here, AND i'm out of blank DVDs so I have to burn HOW many CDs? the first thing I lost? FL Studio..... reading at 0 bytes, in Fat32, my harddrive is NTFS. does anyone know how I have a Fat32 folder on an NTFS drive? I know this is the wrong place, but it's the reason that I'm uploading an unfinished mod.

The only thing un-finished is adding more bunker modules, so I consider it good enough.

Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:52 am
Profile YIM WWW
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Post Re: Proving Grounds + Notice
Miles_T3hR4t wrote:
This is proving grounds.

What, no pictures?

Mon Feb 25, 2008 10:22 pm

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Post Re: Proving Grounds + Notice
The note pretty much explains his crisis. I'll get some pics up later.

Mon Feb 25, 2008 11:17 pm
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Post Re: Proving Grounds + Notice
Sucks for you....but seriously, you should try this Or if you have AOL you get 5gbs of free storage to try to save stuff. I myself have over 50gbs of free space, so should you find a way to get the files to me, I'd be willing to store them for you.

Mon Feb 25, 2008 11:44 pm
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Post Re: Proving Grounds + Notice
striker121 wrote:
Sucks for you....but seriously, you should try this Or if you have AOL you get 5gbs of free storage to try to save stuff. I myself have over 50gbs of free space, so should you find a way to get the files to me, I'd be willing to store them for you.

Well you know this place has infinite free storage, make an account, if you're going to access your upload on different computers.
I recommend getting an account on there, because your getting a new hard drive, and lose the cookies to the site when you get replacement. -Foa

And I'll try this!

Tue Feb 26, 2008 6:59 am

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Post Re: Proving Grounds + Notice
I have absolutely no idea what this is, even after reading the ten page essay of a description. Post pictures.

Thu Feb 28, 2008 12:27 am
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Proving Grounds + Notice
A series of of King of the Hill Scenes, and a series of mod testing scenes.

Thu Feb 28, 2008 6:35 am
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Post Re: Proving Grounds + Notice
It's basically a few scenes based around a big hill.

All of them seemed to have glitches except the one without a base.

Sat Mar 01, 2008 11:05 am
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Post Re: Proving Grounds + Notice
Tea wrote:
It's basically a few scenes based around a big hill.

All of them seemed to have glitches except the one without a base.

And their activities are broken, wait til Build 21 when you can have scenes with their own activities, and encounters.

Sat Mar 01, 2008 5:48 pm
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Post Re: Proving Grounds + Notice
Can't you already assign activities to certain maps?

Sat Mar 01, 2008 10:35 pm
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Post Re: Proving Grounds + Notice
3 solid wrote:
Can't you already assign activities to certain maps?

Nope, wait until Data plugs it in at Build 21, or later ...

Sun Mar 02, 2008 1:32 am
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Post Re: Proving Grounds + Notice
now that i'm on a different comp, i can actualy reply to these.

1) it is a map pack,
1 empty scene,
6 King of the hill maps, (some of them have units in the ground because i copied the one with a base with people in it, and didn't deleate them all out of lazyness
2 mod testing maps
1 bizzar map thats SUPPOSED to be retarded
1 weapon,
1 activities file

the activities file works just fine IF you dissable the base.rte activities YOU MUST do that or it wont work.

also the first 2-4 enemy drops automaticaly crash, and I dont know why, after that it works fine.

minor glitchieness of burried AI asside, what does anyone think of this,
is it fun to play on, does it look nice, does it seem at least decently thought out?

Mon Mar 03, 2008 5:57 am
Profile YIM WWW
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Post Re: Proving Grounds + Notice
A modern hard drive comes with many spare sectors. When a sector is found to be bad by the firmware of a disk controller, the disk controller remaps the logical sector to a different physical sector. In the normal operation of a hard drive, the detection and remapping of bad sectors should take place in a manner transparent to the rest of the system. When the operating system begins to detect bad sectors, in most cases, it means that the surface of the hard disk is failing and the drive has run out of spare sectors with which to remap the failed sector.

Sounds like this has probably been happening for a while, but now there is no more spares left on the drive. ... index.html you might want to try this though. Might not work but it sounds like it can try.

P.S. If you wish, I have about 200gb of free space that i'm willing to let you use till your computers better. Just PM me with them and I'll put them on my spare disk.

Mon Mar 03, 2008 7:32 am
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Post Re: Proving Grounds + Notice
hearty0 wrote:
A modern hard drive comes with many spare sectors. When a sector is found to be bad by the firmware of a disk controller, the disk controller remaps the logical sector to a different physical sector. In the normal operation of a hard drive, the detection and remapping of bad sectors should take place in a manner transparent to the rest of the system. When the operating system begins to detect bad sectors, in most cases, it means that the surface of the hard disk is failing and the drive has run out of spare sectors with which to remap the failed sector.

Sounds like this has probably been happening for a while, but now there is no more spares left on the drive. ... index.html you might want to try this though. Might not work but it sounds like it can try.

P.S. If you wish, I have about 200gb of free space that i'm willing to let you use till your computers better. Just PM me with them and I'll put them on my spare disk.

I coppied all my files to a portable harddrive, and removed it from the laptop, I now have 20 GB free, however, it turns out thats not the problem, A) FLStudio is in a different format, from the rest of the drive, NOT a bad sector, and B) Its still loading like crap, because my ram is dieing.

Please only comment on the map pack here, keep PC Help to PMs to me, please. I check this thread for mod comments,

Mon Mar 03, 2008 5:42 pm
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Post Re: Proving Grounds + Notice
What I want to know is, IS IT ANY GOOD?

Mon Mar 10, 2008 7:23 pm
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