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Scene editor won't place both player brain And CPU brain B30
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Author:  jackal713 [ Fri Nov 21, 2014 4:53 am ]
Post subject:  Scene editor won't place both player brain And CPU brain B30

I have searched for this but not found any post that were using B30. I am trying to make a scene and want both the player brain and the CPU brain to be pre-placed. When in the scene editor I place the player brain but when I try to pace the CPU brain it changes/moves the player brain. If I place the CPU brain first the same thing happens when I try to place the player brain. Is there something I'm not doing or should be doing? Or is this a known bug? Or is this behavior intended? The scene I'm using (create new scene then select Dummy Assault Terrain) in scene editor is Dummy Assault Terrain. I'm new to modding and think I should be doing things in the following order: create (or use existing) terrain, place objects using scene editor, create areas in area editor, write lua script. Am I wrong?

Thanks in advance.

Author:  Bad Boy [ Fri Nov 21, 2014 5:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Scene editor won't place both player brain And CPU brain B30

This sounds like a bug though I don't think anyone's mentioned it before.
Assuming you are changing their teams and so on but it still doesn't work, your best bet would probably be to place one brain, open the scene's ini file and copy that definition, then place the other brain (replacing the first brain), reopen the scene's ini file and paste in the previously copied definition. That should let you have both brains and is pretty simple to do.

Author:  jackal713 [ Fri Nov 21, 2014 5:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Scene editor won't place both player brain And CPU brain B30

Thanks for the quick response. I'll try that and let you know.

Thanks again.

Author:  jackal713 [ Fri Nov 21, 2014 6:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Scene editor won't place both player brain And CPU brain B30

I think I found the problem. I placed only the CPU brain(set to team 2) and saved the scene. Then I looked at the .ini file and saw the code below. Also when I reload the scene there is not a team icon next to the dummy controller but it does show the health. I tested the scene and when I select a brain the CPU dummy controller disappears and the brain I selected takes it place. (Select brain from list and view/cursor jumps to location of dummy brain) Hope I'm being clear enough in my description.
AddScene = Scene
   PresetName = New Test Scene
   LocationOnPlanet = Vector
      X = -146
      Y = 29
   MetagamePlayable = 0
   Revealed = 0
   OwnedByTeam = -1
   RoundIncome = 1000
   P1ResidentBrain = Actor
      CopyOf = Dummy.rte/Dummy Controller
      Position = Vector
         X = 3552
         Y = 1092
      HFlipped = 0
      Team = 1
   P1BuildBudget = 0
   P2BuildBudget = 0
   P3BuildBudget = 0
   P4BuildBudget = 0
   P1BuildBudgetRatio = 0
   P2BuildBudgetRatio = 0
   P3BuildBudgetRatio = 0
   P4BuildBudgetRatio = 0
   AutoDesigned = 1
   TotalInvestment = 0

Author:  Bad Boy [ Fri Nov 21, 2014 12:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Scene editor won't place both player brain And CPU brain B30

Try putting in
   P1ResidentBrain = Actor
      CopyOf = ####Brain
      Position = Vector
         X = ####Pos.X
         Y = ####Pos.Y
      HFlipped = 0
      Team = 0
   P2ResidentBrain = Actor
      CopyOf = Dummy.rte/Dummy Controller
      Position = Vector
         X = 3552
         Y = 1092
      HFlipped = 0
      Team = 1

Where ####Brain is the location of whatever brain you want to use, and ####Pos.X/Pos.Y are the positions you want the brain in. There's probably some bug that is setting all brains placed by you as the resident brain for your player (player 1) regardless of what team you set them as.

If that doesn't work, you could try changing the P2ResidentBrain to however normal actors are defined in scene inis, that could help?

Author:  jackal713 [ Sat Nov 22, 2014 12:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Scene editor won't place both player brain And CPU brain B30

Ok so method one results in no change. Method two worked to place both brains.(Adding both brains as "PlaceSceneObject") Still have some issues but I'm sure that is due to my lack of knowledge in modding. Thanks for your help.

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