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 Disable the use/pruchase of Items by the AI 
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Post Disable the use/pruchase of Items by the AI
My mod got a few scripted weapons in it.
The AI can use some of them pretty well, but some are quite heavily scripted and I do not want the AI to purchase/pick up/use them.

My thinking now was to let a script run on all my items that checks if it is being controlled by AI of a non-player team and if so, delete the item.
But that just introduces more complexity and future problems I imagine.

Isn't there a simple .ini parameter to lock items away from the AI?

do we have a CC modding discord or the like?
It's been years since I last modded CC and I got so many tiny questions.
Like: What are the color-IDs for the FrameManager drawing functions.

Fri Aug 04, 2017 12:48 am
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Post Re: Disable the use/pruchase of Items by the AI
You better make those weapons function on AI as well! Even a few script-based vanilla weapons are fitted with a proper workaround.

No, there isn't any .ini parameter to stop AI from using weapons.

No, there isn't a voice chat for this forum since it's basically on life support with the only active section being forum games.

The color IDs go in numerical order starting from the top left of palette.bmp, left-right, top-down. It starts with the fuchsia (255, 0, 255) being 0, I think.

Fri Aug 04, 2017 11:05 am
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Post Re: Disable the use/pruchase of Items by the AI
Thanks again for your support!

Some of these weapons are not exactly meant to be used, namely the god/debug items I made.
It's fun to use them occasionally but the AI constantly spamming them is strange.
Same goes for the craft in my signature, the AI keeps purchasing deliverance with that, and it tends to tear down structures due to its size :p

But yes, I only yesterday found that post with the weapon groups actually being relevant to the AI.
With "secondary weapon" as a group I can likely make those tools a bit more unattractive to the AI, but that craft is an issue still.
I'll make my mod more AI compatible eventually, but knocking out crazy ideas is the fun par ;)

I figured out the color actually refers to the Base.rte palette meanwhile and now I wonder if FrameManager:LoadPalette("path/file.dat") might allow me to load my own palette for primitive drawing. It expects a '.dat' file though, according to the wiki. Probably some runtime generated representation of an palette? Just gotta search where it resides, later.

CC still is one of the most moddable and most conveniently moddable games I know off,
so I had faint hopes that there is some underground-cell of modders hiding somewhere ;P
I found a CC discord (discord is a text chat btw) on reddit but there is 4 online ppl there from what I saw so far.
And it does not exactly seem to relate to modding.

And I love the generated documentation on the wiki! Wish I had that back the day.
Just strange that some other classes like _G, Timer and so on are not in there.
Searching the whole CC directory with Np++ for terms helps gathering information though.

Fri Aug 04, 2017 11:58 am
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Post Re: Disable the use/pruchase of Items by the AI
I've only ever used discord as a voice chat. And yeah, what I meant to say was that there's probably no chat related to modding.

Fri Aug 04, 2017 2:11 pm
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