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 Prison Escape: Episode 1 
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - B23
You can check if an actor has a grenade, but not how many :-(
I'll see what I can do about them, though.

Fri May 15, 2009 5:08 am
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - B23
So it could give you a particular grenade if you don't already have any of that particular grenade?
You could do that simultaneously with three different grenades, right?
If so you could just make two copies of the grenade you want to use and use those three, but it might be more fun to mix it up anyway though.

Fri May 15, 2009 6:41 am
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - B23
That is possible, yes. Maybe later though.

Fri May 15, 2009 11:39 pm
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - B23
numgun wrote:
Now something that wouldnt fit in is something ridiculous like Klone Soccer.
Thats a bit offtopic in CC.

Well, In this universe, football isn't going to cut it anymore, they're going to want some particularly EXTREME sports...
It could fit!

'you have been invited to play in the intergalactic klone soccer tournament, entry fee is 1000oz and prize money 100 000oz'

Not saying it should be official content, just saying it COULD be.

Wed May 20, 2009 7:24 am
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - B23
The OP's download link is not working for me. can someone upload it as an attachment?

EDIT: got it after the tenth refresh

Wed May 20, 2009 1:10 pm
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - B23
So, am I supposed to dig the base into Swiss Cheese in order to escape? Cuz this was the first time I beat it after the reactor destruction, and that's the only thing I can think of that worked for me.

Wed May 20, 2009 7:08 pm
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - B23
I've increased the time limit quite a bit... Every time I've played this level I've had at least 30 seconds on the clock, and so has anybody I play it with. Is it crawling through the tubes that kills everyone?

Thu May 21, 2009 12:36 am
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - B23
I just kill my self when the generator self destructs.

Respawn a bit higher, drop all weapons and run.

Sun May 24, 2009 7:17 am
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - B23
I have played this a few times now and have to say a few things.

1) Crawling is buggy as hell now. The air ducts are like 3-6 pixels too thin now, because actors hold there legs differently.

2) the area on the roof with all the shovels with the gold that you can dig, is freaking POINTLESS at the moment.

3) infinite lives? come on man make it a challenge. I found myself wondering why your not like a brain mech, or at least a brain actor.

4) you need an included shovel because the vanilla one's ammo and such is now HitsMos = 0

6) the music is WAY to repetitive, although kudos on making it sound like CC and sampling the matrix.

7) WAY TO FREAKING SHORT. I beat this in like 5 minutes flat.

8) The grenades explode if you try to pick them up. you have to dig the ground next to them to stand next to it to be able to pick them up. I'm not sure if your trying to set a trap badly, or if your trying to give the player grenades badly so you can kill the guy(s) under them.

9) The flame throwers are over kill.

10) the debris that falls sometimes glitches and you can still fly right back up

11) the terrain near the tunnel that gets blocked is too weak, you can dig after it 'collapses' clear a path, and fly right out. make bigger and smaller boulders that can't be destroyed and use lua to both drop them, and make them pinned, to fill the tunnel, so that you still have to go around.

I think thats All I have to say. Apart from those problems which are actually fairly minor (other than the way to short and air-ducts are to small) this is a very nice mission.

Sun May 24, 2009 7:41 am
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - B23
1. The air ducts are a problem that probably about 3 quarters of the people in this thread have. Personally, getting through them isn't too hard for me. Replacing them is a bit of a pain.
2. The area on the roof is there for effect. I was trying to show where your shovel came from.
3. You have 7 lives. Whenever you respawn, a message pops up telling you how many are left.
4. Not sure what you mean by that. I haven't had any problems with the shovel :???:
5. Wait, where is number 5?
6. It's just a tune I found on Newgrounds, so it doesn't fit perfectly, but I think it turns out okay.
7. It was my first mission, so it's not particularly long. You're the first to say this, though. Most people have trouble beating it and say it's way too hard.
8. Yeah, still trying to fix this problem. I'll fix it eventually.
9. I dunno, you don't really get them until the end. Unless of course you mean it's way too much for the enemies. Frankly I find that they never even hit me with them.
10. Yeah, it's not perfect. The rocks are spawned with Lua, but it sometimes doesn't work out exactly as planned. It's not a huge deal though, so I'm just leaving it as is.
11. See #10.

I'm probably not going to be updating this mission much any more, but thanks for the criticism anyway.

Sun May 24, 2009 9:49 pm
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - B23
Just beat it. A terrific scene.

Fri May 29, 2009 1:05 am
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - B23
I agree. This scene is beautifully made, beautifully executed. Very fun, the concept is great, so many things added for flavor and it all does the mission justice. I also like the custom music. It sounds so familiar, too. Did I hear it in an episode of the Madness flash videos by Krinkels?

EDIT: Nope, I didn't. Still a catchy beat, though, really cool.

Wed Jun 03, 2009 4:22 pm
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - B23
Best mission that is currently available. For the love of God make more.

Good things:
1. Stealth and action mix.
2. Challenging.
3. No shitty Lua coding that makes the game slow down for no reason.
4. All around tons of fun to play.

Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:33 pm
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - B23
TLB never seems to make missions anymore. Try Astro and Menou for some other good missions.

Last edited by Flammablezombie on Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:34 pm
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - B23
Dummy Assault, First Signs, Maginot (with actual mission)

These do not count as missions?

Because TLB made them.

Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:35 pm
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