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 Prison Escape: Episode 2 
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 Prison Escape: Episode 2
Prison Escape: Episode 2

open dlog6618.txt
[[!--DATALOG #6618--!]]
[[!--Datalog begins--!]]
DS5921: Fiona Way reporting in. We're about halfway to base, moving at a steady speed of 514 knots. The sky is clear and we should be there shortly.
RONIN POST #215: You're way behind schedule. We need you here as fast as possible.
DS5921: There was a bit of a delay at the base. A signal jammer was keeping us out of the area.
RONIN POST #215: I've heard the story plenty of times now. Just get back here before it's too late.
DS5921: I'm doing what I can! Just hang on, we'll be there as soon as possible.
RONIN POST #215: For god's sake, we're dying back here! They're all over the place!
DS5921: What are all over the place? I didn't hear anything about - hang on... ♥♥♥♥! We've got incoming!
RONIN POST #215: This is just what we need now...
DS5921: There's at least 5 missiles coming straight at us from ahead! I... I don't have any time to evade!
RONIN POST #215: There has to be some way to-
<Explosions can be heard>
DS5921: ...hit... main power... losing altitude... anybody...
--WARNING! Transmission signal is weak!--
RONIN POST #215: <muffled> Dafred's ship is down!
<from background>: Do we have coordinates?
RONIN POST #215: ...I think we lost the connection just as they were transferring.
[[!--End of Datalog--!]]
[[!--Shutting down--!]]


Dauss, Grif and HoboBob - General suggestions
Grif, kingtiger326 and HoboBob - Playtesting

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Wed Jan 20, 2010 6:39 am
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Post Re: Prison Escape Episode 2
Hell yeah, I would test today, but my eyes feel like they could bleed after that other game I had to make for homework, Ill do it tommorow, anyways sweet another TLB mission, hail again!

Wed Jan 20, 2010 6:44 am
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Post Re: Prison Escape Episode 2

Wed Jan 20, 2010 6:51 am
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Post Re: Prison Escape Episode 2
Woah man.
Mission was a little fast though.
Oh, and while this may constitute spoilers, you can sit on heads at the final force shield and the battle is moot.
Actually, face stomping is always better than guns, so nevermind, it's not news.

I feel like one awesome user or another has been releasing something great every two days for the past few weeks.

Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:14 am
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Post Re: Prison Escape Episode 2
My productivity is crying in pain.

Wed Jan 20, 2010 8:07 am
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Post Re: Prison Escape Episode 2
In the start when brutus wants to go on a solo mission and (i think he is supposed to die) he dont get hit by the flying heavy sniper and then nothing happens. I cant do anything. :-( Can you please fix it somehow? I have a vista

EDIT: oops my mistake (i have lua scripted my ronins) sorry :oops:
EDIT: I fixed it and finished it and wow it is awesome. :shock: Very intense and fun mission. Also the first scene i have ever seen with cut scenes. :D Good job. :grin:

Wed Jan 20, 2010 9:11 am

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Post Re: Prison Escape Episode 2
Awesome mission you got, from a player's standpoint it was a wee bit too short, but I'm pretty sure the amount of scripting and work involved probably took weeks :P

Really cool mission though, you seem to resolved most of my gripes with CC with controlling more than one actor at a time (inefficiently) and mysteriously popping limbs from small arms fire, but yeah that was pretty awesome.

Wed Jan 20, 2010 10:26 am
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Post Re: Prison Escape Episode 2

Wed Jan 20, 2010 11:57 am

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Post Re: Prison Escape Episode 2
Very cool mission. The amount of small detail and the cutscene stuff made my jaw drop! Judging by the story, I'm guessing you're making a third part for this where you get to save the HQ. And probably kill that escaped brain dude.

The mission was interesting to and exciting to play, it was like playing one of those modern adventure games like prince of persia or similar. The way you managed to pinpoint each action in the cutscenes was amazing. Brutus being shot in the head, Fiona "using" her PDA or "fixing" the ship was ♥♥♥♥ incredible. Not to mention the DS flight and crash scenes. Epic.

Kinda ironic, but you just turned CC completely upside down; Instead of a squad based team action in a sandbox enviroment with complete freedom, you made a solo linear mission with lots of precautions like force fields and turning off GetsHitByMOs to keep the player on the track. And that is impressive, because its almost impossible to do so.

Wed Jan 20, 2010 1:33 pm
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Post Re: Prison Escape Episode 2
Played it now, the cutscenes were stunning.
CC could really need stuff like that, except with choices, like you get a choice between killing a coa brainbot or a ronin rebel leader.

here I am hoping that the main game will be something similar... Heh, it was THE best mission i have ever played nontheless, and i hope we will get more missions like this from you.

Wed Jan 20, 2010 2:46 pm

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Post Re: Prison Escape Episode 2
Died just before the rocket was fixed and got in some kind of loop, where I died the moment I was alive again. Caused a lot of lag too.

Notice the 147 deaths.

Wed Jan 20, 2010 3:14 pm
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Post Re: Prison Escape Episode 2
I could not help noticing your use of ActivityMan:StartActivity, yet another function not in the API documentation on the wiki. Do you have access to the complete documentation of the ActivityManager?

Wed Jan 20, 2010 3:20 pm
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Post Re: Prison Escape Episode 2
I wish I were at home right now. Then I could play this.

Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:40 pm
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Post Re: Prison Escape Episode 2
Robok wrote:
Awesome mission you got, from a player's standpoint it was a wee bit too short, but I'm pretty sure the amount of scripting and work involved probably took weeks :P

Actually, this only took a couple days, admittedly. However, it's short because I'm doing it episodically - there will be an Epsiode 3 (and probably more after that).

minirobot wrote:
Died just before the rocket was fixed and got in some kind of loop, where I died the moment I was alive again. Caused a lot of lag too.

It looks like you got pushed into the ground by an enemy and kept respawning there. I think I know how I can fix this, so thanks for the bug report.

Abdul Alhazred wrote:
I could not help noticing your use of ActivityMan:StartActivity, yet another function not in the API documentation on the wiki. Do you have access to the complete documentation of the ActivityManager?

This is what I use. It's not documented at all, but it's a list of all the available commands. I just do a bit of tinkering and see what does and doesn't work. If you can't figure out a function, let me know, I'll take a crack at it for you.

Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:23 pm
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Post Re: Prison Escape Episode 2
Totally Awesome, but so short :-(

Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:30 pm
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