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 Need Help Figuring out a .ini Crash Bug 
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Post Need Help Figuring out a .ini Crash Bug
Hey guys I have a strange one for you today, hoping someone can help me figure it out. I have based a turret off of the Tek trooper Turret E but when you select it in the Steam version of the game it crashes the game. But selecting it in the non-steam version of the game does not. Same mod, same build (apart from the steam features) yet a weird crash bug. I checked to find if this is the case with the original mod and Turret E does indeed crash the game when selected. It spawns fine, but can't be selected. Real weird. You can find the mod below: ... =866963758

I have gone through the .ini and I just can't work out what is causing it to crash. Something odd that I did see though is that the health/ammo UI are missing for it. Maybe it has something to do with that? I really liked the design of this turret back in the day and would have liked to base my turret on it but this weird crash is preventing me from doing this. If anyone could help me figure out what is causing the problem with the original version of the mod that is on the workshop I can apply the fix to my mod. (Probably easier then me uploading all my files here.)

If anyone could help me figure this one out I'd super appreciate it. Has been nice modding this game again. It's just a shame that I've hit this wall. :P

Thanks in advance guys,


Sat Feb 10, 2018 5:46 pm
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Post Re: Need Help Figuring out a .ini Crash Bug
It looks like the CharHeight is causing the problem. The turret has it set to 500000000000, and lowering it to 50 made things not crash.

CharHeight is responsible for how high the health/ammo displays are relative to the actor, which is why they were "missing".

Sat Feb 10, 2018 7:42 pm
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Post Re: Need Help Figuring out a .ini Crash Bug
Oh wow I totally missed that, such a drastic number being there I should have probably tried lowing that first but I also forgot that CharHeight parameters was a thing. :P

It's nice to know you're still around to provide a friendly helping hand to those that are still having fun tweaking the game CaveCricket. Many thanks! I wasn't expecting such a quick response but I'm glad that I can finish my new unit now. :)

Sat Feb 10, 2018 7:50 pm
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