Re: Invasion Redux - Newly updated for 1.0
Open Invasion.rte/Scenes/Invasion.ini in notepad, scroll down to where it says
//Begin list of TerrainDebris
AddTerrainDebris = TerrainDebris
InstanceName = InvasionTanktraps
DebrisFile = ContentFile
// When loading, 000-001-002 etc is added automatically before .bmp
Path = Invasion.rte/Scenes/Objects/Tanktraps/Tanktrap.bmp
DebrisPieceCount = 4
DebrisMaterial = Material
CopyOf = Metal <-------------------------------------
TargetMaterial = Material
CopyOf = Invasion Sand
OnlyOnSurface = 1
MinDepth = 0
MaxDepth = 3
DensityPerMeter = 0.3
and change "Metal" to "Mega Metal." (no period)
If that doesn't work, I put these tanktraps into the ultimate bunker module pack under "Pieces - Invasion" so you can place them yourself. That's strange that the "Metal" material is disintegrating. Have you edited your Materials.ini in Base.rte by chance?