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 I need some ideas/concepts/feedback/<insert_something_here> 
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Post I need some ideas/concepts/feedback/<insert_something_here>
Hi everyone!

I just signed up yesterday, so I don't know the forums very well yet (and sorry for my english, I am french).

I basically can mod, I don't know lua well yet but it will come with some practice. I'm about to start a mod, maybe a big faction of doom, maybe just 2 or three weaps, but I have too many not-so-good ideas, instead of a good one. I need you to help me choosing a "theme".

Here's what I came up with while thinking about it:
- a "Dieselpunk" themed faction, with a greenish/military primary color and heavy powerfull ballistic weaponry;
- a futuristic faction of specialists, all in black with green glows and an accurate weaponry (but expensive, eh).

I also made some kind of "graphical" research (30 minutes tbh) and here are some weapon sprites following my ideas:
PS: The one on the right is a try

Any concept art/idea/feedback/suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thx :)


Sun Mar 01, 2015 7:28 pm
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Post Re: I need some ideas/concepts/feedback/<insert_something_here>
I'd say you need to complete this for your mod, i'll have to dig up the rest of the sprites however its yours if you can do the gibs and get it working as an independent faction rather than a reskin.


Sun Mar 01, 2015 10:21 pm
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Post Re: I need some ideas/concepts/feedback/<insert_something_here>
COuld use a bit more research, also the strange serration/jaggedness of the top right rifle, you could probably get a more pleasing effect though manual anti-aliasing.

Sun Mar 01, 2015 10:42 pm

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Post Re: I need some ideas/concepts/feedback/<insert_something_here>
Thx for the replies!

Honestly I haven't got too much time this day, I'll spend more on it tomorrow.
Also, I'll study manual AA but it seems to be a good idea, I just read somewhere that it wasn't recommended with pixel art in general and low size sprites. I'm most likely wrong, so don't take it too seriously : )

Also, if someone has either a nice color scheme, some nice concept arts found over the Internet or even theme/factions ideas, don't hesitate to tell me about it. I already found some nice Dieselpunk concepts on Deviantart.


Sun Mar 01, 2015 11:15 pm
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There's a trade off between dithering and aa, namely shape and color. But those are just two techniques out of the book; I don't know the ins and outs of this, but I do know that there may be some technique for it, though, the alternative is to try to make an aesthetic that doesn't need it.

Mon Mar 02, 2015 12:02 am

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Post Re: I need some ideas/concepts/feedback/<insert_something_here>

Hi everyone!

I have some good concepts arts from DA now, and a few ideas. Consider that the first one doesn't count, it's from the gun spriting tutorial. The second one is a try for a generic sniper rifle and the third one is one I came up with after some work. I like its shape, but I don't like the brown colors I used and some of the contrasts. I'll make a complete set of firearms with a similar design tomorrow, just to see how it could looks.

PS: I also noticed a side of the game that start to bother/annoy me, the pew-pew feel of the guns. I could rebalance it (in a new custom faction) in a realistic way, basing myself on the ronins to have a real caliber reference somewhere over the internet to start with, and reintroduce unbuyable weapons. But it seems long to do so I want to be sure people wants it before starting to work on it. Just an idea tho.

Mon Mar 02, 2015 6:57 pm
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Post Re: I need some ideas/concepts/feedback/<insert_something_here>
There are many fiddly bits within the ini's that let you make recoil do something. (Eg, force transfer on top of the normal force of emitting x particle at y vel.)

Mon Mar 02, 2015 11:16 pm
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Post Re: I need some ideas/concepts/feedback/<insert_something_here>
Hmm... not bad at all.

I'm afraid you probably won't have much luck drumming up interest here though - the forums are fairly dead. That said, I'm pretty sure if you were to make such a mod and publish it on CC's Steam Workshop, then it would probably be reasonably well-received.

Mon Mar 02, 2015 11:30 pm
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