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 Sprited Projectile value issues 
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Joined: Fri Nov 09, 2012 5:53 am
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Post Sprited Projectile value issues
I wasn't really sure what to put for the title so yeah, I'll explain it better here. Also, this is probably something really simple, so I apologize in advance

So, same old story, new to scripting and all that fun stuff, I probably don't have to explain that to you guys. Anyways, I've been working on a custom Revolver Cannon-esque weapon that fires actual sprited projectiles, instead of a single pixel bullet. I intended it to penetrate walls and terrain, armor, etc, to some extent, so I've edited the Imperatus Revolver Cannon script to my liking, except there's no FireVelocity, Sharpness, etc. values for the projectile, and my attempts to add them just result in the game giving me errors. So yeah, its probably really basic but I can't figure it out for the life of me so I thought I'd ask.
And yes, I already did search around through the pages a bit, but I didn't know what to specifically look for, so yeah.
If needed I can attach the script and stuffs, but I'll wait to see until someone responds.

Fri Nov 09, 2012 6:15 am
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Post Re: Sprited Projectile value issues
Well, the thing about those sprited projectiles (MOSRotatings or TDExplosives) is that they don't HAVE sharpness, or rather, they don't use it for their collisions. The only reliable way to make such a projectile go through terrain would be with some clever Lua involving StrengthRays (i'm not quite in a Lua state at the moment), or just give the projectile a completely absurd mass (and buff up the GibImpulseLimit accordingly, otherwise it'll gib on impact). The latter comes with the complication of incredible recoil, but i think the revolver cannon actually has a bypass for that already.

However, there are also MOSParticles, which are essentially MOPixels with a sprite. They can cause wounds in the same manner, though they can't be rotated, so it might end up looking odd. Cargo rocket flames, for instance, are MOSParticles, so you could copy from there.

Fri Nov 09, 2012 8:56 pm
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Post Re: Sprited Projectile value issues
Oh well, but thanks for explaining it anyways. I don't think I'll bother trying to get into Lua any time soon, I get confused enough with the .ini scripts as it is.

Sat Nov 10, 2012 12:21 am
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