Data Realms Fan Forums

Mod Messing With an Unrelated (and unedited) File
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Author:  Lobsterman [ Thu May 01, 2014 4:47 am ]
Post subject:  Mod Messing With an Unrelated (and unedited) File

Well, I'd rather make my third official post here about a cool mod I making, but this is good enough I guess.

Looking for mods to use in build 30, I randomly thought of the Void Walker Amalgam mod, as that was always my favorite, and it worked fine. In fact, I even started modifying it to some success.

Unfortunately, when I tried to make loadouts for this my computer stopped pre-loading all the base game files, ending right at "Missions.rte". I have never altered this file, and I have made no references toward it, so I'm really confused.

Included is the modified VWA.rte and a screenshot of where it stops loading.

If anybody could help that'd be rad.

File comment: This is the modified mod in question. Genuine error free since errors make my computer crash.
VWA.rte [1.47 MiB]
Downloaded 431 times
File comment: This is where it stops loading exactly. (Picture edited to fit the 900 x 900 image size limit.)
Why.png [ 146.97 KiB | Viewed 4921 times ]

Author:  clunatic [ Thu May 01, 2014 11:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mod Messing With an Unrelated (and unedited) File

Heh, I've never had this problem before. Cortex Command really does just stop loading after Missions.rte, without crashing. Anyway, a bit of experimentation found the problem: it's the description of the mod in the index file: It's too long. Make it shorter and it will at least load, I didn't check for any other problems.

Author:  Lobsterman [ Thu May 01, 2014 8:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mod Messing With an Unrelated (and unedited) File

Well dang... Of course it's something small like that, oh well. Thanks for the help!

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