Data Realms Fan Forums

So yeah... I need a bit of help...
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Author:  darkman945 [ Wed Dec 24, 2014 1:17 pm ]
Post subject:  So yeah... I need a bit of help...

So i was editing the old wurtenberger irregulars mod to incorporate it into my big Infestation mod... This is ym first time working with the code and spriting files...

So i did everything like iw as supposed to, i edited the images and used the transparent colour (pinkish) for the parts outside of my wep/actor

And what happend:

1: The game loads up correctly
2: The logo of my faction shows up correctly
3: The character logo is a garbled mess! (problem)
4: The weapon sprite is a garbled mess. (problem)
5: When i spawn em in they look how they are supposed to but with white boxes around them...

Listen up!!!

I read all the articles and posts about the pallete and stuff, i even tried making it work, used all the tutorials at hand, but nothing seems to work out...

Il give the rte file to this post so anyone who manages to find a fix for it can post a link here, il be very happy and il know what to do in the future!

Infested.rar [330.2 KiB]
Downloaded 388 times

Author:  clunatic [ Wed Dec 24, 2014 3:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So yeah... I need a bit of help...

darkman945 wrote:
3: The character logo is a garbled mess! (problem)
4: The weapon sprite is a garbled mess. (problem)
5: When i spawn em in they look how they are supposed to but with white boxes around them...

That means your sprites aren't in palette. Which program did you use to edit the sprites? The newer versions of windows paint (since windows 7 I believe) can't save sprites in the correct palette, so if that's the case you need to use a different program (like the windows xp version of paint).

Author:  darkman945 [ Wed Dec 24, 2014 3:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So yeah... I need a bit of help...

""( Even in Paint XP it doesnt work... looks like somebody else has to literaly take my rte and do it mannualy for each sprite... That would be too much work to ask someone for... looks like modding wont be a option for me if i dont find a fix

Author:  clunatic [ Wed Dec 24, 2014 5:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So yeah... I need a bit of help...

If you're using paint XP there is no reason why it shouldn't work. Here's an easy step by step route to making sure your sprites are in palette.

1: Copy and paste an existing in palette sprite (either from somewhere in base.rte or any of the sprites in the standard factions) to wherever you want the new sprite to be.
2: Open the sprite that you made in a window of paint xp and open the sprite that you just copy pasted, in another window of paint xp.
3: Select the window of the sprite that you made, press ctrl-a to select everything, press ctrl-c to copy, switch to the window of copy pasted in palette sprite and press ctrl-v to paste and then just save it (don't bother with the "save as" option, just save it).

In short: as long as you copy and paste an existing in palette sprite file, the result will always be in palette.

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