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 First mod - 8Ball Industries [WIP] 
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Post First mod - 8Ball Industries [WIP]

8Ball Industries, selling worthless junk that you can't find anywhere else.

Hi there! I've just started working on this new faction/tech, see above, and I needed some ideas for weapons and items.
So far I've got a throwable 8ball, a modified chainsaw, and a combat knife. some other stuff!

I'd also enjoy some constructive criticism.

Images and other fancy things

'Cretechipper chainsaw

Chews through heavy units with ease.
A great investment for the up-close infantryman.


Blame the simpsons for this little thing.

.500 Magnum
A revolver that fires a large caliber bullet, guaranteed to make every headshot that much worse.

Stavrod R-00 Shotgun
Standard issue infantry shotgun for all 8Ball personell.
May be recolored.

Riot Shotgun
Simple riot shotgun with moderate range and spread.

T-04 'Tarmac Pistol'
.500 variant that fires chunks of superheated iron and lead.

A rocket propelled grenade launcher, modified to be effective up to longer ranges.

This was basically my attempt at creating the pope guy's assault rifle in the intro.

Magmatic Pyrotechnic Torch [MPT]
-image is not here, I may replace the current one. It's basically a ww-2 flamethrower-

Tac-6 SOPK-P
Special operations pistol that uses kinetic energy and an innovated forward slide to eject caseless rounds outward.

Bugs and issues
Chainsaw increases impact damage if flying horizontally into the target, I'm assuming this is caused by some kind of recoil effect
DC-15's [Not listed] magazine is appearing above the weapon
i'm still attempting to fix this.

Sprites not final, but will most likely be used.

Last edited by Svendice on Thu Nov 08, 2012 5:32 pm, edited 7 times in total.

Tue Nov 06, 2012 10:41 pm
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Post Re: First mod - 8Ball Industries [WIP]
I just realized how small the weapon images are, i'm an idiot, I'll have new ones up momentarily.


Tue Nov 06, 2012 10:48 pm
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Post Re: First mod - 8Ball Industries [WIP]
So, uh... what am I here to criticize? Just the images?

I don't like the sound of a chainsaw that rapes terrain for every meal of the day.

Tue Nov 06, 2012 11:14 pm
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Post Re: First mod - 8Ball Industries [WIP]
4zK wrote:
So, uh... what am I here to criticize? Just the images?

I don't like the sound of a chainsaw that rapes terrain for every meal of the day.

that was kindof an improvised description, it does maybe 1/2 more damage to concrete than the regular chainsaw. It does do well against armored units such as rockets and heavy infantry though.

I'm about to update the topic, and sprite criticism would be nice once I get a few more up.

Wed Nov 07, 2012 12:38 am
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Post Re: First mod - 8Ball Industries [WIP]
I did a crapload of work, and finally, the pack has more weapons

I may be doing a sniper rifle and laser pistol/rifle next, and a rocket launcher is still lingering in my idea list.

Thu Nov 08, 2012 5:31 pm
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Post Re: First mod - 8Ball Industries [WIP]
I don't get it. Are you just showing sprite ideas, or is there an actual mod? Shouldn't you add a download link and post this on the Mod Releases section?

Thu Nov 08, 2012 5:51 pm
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Post Re: First mod - 8Ball Industries [WIP]
I'll do that in a few minutes I guess.

Thu Nov 08, 2012 7:57 pm
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Post Re: First mod - 8Ball Industries [WIP]
Well I can tell that your sprites have potential.
They aren't bad, but they need some work.

Now, you want to create random junk?

Try to create a flashlight.

Fri Nov 09, 2012 12:36 am
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