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 Attachable wound damage to actors? 
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Joined: Thu Feb 16, 2012 4:05 am
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Post Attachable wound damage to actors?
I'm trying to make it so that if a shot successfully goes through a Coalition Soldier's helmet, he takes damage. I set the exit wound to that of an actor's, and it worked flawlessly except for the fact that absolutely no damage was done.

Any way I can make damage done to attachables transfer to whatever it's attached to?

Fri Mar 07, 2014 3:26 am
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Attachable wound damage to actors?
Change the exitwound to have damage... I'm not kidding.

Fri Mar 07, 2014 4:33 am
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Post Re: Attachable wound damage to actors?
No, attachables are hardcoded not to do damage to the actor when shot AFAIK.

Fri Mar 07, 2014 5:58 am
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Attachable wound damage to actors?
How did the Klone Soccer clones get damage from getting shot into one of the dozen attachables that made up their bodies?
And for that matter, how do dreadnoughts get damaged when they are shot by attachables on their turret...

As far as I know, the damage is based on wounds, variables like burstdamage, emissiondamage, and whomever the wound is attached to.
(This would explain how the old wound-based medikits worked)

As far as attachables go, I'm not sure you can get damage from held devices (unless they explode), but you can certainly get damage from things that are a part of the actor itself.
(As seen with the Dummy Dreadnought, and "Dummy Turret Large B" [via breakwound, entrywound, and exitwound], or the Heavy Browncoat with "Browncoat Hat B" [via same methods, but the emissiondamage via the breakwound is not insignificant])

Fri Mar 07, 2014 10:31 am

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Post Re: Attachable wound damage to actors?
I just tested it to be sure, but yeah, I can confirm what Major said. Wounds on attachables can't cause damage. At least on AHumans. I Didn't test crabs, but my guess is they can be damaged because the turret isn't a normal attachable, its code starts with "AddActor = Turret" rather than the normal "AddEffect = Attachable". The HDFirearm and the armour pieces (their wounds don't damage the crab either) are attached to the turret and the turret is then attached to the base.

Anyway, as a possible solution: Can't you just make the wound emit a particle that has hitsMOs set to 1? Just add a particle that gets emitted downwards and that has enough mass/sharpness/vel to damage the actor.

Edit: eh didn't think of breakwounds, but those only work when the attachable gets shot off. I tested entry and exit wounds on the coalition soldier's helmet, I set the burstdamage and emissiondamage to 100 in the base wounds file, no effect on the soldier.

Fri Mar 07, 2014 11:31 am
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