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 quick ammo glow color question 
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Post quick ammo glow color question
Is it possible to alternate the glow effect colors in ammo particles, so that each bullet is a different color from the last?
Thanks in advance.

Sat Nov 25, 2017 9:38 pm
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Post Re: quick ammo glow color question
With only ini code, no. Ini could would allow you a maximum of two different colors (Round and Tracer).

You would have to use Lua to create bullets - the gun itself fires what is referred to as a "null" bullet, which is a projectile with the same mass and velocity as it's intended to shoot, but HitsMOs = 0 and with a short LifeTime (5 or something).

The gun would then have a script that checks whenever the gun is fired, and then spawns a specific colored MOPixel at the gun's muzzle and throws it in the direction that the gun is facing.


has an example of a gun that uses Lua for spawning projectiles, which you can use as reference, but you'll have to trim it down a lot to get rid of the charging mechanic.

Sun Nov 26, 2017 6:08 pm
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Post Re: quick ammo glow color question
CaveCricket48 wrote:
With only ini code, no. Ini could would allow you a maximum of two different colors (Round and Tracer).

You would have to use Lua to create bullets - the gun itself fires what is referred to as a "null" bullet, which is a projectile with the same mass and velocity as it's intended to shoot, but HitsMOs = 0 and with a short LifeTime (5 or something).

The gun would then have a script that checks whenever the gun is fired, and then spawns a specific colored MOPixel at the gun's muzzle and throws it in the direction that the gun is facing.


has an example of a gun that uses Lua for spawning projectiles, which you can use as reference, but you'll have to trim it down a lot to get rid of the charging mechanic.

I'm guessing it's also possible to have each bullet alternate colors from a set selection? through Lua I mean.

Sun Nov 26, 2017 7:29 pm
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Post Re: quick ammo glow color question
Yup. You'd need do define a MOPixel in ini for each specific color that you'd want, and then the script would control which MOPixel to spawn for the bullet.

Sun Nov 26, 2017 9:07 pm
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Post Re: quick ammo glow color question
Awesome, thank you! You're always so helpful to me.

Sun Nov 26, 2017 10:50 pm
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