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 Mission: Assassination 
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Post Re: Mission: Assassination
In that case, you can supply a second argument saying which module to take it from.
So, for instance, let's say you wanted the Coalition pistol, you would make the script like so:
pl:AddInventoryItem(CreateHDFirearm("Auto Pistol","Coalition.rte"));

Thu Apr 23, 2009 3:17 am
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Post Re: Mission: Assassination
With one hand, I flew over most of the course, repeatedly pressing my jet pack button.

Since I was moving so fast, they couldn't lock on.

Then I just systematically took them out until I got to the guy.

At that point, I gave in because it was so easy, and jumped right in there with my Gatling Gun.

I took out one guy with a jetpack blast, and the other one got me between my two virtual eyes.

And I thought I was really bad.

Thu Apr 23, 2009 3:34 am
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Post Re: Mission: Assassination
people that think this is too easy, try to win using only a DarkClone shogun and a knife, without picking up weapons, i did it.

Fri Apr 24, 2009 12:07 am
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Post Re: Mission: Assassination
kiberkiller wrote:
people that think this is too easy, try to win using only a DarkClone shogun and a knife, without picking up weapons, i did it.

Exactly. If the mission doesn't suit your difficulty, change something. If you think it's too easy, try something limiting, like killing everyone in the bases rather than just the required people, not picking up any other weapons besides the ones given, or trying to finish the level within a certain time, or counting reloads and using limited ammo (I find that with the assault rifle, I can finish the level with 10 magazines).

If you find it too hard, you can modify the code a little (after testing a little more, I'll post the code change to start with a Coaltion pistol, frag grenade, and full assault rifle), be extremely patient, and use lateral thinking, like digging around people with the shovel, and trying a lot of different things.

The mission doesn't have "difficulty settings", per se, but there are things you can do to make it easier or harder.

Fri Apr 24, 2009 12:25 am
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Post Re: Mission: Assassination
kvn8907 wrote:
kiberkiller wrote:
people that think this is too easy, try to win using only a DarkClone shogun and a knife, without picking up weapons, i did it.

Exactly. If the mission doesn't suit your difficulty, change something. If you think it's too easy, try something limiting, like killing everyone in the bases rather than just the required people, not picking up any other weapons besides the ones given, or trying to finish the level within a certain time, or counting reloads and using limited ammo (I find that with the assault rifle, I can finish the level with 10 magazines).

If you find it too hard, you can modify the code a little (after testing a little more, I'll post the code change to start with a Coaltion pistol, frag grenade, and full assault rifle), be extremely patient, and use lateral thinking, like digging around people with the shovel, and trying a lot of different things.

The mission doesn't have "difficulty settings", per se, but there are things you can do to make it easier or harder.

Touché! my friend. Right now that's exactly what CC is all about, a sandbox game, making your own experience.

Sat Apr 25, 2009 12:10 am
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Post Re: Mission: Assassination
I have succesfully beaten this, FINALLY! surviving with one leg around 35 health left. i killed everyone just because i was on a roll with the gatling gun. I have to say the guys in the bunker are much harder to take out then the ones above ground. The "tunnels" didnt help me very much as i shoveled what ever i need to get through.

All in all, great fun!

Sat Apr 25, 2009 5:08 am
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Post Re: Mission: Assassination
Congrats, try to make it WITHOUT the shovel this time. ;P

Sat Apr 25, 2009 4:22 pm
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Post Re: Mission: Assassination
TheLastBanana wrote:
In that case, you can supply a second argument saying which module to take it from.
So, for instance, let's say you wanted the Coalition pistol, you would make the script like so:
pl:AddInventoryItem(CreateHDFirearm("Auto Pistol","Coalition.rte"));

That worked well. I replaced the code in the file with

and got a nice, accurate, quick-firing Coalition pistol. However, I'm having trouble adding a Coalition Frag Grenade.

pl:AddInventoryItem(CreateHDFirearm("Frag Grenade","Coalition.rte"));
did not work, and neither did

pl:AddInventoryItem(CreateHDFirearm("Fragmentation Grenade","Coalition.rte"));

pl:AddInventoryItem(CreateHDFirearm("Frag Grenade"));

So what do I do to the inventory code to give him a Coalition Fragmentation Grenade?

Sat Apr 25, 2009 8:29 pm
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Post Re: Mission: Assassination
Remember that Frag Grenades are a different type of object, a TDExplosive. So the code would be
pl:AddInventoryItem(CreateTDExplosive("Frag Grenade","Coalition.rte"));

Sat Apr 25, 2009 8:34 pm
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Post Grenades and flamers
TheLastBanana wrote:
Remember that Frag Grenades are a different type of object, a TDExplosive. So the code would be
pl:AddInventoryItem(CreateTDExplosive("Frag Grenade","Coalition.rte"));

Ah, that did the trick. And now I'm done with the main things I wanted to change with the mission. It didn't make sense for the Coalition to give such crappy weapons for a 1 vs 33 mission. Other users can also change this if you find the mission too difficult.

Go to C:\Program Files\Data Realms\Cortex Command\assassination.rte\Scenes\Scripts. Open the .lua file in notepad or wordpad. Then change script

   pl = CreateAHuman("Soldier Light","Coalition.rte");
   pl.AIMode = Actor.AIMODE_SENTRY;
   pl.Team = 0;
   pl:AddInventoryItem(CreateHDFirearm("Auto Pistol"));
   pl:AddInventoryItem(CreateHDFirearm("Compact Rifle"));
   pl.Pos = Vector(79,429);


   pl = CreateAHuman("Soldier Light","Coalition.rte");
   pl.AIMode = Actor.AIMODE_SENTRY;
   pl.Team = 0;
   pl:AddInventoryItem(CreateHDFirearm("Assault Rifle"));
   pl:AddInventoryItem(CreateTDExplosive("Frag Grenade","Coalition.rte"));
   pl:AddInventoryItem(CreateTDExplosive("Frag Grenade","Coalition.rte"));
   pl:AddInventoryItem(CreateTDExplosive("Frag Grenade","Coalition.rte"));
   pl.Pos = Vector(79,429);

There's also something else I've been playing around with. What if the mission, rather than just killing those two people, was to go in, kill everyone, burn their bodies, and destroy all their weapons in a show of Coalition might? Then I think you'd be more heavily armed, and more like this:
   pl = CreateAHuman("Soldier Heavy","Coalition.rte");
   pl.AIMode = Actor.AIMODE_SENTRY;
   pl.Team = 0;
   pl:AddInventoryItem(CreateHDFirearm("Flamer Heavy"));
   pl.Pos = Vector(79,429);

Try that out. At first, it's kind of hard to get used to, since on regular jetpack you're basically stuck on the ground. But I found that the recoil of the (heavy, since the light flamer is recoiless) flamer is enough to let you sail through the air, and rain down fire on foot soldiers if you hover close enough to the ground. Also, this change is really cool because it changes the whole meaning of "obstacle". Doors and crates are punctured in seconds, and ground is tunneled through faster than even a heavy digger. So, the Heavy Flamer weapon makes the mission easier or harder, depending on how you do it. One thing's for sure, though: you're going to have to try things differently.

Sun Apr 26, 2009 3:12 am
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Post Re: Mission: Assassination
My first downloaded scenario. Great stuff. Love it when I get the heavy sniper rifle. Kudos.

Sun Apr 26, 2009 9:55 pm
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Post Continuing mission to seek out new scenes and new modificati
Let's say that I wanted to go completely nuts, and play this mission with A-5: PANZOR the Invincible, holding a Death Ray.

I just got both from Download pack 1 at viewtopic.php?f=61&t=11791

I've got part of it.

pl:AddInventoryItem(CreateHDFirearm("Death Ray","Amrobotics.rte\Steamhowitzer A-2"))
gives you a soldier with one big-ass Death Ray, though he's so puny he rockets off the screen if you try to use it, and he can't jump any higher than the King of Town.

So how do I set the start actor from a light soldier to PANZOR the Invincible?

pl = CreateAHuman("PANZOR the Invincible","Amrobotics.rte\Panzor A-5");

didn't work

Sat May 02, 2009 5:50 am
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Post Re: Mission: Assassination
Try replacing
   pl = CreateAHuman("Soldier Light","Coalition.rte");
   pl = CreateAHuman("PANZOR the Invincible","Amrobotics.rte");

Sat May 02, 2009 6:38 am
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Post Re: Mission: Assassination
Yep. The second argument is for specifying an rte from which to get the mod, not a folder ;)

Sat May 02, 2009 5:30 pm
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Post Re: Mission: Assassination
This is hilarious using the phasing railgun that got released a while back...

Sun May 03, 2009 8:06 am
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